Saturday, September 28, 2024

Linger With Me


  While praying the rosary this week, I felt the pull to linger on the Transfiguration a little longer. Of course, the Transfiguration is a significant moment for Jesus, Peter, James, and John. It is a moment when the apostles come face to face with Jesus' divinity. They witness the Presence of the Holy Spirit and God as a bright cloud and then audibly hear the voice of God speak directly to them.  Wow!

  The apostles experienced the Divine with their senses. But how do we experience God’s Divine Presence? The Holy Spirit has been dwelling within us since our baptism.  Do you allow yourself to fully embrace this truth?  Have you truly taken the time to consider how incredibly unique and miraculous this reality is?  The Transfiguration was a miraculous moment in time, and since Pentecost and our own Baptisms, we have been living miraculous lives!  And if this was not enough, we touch the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ every time we receive the Holy Eucharist! What a privilege! Wow!

  I need to address a question that came to mind while praying.  Do I believe God is who He has revealed himself to be?  Do I believe He is truly present in me and my life, or am I like so many in the crowds that followed Jesus shouting, “Give us another miracle so we can believe!”


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