Saturday, September 28, 2024

Linger With Me


  While praying the rosary this week, I felt the pull to linger on the Transfiguration a little longer. Of course, the Transfiguration is a significant moment for Jesus, Peter, James, and John. It is a moment when the apostles come face to face with Jesus' divinity. They witness the Presence of the Holy Spirit and God as a bright cloud and then audibly hear the voice of God speak directly to them.  Wow!

  The apostles experienced the Divine with their senses. But how do we experience God’s Divine Presence? The Holy Spirit has been dwelling within us since our baptism.  Do you allow yourself to fully embrace this truth?  Have you truly taken the time to consider how incredibly unique and miraculous this reality is?  The Transfiguration was a miraculous moment in time, and since Pentecost and our own Baptisms, we have been living miraculous lives!  And if this was not enough, we touch the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ every time we receive the Holy Eucharist! What a privilege! Wow!

  I need to address a question that came to mind while praying.  Do I believe God is who He has revealed himself to be?  Do I believe He is truly present in me and my life, or am I like so many in the crowds that followed Jesus shouting, “Give us another miracle so we can believe!”


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Time To Declutter


  My children gave me a wonderful surprise last weekend.  "Mom, we are going to clean out your garage!"

 My eyes grew with excitement.  "Really?"  I asked.  "That is going to be a huge job."  

 "We know!"

 It turned out to be a monumental task that spanned over two days. Not because my garage is oversized; it was just filled with stuff. I've lived in my house for a long time. Little by little, things were put in the garage: toys, costumes, and books my kids had outgrown but wanted to keep for their children, furniture, picture frames, and holiday decorations that had long been forgotten about.  There were just too many things.  We began making piles to donate, throw away, or recycle.  I have to admit the size of the piles was embarrassing.  I was obviously not traveling through life lightly.  The world of things was definitely weighing me down.

 Amidst the boxes of accumulated items, I stumbled upon papers from religious classes I had taught. This discovery served as a reminder that while my garage may be cluttered, my faith remains clear and unwavering. My belongings may take up physical space, but my faith fills my heart. These papers, mere words on a page to some, are cherished moments of prayer and communion with the Lord to me.

 As I looked around my garage, I noticed it reflected the inner struggles of daily life. Side by side, the world sits next to my faith. But there isn't enough room for both. I need to declutter my thoughts and affection for worldly things. What I allow to remain in my heart must center around God. Will that be a big job to accomplish? Probably. But when you come together as a family, big things can happen.


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Birthday Wishes


  My granddaughter has a September birthday.  She has been reminding me that it's almost her birthday since the beginning of summer.  "Of course, I know your birthday is almost here!  That's a very special day!  And who else has a September birthday?"

  "Mary!" she will answer.

  One day, she told me she had shared our conversation with another relative. That person told her, "Oh, we don't celebrate Mary's birthday; we only celebrate Jesus' birthday."  She looked sad and asked if that was true.

  "I celebrate Mary's birthday! She is my mother in heaven, and I love her!  I would feel bad if I didn't wish Mary Happy Birthday. I bet Jesus celebrates Mary's birthday.  I know it makes Jesus very happy when people love Mary, too!"

  My granddaughter smiled, "Yes, I think so too!"

  Don't let the day go by without wishing Mary a Happy Birthday!  Let your love for Mary show!  Spoil her with flowers, a bouquet of good works, or a joyful song.  The best present you could give Mary, is your "Yes" to God.  Mary is so happy when people say yes to God!  And be sure to carve out fifteen minutes of special time with Mary praying the Rosary. 

 I have a hunch that when Mary blows out the candles on her cake, her birthday wish is for everyone to pray the Rosary and give God their "Yes!"  Enjoy your day with Mom, and remember, her love for you is boundless.



Sunday, September 1, 2024

Keep Your Focus On Jesus


    I love reading about the saints!  Their unwavering focus on Jesus is something I strive to emulate. I often find myself lost in thoughts about what it might be like to have a mystical vision of Jesus. If the Lord stood before me today, would I look away even for one second?  I imagined at that moment that I would be so overwhelmed with love that nothing could distract me. It would be the most glorious moment of my life!  

  Ironically, my closest experiences of Jesus standing before me occurred during Mass with my eyes closed. My eyes aren’t closed because  I’m trying to look holy. My eyes are closed because I am not holy. My eyes can’t perceive how close Jesus is to me. My eyes see what is in front of me. The person who walked into Mass late, the person texting on their phone, the time on my watch, etc. With my eyes closed, I can feel His Presence and hear His whispers, and my heart longs for heaven. I have found that my eyes see Jesus best when they allow my heart to see the vision. 

   This week, I encourage you to find your own unique ways to keep your focus on Jesus. Whether through prayer, meditation, or simply reflecting on His teachings, see what works best for you and embrace it.  
