Sunday, May 19, 2024

Come Holy Spirit


  It's a truly awe-inspiring coincidence that Pentecost falls in May this year, a time when we celebrate the profound connection between the Holy Spirit and Mary.  The Holy Spirit is not just active, but truly alive in the souls that hold Mary in their hearts. As St. Lois De Montfort beautifully articulates, 'When the Holy Spirit finds Mary in a soul, He flies to it.'  What better way to honor this connection than by praying the Rosary, allowing Mary to share her deep love of the Holy Spirit with you.

  Today is a very special day to acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit in yourself, the Church, and throughout the world. I was recently facilitating a Confirmation retreat. I encouraged the teens to pray to the Holy Spirit.  Praying to the Holy Spirit is not just a Confirmation thing or a Pentecost thing. Pray to the Holy Spirit every day. The Holy Spirit is the Divine person living inside of you.  Talk to Him.  Listen to Him.  Allow the Holy Spirit to inspire and transform you to be a disciple of Christ!

  The Holy Spirit is my closest friend.  He knows my thoughts, my fears, and my weaknesses, and he's okay with them because He knows that I can rely on His courage, wisdom, and understanding. I am a simple soul, but He guides me to deeper waters and enlightens me little by little. He constantly calls me to be more holy when my actions are disappointing. He heals me, comforts me, and opens my eyes to see clearly. Yes, he is indeed my best friend, and he would happily be yours as well. Just give Him a call.


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