Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Cliffhanger


  Last night, my daughter got home from summer camp. As we got caught up, I announced that I had finished the fourth season of The Chosen. "Did it end with a good cliffhanger?" my daughter asked.

  I chuckled and said, "I don't know if I would call it a cliffhanger because I know how the story ends, but it was excellent."

  My daughter laughed and said, "Well, obviously, you know what's going to happen."

  I thought about that conversation later.  Do I really know how the story ends? Of course, historically, I know what occurred to Jesus and the birth of the Church, but the story continues two thousand years later.  We are still trying to spread the Gospel to the ends of the world.  I'm still trying to share the Gospel, and I often wonder if when my time comes to an end, I will have done enough?  Will my life end with a cliffhanger, or will I succeed in the mission God has for my life?


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