Sunday, September 8, 2024

Birthday Wishes


  My granddaughter has a September birthday.  She has been reminding me that it's almost her birthday since the beginning of summer.  "Of course, I know your birthday is almost here!  That's a very special day!  And who else has a September birthday?"

  "Mary!" she will answer.

  One day, she told me she had shared our conversation with another relative. That person told her, "Oh, we don't celebrate Mary's birthday; we only celebrate Jesus' birthday."  She looked sad and asked if that was true.

  "I celebrate Mary's birthday! She is my mother in heaven, and I love her!  I would feel bad if I didn't wish Mary Happy Birthday. I bet Jesus celebrates Mary's birthday.  I know it makes Jesus very happy when people love Mary, too!"

  My granddaughter smiled, "Yes, I think so too!"

  Don't let the day go by without wishing Mary a Happy Birthday!  Let your love for Mary show!  Spoil her with flowers, a bouquet of good works, or a joyful song.  The best present you could give Mary, is your "Yes" to God.  Mary is so happy when people say yes to God!  And be sure to carve out fifteen minutes of special time with Mary praying the Rosary. 

 I have a hunch that when Mary blows out the candles on her cake, her birthday wish is for everyone to pray the Rosary and give God their "Yes!"  Enjoy your day with Mom, and remember, her love for you is boundless.



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