Saturday, September 21, 2024

Time To Declutter


  My children gave me a wonderful surprise last weekend.  "Mom, we are going to clean out your garage!"

 My eyes grew with excitement.  "Really?"  I asked.  "That is going to be a huge job."  

 "We know!"

 It turned out to be a monumental task that spanned over two days. Not because my garage is oversized; it was just filled with stuff. I've lived in my house for a long time. Little by little, things were put in the garage: toys, costumes, and books my kids had outgrown but wanted to keep for their children, furniture, picture frames, and holiday decorations that had long been forgotten about.  There were just too many things.  We began making piles to donate, throw away, or recycle.  I have to admit the size of the piles was embarrassing.  I was obviously not traveling through life lightly.  The world of things was definitely weighing me down.

 Amidst the boxes of accumulated items, I stumbled upon papers from religious classes I had taught. This discovery served as a reminder that while my garage may be cluttered, my faith remains clear and unwavering. My belongings may take up physical space, but my faith fills my heart. These papers, mere words on a page to some, are cherished moments of prayer and communion with the Lord to me.

 As I looked around my garage, I noticed it reflected the inner struggles of daily life. Side by side, the world sits next to my faith. But there isn't enough room for both. I need to declutter my thoughts and affection for worldly things. What I allow to remain in my heart must center around God. Will that be a big job to accomplish? Probably. But when you come together as a family, big things can happen.


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