Saturday, May 11, 2024

Bucket List Moment


    Last night, I checked off a bucket list item: I saw the Northern Lights!  They were so beautiful and unexpected. My kids and I were so excited to see them from our yard.  We then jumped into the car and drove to the country for a better view.  We zigzagged down one road to another until we pulled off the side of the road near a large farm.  We jumped out of the car, ran through the field, and gasped as the heavenly lights captivated us!  The sight didn't last forever, but witnessing that was a thrill!

  I thanked God for such an incredible night! As I thought about this fun adventure, I couldn't overlook a lesson hidden in the details. My life in Christ has also been quite a beautiful, unexpected adventure.  Following the Light of Christ has taken me down unexpected roads and places I did not intend to go. The journey is an incredible rush when I allow the Holy Spirit to be in the driver's seat!

  This week, we celebrate Jesus' Ascension into heaven. Jesus announces that He is sending each disciple on a mission. Go out and share the joy of the Gospel! Here is our chance to fill God's bucket list.  Tell everyone the Good News! Let every man, woman, and child give their heart to God and love one another. Don't delay. Jump into that mission! That would indeed be a beautiful sight for God and the whole world! 


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