Sunday, June 30, 2024

I Care


  I wanted to catch up on some much-needed landscaping work this weekend.  Nothing crazy, just trimming trees, pulling weeds, and laying down mulch. Halfway through the project, I realized I would need more mulch.  My son and I jumped into the car to buy some more.  We hit up the landscaping store and then another retail store.  After the second store, I entered the car and glanced down at my knees.  "Oh my gosh," I exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me my knees were all stained from laying down the mulch?"

  My son said, "Don't worry about it, Mom.  No one's going to notice or care."

  "You don't think anyone in the last two stores wondered why my knees were stained?  I could have easily washed it off."  A few minutes later, I started another conversation with my son.  "So, how many of your friends go to church?"

  My son gave me a face,  "None of them.  Nobody cares about church."

  "Seriously, that's so sad."  Later in the day, I couldn't help but recall these two conversations. I kept hearing the words "Nobody cares" in my thoughts.

  I want to announce to everyone that I care and invite anyone who has been away from the Mass to come back. I care about your relationship with Jesus. It must be so challenging to live life without Him. There is nothing complicated about coming back.  God welcomes you with open arms. As just as a bit of soap and water washed my stains, God can also cleanse you.  He's just waiting to shower you with His graces. So come on back home. God has a beautiful fountain of Mercy that He can't wait to share with you!


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Open The Door Please


  My children and I often disagree over politics, religion, and social norms. Our dinner conversations span from spirited debates to heated arguments, sometimes leading to premature departures from the table. We all hold firm beliefs and strive to be right. Yet, the challenge of truly considering another viewpoint remains. This challenge came to mind as I delved into the Gospel of John this past week. I found myself pondering why the Pharisees could not embrace Jesus' teachings.

 It's true that there are numerous reasons why the Pharisees couldn't embrace Jesus's teachings. However, today, I want to steer my thoughts in a different direction. I found myself contemplating how many times in my life I was so convinced of my correctness that I failed to perceive the voice of God.

 Jesus extends an invitation to each of us to partake in the feast of spiritual growth. But have I, in my arrogance, left the table prematurely when God challenged my beliefs to be more inclusive, loving, or forgiving? Have I reached a point where I believe I know enough, and thus, ceased my quest for deeper truths?  This week, I will ask God to heal my narrow-mindedness and open my heart, mind, and ears to those divine truths that I struggle to perceive, hear, and accept. Lord, I don't need to be right all the time, but I yearn to be on the right path that leads me to you.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Why Must This Be?


   I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman today.  He was telling me about a past experience with one of his children; at the time, the doctors thought the child had a very serious condition with a poor prognosis.  He told me he went home and cried for hours.  He said he had asked God why this was happening to him.  He didn’t smoke or drink, and he was always kind to people.  Why was this happening to him?

  I think that is a very natural response to a stressful life event.  Shouldn’t bad things only happen to bad people?  The answer, of course, is no.  Unfortunately, agonizing events can happen to anyone for so many different reasons. And even though we know God is all-loving, most of us, at one time or another, have blamed God when things went wrong. 

  Pain, like anger, can be overwhelming and difficult to experience alone. But that may be the point we often overlook. We are not alone. God is very present in our most difficult moments. Not because He is testing or punishing us but rather because He loves us so dearly and wants to help us. The difficult decision we need to make is: Can we trust God instead of blaming Him?

  Perhaps if we turned to God each day with the small annoyances of the day, we could develop a holy habit of relying upon God. Then, when we find ourselves faced with really difficult situations, we will give Him our pain and trust God to navigate the storm for us.  We may find ourselves on an unknown shore, but we will never be alone.

  Fortunately, the gentleman I spoke with today received a blessing instead of a tragedy. Let us pray this week for those who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves on an unexpected shore.  Let us pray they trust God who is all-loving, all-caring, and always at our side.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

That's A Lot Of Celebrating!


   Sometimes, people focus on all the "rules" of Catholicism, and they might overlook how much Catholics like celebrating.  Sure, Lent was a long forty days of reflection, fasting, and repenting, but since Easter, we have been doing a lot of praising!  We just can't stop talking about God's incredible love for us! We have rejoiced in Jesus' Resurrection, joyously celebrated God's Mercy,  Jesus' Ascension into heaven, reveled in the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, marveled at the mystery of the Holy Trinity, cherished Jesus' Presence in the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, and turned our gaze upon the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!  That's a lot of celebrating!

 I love being Catholic! I love that we joyously reflect on God's goodness. Trying to become holy is not dull. It is, in fact, enlightening.  Holy people have rich, vibrant lives filled with God's peace and love. So, if you looking for a life filled with fun, excitement, and celebrations, open your heart to the truths of your Catholic faith and let the fun begin! 


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Having a Moment


  As I approached the altar, I heard a voice, “Who do you say I am?”

  I answered, “You are my Lord and Savior. The Son of the living God.”

  “Do you believe this is my flesh for the life of the world?”

  “ Yes, I do! Amen. “

  The sacrad host was placed in my hand. I am not important, yet God Almighty allows me to hold his heart in my hands." Lord Jesus, I am amazed that you have allowed me to stand in Your presence and join my small heart with Your great love."

  Jesus smiled and said, “My dear child, I made your heart like mine. It, too, is capable of merciful love. Let me nourish your heart to love without judgment, prejudice, or jealousy. If you allow me to enter, I can do great things even with a small heart. “

  “Jesus, I trust you and open my heart completely to you. Transform me, Jesus. You are the Son of the living God.  Nothing is impossible for You. Nothing.”

  As I returned to my pew, I felt an indescribable change in my heart. It was filling with the sweet divine love of Jesus. I am so blessed to receive the body and blood of Christ.
