Sunday, May 26, 2024

Motherly Love


    As a mother, I find it ridiculous to state the obvious to my children. “Close the door so we don’t get bugs in the house. Pick up after yourself.  If a box is empty, don’t put it back in the cupboard.”  It seems silly that I would have to say these things repeatedly.

  Throughout history, there have been many Marian apparitions. Some have been private, and others are accompanied by miracles. Over and over, Mary has requested that we turn away from sin and love her Son. She wants the best for us. Mary, I'm sorry we haven't been good listeners.  It seems silly you would have to keep asking us to love God.

  Being holy isn't easy, but it is possible if we listen to Mary's gentle words of wisdom. I think if we were really honest with ourselves, we could all love God better than what we are doing right now.  Personally, I know I could do better. I need to close the door of temptations so I don't let sin in my house. I need to start picking up after myself. And I shouldn't keep my rosary hidden in a drawer or shelf. I should hold it in my hands and let Mary pull me as close to Jesus as possible.


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