Sunday, September 1, 2024

Keep Your Focus On Jesus


    I love reading about the saints!  Their unwavering focus on Jesus is something I strive to emulate. I often find myself lost in thoughts about what it might be like to have a mystical vision of Jesus. If the Lord stood before me today, would I look away even for one second?  I imagined at that moment that I would be so overwhelmed with love that nothing could distract me. It would be the most glorious moment of my life!  

  Ironically, my closest experiences of Jesus standing before me occurred during Mass with my eyes closed. My eyes aren’t closed because  I’m trying to look holy. My eyes are closed because I am not holy. My eyes can’t perceive how close Jesus is to me. My eyes see what is in front of me. The person who walked into Mass late, the person texting on their phone, the time on my watch, etc. With my eyes closed, I can feel His Presence and hear His whispers, and my heart longs for heaven. I have found that my eyes see Jesus best when they allow my heart to see the vision. 

   This week, I encourage you to find your own unique ways to keep your focus on Jesus. Whether through prayer, meditation, or simply reflecting on His teachings, see what works best for you and embrace it.  


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