Thursday, March 31, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Walking together towards Divine Mercy Sunday
I hope the Easter season is encouraging you to feel blessed with God's amazing love. Only a God who loves us this much would suffer and die so that we could be forgiven and redeemed! May we continue this Easter journey towards Divine Mercy Sunday trusting Jesus and extending mercy to others. Jesus told St. Faustina that "on that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy." Let us walk together, sinner and saints, thirsty for God's love and mercy.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Mother Angelica
"Never put a lid on God. You can give God a thimble and ask for a quart. It won't work. Your plans, your projects, your dreams have to always be bigger than you, so God has room to operate. I want you to get good ideas, crazy ideas, extravagant ideas. Nothing is too much for the Lord to do-accent on 'The Lord'."
Mother Angelica
We are saddened to learn of Mother Angelica's passing. This faithful woman lived with courage, conviction and passion. She was a modern day prophet preaching the words we all needed to hear. Talk after talk, I was inspired by her to draw closer to the Lord. I think I will try to honor her memory by dreaming up some extravagant ways I could bring the Lord's message to others. It's good to have a dream. Thank you Lord for the gift of your servant Mother Angelica.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! We hope the Risen Lord Jesus fills your heart with Joy!
God Bless,
Theresa and Susan
Friday, March 25, 2016
Good Friday
Gina woke up early Good Friday morning. She picked up her Rosary and knelt beside her bed. "The Sorrowful Mysteries, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit...." Gina prayed that Mary would help her draw closer to Jesus today. As she slid her fingers from one bead to the next, Mary quietly came to sit next to Gina as she prayed. Though Gina never saw Mary, nor heard her voice, she listened to Mary with her heart.
"Gina take my hand and let's walk down the Via Delorosa. I wish for you to begin to understand the depths of God's love and mercy for you. As my Son walked this path to His death, He suffered tremendously both physically and emotionally. He saw in some hearts the very best of people and sadly he experienced in others how painfully ugly sin can really be. The physical and verbal abuse came as crushing blows to my Son. I had but an instant to look into His eyes after He had fallen from the weight of the cross. But sometimes you only need a minute for Him to gaze upon you, penetrate your soul, and reveal God's Plan. I had but an instant to say, 'I love you. Let God's Will be done,' before they dragged us away from each other. I did not hear Him speak again until He was hanging from His cross. Every word He said is engraved in my heart forever. If you wish to grow closer to My Son, spend time with Him on His Cross. Meditate on His final words. What do His words mean to you?.........
When the guard thrust his sword into my son's side piercing His Sacred Heart, I witnessed the blood and water flow forth. This is when God's great mercy flowed forth from the very depths of His heart. His divine mercy is for you and for everyone. Thank God everyday for this great gift and tell others about His mercy."
Gina's fingers came full circle back to the crucifix. Reverently she kissed the crucifix and said, "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Thank you, Mary."
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Holy Thursday
It wasn't long before mass began. It was as wonderful as always with the traditional washing of the feet. Somehow the Eucharistic prayers are just more beautiful on Holy Thursday. It is as if the Holy Spirit heightens your desire and love for Jesus. After I received my Lord and Savior, the cantor began to sing one of my favorite songs, "How Beautiful" written by Ann Wilson and Twila Paris. "How beautiful is the Body of Christ" and I am completely overwhelmed that Jesus sacrificed His life for me. (If you are not familiar with this song, I word encourage you to listen to it over the next few days.)
There is something very special about Holy Thursday mass, please join in the celebration today. Let's all unite ourselves with Christ around His table of love.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 8)
"Are you up to going for a walk?" Jesus asked me. "The canyon is really beautiful just passed the bend."
"Yes, I would love to see that! That's one of the reasons I love coming out here. It seems like there is always something amazing to see no matter what direction you look." As we walked I soaked in the beauty that was all around us. The cliffs on both sides caused the path to narrow as we walked alongside a small creek and then the path surprisingly opened up to a breath-taking cove with a magnificent waterfall.
"Wow! This is incredible! I never even knew this was here!" I exclaimed.
"Well, unless you share it, this is a pretty well kept secret. Most people pass by the beach where we ate lunch so they never see this."
As we walked around the cove I was completely amazed. I was really enjoying being with Jesus. It was as if I was suddenly seeing everything in a different light. As we continued to walk my thoughts drifted back to Jesus' question-Could I teach others to pray? I had no idea how I would go about this. Where would I even start? Why would anyone listen to me?
"Careful you don't trip," Jesus warned.
I looked down at the path and I saw nothing in my way. "What do you see that I don't?" I asked puzzled.
"Don't let your fears trip you up. It's a lot easier to find excuses than it is to muster a little courage," revealed Jesus. "I thought you were going to trust me," Jesus said with a smile.
"I am. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to slip back into my old habits. want me to help others to pray, how would you like me to go about that?"
"It's simpler than you think. First, I want you to start with yourself. Devote some time to prayer. Really get to know me. I have so much I want to share with you. Little by little I will reveal truths to you and your faith will grow stronger. Close your eyes to the ways of the world and just feel my presence inside you. Then when you open your eyes you will see the world through my eyes and not your own. The beauty of this waterfall pales in comparison to the beauty of a soul that trusts in my loving mercy. As I extend my mercy to you then you must extend it to others."
"Who do you want me to share this knowledge of prayer with?"
"I want you to start very slow. Begin by praying for those around you. As you pray for others your eyes will be opened to their needs. Do what you can to help them. They will be touched by your example, and will want to do the same."
"Should I tell them I'm praying for them?" I asked. "I don't usually tell people 'I'll pray for you'. It seems a little awkward."
"Well, I'll leave that up to you, but most people like to know that you care enough to offer prayers for them."
"What should I say?"
"Tell people that you will pray that God will help them. I want people to know that I will always love them, especially when things are difficult. Tell them to always turn to me and not to turn away. So many people turn away from me when they encounter problems and that makes their burden even more difficult. Every child needs to be directed through a storm or else the storm will consume them. Encourage them to trust me and pray that they, too, will hear my voice and allow me to guide them."
I took a deep breath in and then slowly let it out. I felt a refreshing breeze blow through me as I did my best to understand and remember everything Jesus had just told me. "So what should I do next?"
"Exactly what you did today. Follow my lead. I am the Way the Truth and the Light. Trust me and look around you. Notice who I put in your path. Pray with your heart and listen for my voice."
"Jesus, I'm starting to think I really could do this."
"I always knew you could."
"And you will always be there for me?"
Jesus smiled and promised, "Always....Are you ready to begin?"
(This story stops here, but it will continue when you discover that this story was about you, and Jesus would like you to follow His lead. Are you ready to begin?")
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday
Friday, March 18, 2016
I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 7)
I sat for a while on the rock looking out into the water. I tried to take in Jesus' words as best as I could. Perhaps if I had led a more prayerful life from the start this would make more sense to me. My life was filled with past pains and I suspected my heart was too injured to let go of all the pain and anger and just trust again. There was definitely a lot more to "Thy Will be done" than I had previously realized.
I turned to Jesus and said, "I don't know if I would be a very good reflection of your love. You know what my heart and life look like. There are days that I am more messed up than I like to admit."
I felt Jesus' hand on my arm and he gave me a gentle squeeze. His eyes looked directly into mine as he spoke. "I know your heart has been wounded. I understand wounded hearts. Mine, too, was pierced. But it was through this piercing that I poured my love and mercy onto the world. If you allowed me, I could heal your heart and that wound which holds you back will become the spot that I will dwell. Over time that vulnerable area of pain will heal you and others."
"That torn area in your heart will not be able to hold my loving mercy inside and it will flow threw your pierced areas and touch those near to you. This is why I wish people didn't run away from me when their hearts are wounded. Away from me, that area could eventually heal, but often it becomes hardened as well. I will take your painful wounds, heal them, and then let them become the source of your strength."
"Can you really do that with me?"
"I can if you spend your life trusting me."
I wanted to say "yes" to Jesus right away, but I took a few minutes to let his words sink in. Was I ready to trust again?......I nodded my head yes and said "Jesus, I trust in You!"
Jesus gave me a big warm smile and said, "See you know more about prayer than you thought. Giving me your trust is one of my favorite prayers."
I returned his warm smile and for the first time, in a long time, I felt hope again. And it felt really good.
(to be continued)
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Vacationing with God #6- Chicago, Illinois
My family and I love catching the Sunday mass at Old St. Patrick's Church whenever we visit downtown Chicago. This beautiful Celtic church built in the mid 1800's boasts of Irish charm and magnificent stained glass windows. However, even though this church is ornately beautiful, the true beauty of the church can be found in it's members. The music ministers are very talented, the parishioners friendly, and the priests are very welcoming. When you come to mass at Old St. Pat's you don't feel like a visitor, you feel very much at home. I imagine that is exactly how St. Patrick would want you to feel. Please be sure to include Old St. Pat's the next time you visit Chicago.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
"I bind myself today, -
To the power of God to guide me,
The might of God to uphold me,
The wisdom of God to teach me,
The eye of God to watch over me,
The ear of God to bear me,
The Word of God to speak for me,
The hand of God to protect me,
The way of God to lie before me,
The shield of God to shelter me,
The host of God to defend me"
-St. Patrick
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 6)
We paddled towards a small sandy beach tucked between two large rock formations. As we got close, I offered to jump out and guide the canoe up on shore. Jumping into the thigh-high water felt refreshing. I secured the canoe as Jesus found a perfect spot to sit on two rocks covered in shade. Jesus pulled out two good size deli sandwiches from his bag. They looked delicious.
"Wow! I hope those taste as good as they look!" I exclaimed.
Jesus handed me one saying, "Wait until you try it. You're going to love it! I picked them up at a deli on the east side. The owners are really great people!"
I took a big bite. "Oh my gosh, this is amazing! It's like all my favorites in one sandwich. How did you know I liked..." I didn't bother to finish my sentence when I glanced up and saw Jesus smiling at me. "Of course, you know what I like." I managed to mumble before I devoured the sandwich. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I took that first bite. Within minutes my sandwich was gone and then Jesus handed me another deli bag with two soft baked chocolate chip cookies.
"This is way better than the lunch I had packed for myself!" I confessed.
"Good, I'm glad you're enjoying it! I like to see you happy! You were starting to look a little stressed out while we were fishing."
"Ya, I think I was starting to freak out a little. I'm not really sure what you want me to do. You asked me earlier today if I meant everything I said when I prayed. I started thinking about the "Our Father". I got as far as "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." I have to admit I have no idea what your Will is for me. I mean don't get me wrong, I really want to do your Will, but how do I know what that is?"
Jesus put his sandwich down and said, "That's why prayer is so important. I can't reveal My Will to you if you're not listening. We need to spend time together. The more time we spend together the more likely you will be to understand those soft yearnings tugging at your heart and mind to carry out certain actions or decisions."
"I'm not sure I understand."
"You need to look inside yourself because that is where I dwell. I am love and your life should be a reflection of my love."
"How do I reflect your love?"
"You reflect my love when you put the needs of others before your own. When you remember to forgive and to let go of your anger. I would like you to try to be open to council from those I place in you life, and get to know me by opening scripture. Live each day trusting me and allowing me to lead, especially when your footing seems unstable and you can't see the way. And there will be times I will need you to accept the mystery of suffering so that you can recognize and embrace the sufferings of others. "Thy will be done" can at times be the hardest and most difficult prayer to say, but it is also the prayer with the sweetest of all rewards."
I looked at Jesus and I wasn't sure what to say or ask next. "Jesus, I'm just going to be honest with you. I'm going to need a few minutes to absorb all this. Would it be alright if I just sat here with you and thought about all this?"
Jesus nodded his head and smiled. "I would love to spend a few quiet moments together. That's what prayer is all about."
(to be continued)
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Friday, March 11, 2016
Thursday, March 10, 2016
I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 5)
As Jesus and I sat fishing, my thoughts seemed to travel down my fishing pole and deep into the water. I had no idea how I would encourage others to pray and I had no idea why Jesus would choose me. Jesus chose me....I still couldn't wrap my head around that. Why would anyone listen to me? How many times had I tuned out someone who was talking about God or prayer? I mean when you are in church of course you can talk about God, but was Jesus asking me to talk to people outside of church? Who would I approach? Strangers? Neighbors? Co-workers? I could feel my head shaking back and forth again. Was I going to become one of those religious fanatics? Oh, please tell me I'm not going to become the kind of person everyone avoids. What exactly does Jesus want me to do?
As I sat there I could feel the perspiration from my head slowly slide down my face. Was it getting hotter out here or is this whole prayer talk freaking me out? I wiped the sweat off my forehead with a towel from my backpack and grabbed my water bottle for a quick drink. "Just relax," I told myself. I looked over at Jesus. He seemed perfectly content to just sit in silence and let me think. The heat didn't seem to be bothering him at all.
Jesus seemed to sense my gaze and he turned and asked, "Hey, are you hungry? There's a little beach not far from here. We could pull the canoe up on shore and have some lunch. I brought some sandwiches in my bag."
"Lunch sounds great right now," I agreed.
As we started paddling again I said, "I'll just follow your lead."
Jesus let out a burst of laughter, "You know, I really like the way that sounds!"
I joined in his laughter and we began paddling towards lunch.
(to be continued.....)
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Keep Trusting
(Jesus told St. Faustina)
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Praying the Rosary for Divine Mercy
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy I would like to encourage everyone to actively participate in Divine Mercy Sunday which is the Sunday after Easter. I have prepared a Rosary meditation with an emphasis on God's Mercy. Please prayerfully consider celebrating this special feast day. Jesus promised extraordinary graces to those who are in a state of grace (recently participated in the sacrament of Reconciliation) and receive the Holy Eucharist. The Divine Mercy message is really quite beautiful and simple. Jesus asks us to trust Him completely, perform acts of mercy, and venerate the Divine Mercy Image. Take a chance and fall in love in love with God and His merciful embrace.
- The Resurrection
Thursday, March 3, 2016
I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 4)
Jesus took His fishing pole out of the water and set it in the canoe. Then I felt His hands wrap firmly around my hands as I held the fishing pole. "Prayer is so important because prayer is the light of the soul. Without it, a soul struggles. Darkness is only attractive when one has never walked in Light. My Mercy and My love enrich and expound a soul in ways you can not comprehend. Once a soul glimpses even a small ray of Light, it despises sin and desires the beauty of Light above all else. With each prayer a soul slowly walks towards Me and begins to understand and perceive Me. Prayer is the bridge that links creature with Creator. Without prayer the ravine is steep and dangerous and people will walk the path and never feel the downward slope until they reach the bottom. As a soul reaches the bottom of the ravine, My Light is overshadowed by the darkness and a soul will look around and not even realize it is lost. It will be lost in it's own desires and will no longer yearn for Me."
"Is there no hope than for a soul that has stopped praying?" I asked.
"There is always hope. Patiently, I wait for each and every soul to turn even slightly towards Me so that I may call out their name and pour my grace upon them. Prayer opens the ears of a soul to hear My Voice. That is why it is so important to teach a child to pray. That way if later in life, a soul begins to walk down the ravine, their ears will still hear My Voice, their eyes will recognize My Light and embrace My Love." Jesus relaxed his hands and then balanced them on the side of the canoe. For a moment he sat quietly and looked off into the distance. As we sat in silence a gentle breeze blew through me and I tried to grasp this new incite into prayer. Jesus then turned his gaze back towards me and said, "I would like you to do something for me."
Hesitantly, I asked "What?"
"I would like you to teach others to pray so that their ears will be reawakened to the sound of My Voice."
"Me? Why would you want me?"
"Because I like fishing with you," revealed Jesus with a grin.
"There must be thousands of people more qualified than me," I said completely confounded.
"Perhaps... but I have chosen you," declared Jesus completely confident and comfortable with his choice.
I actually couldn't stop shaking my head. It made no sense to me whatsoever. I took my pole out of the water and admitted, "Jesus, I hadn't even realized how little I really knew about prayer until today. How could I possible teach others?"
Jesus looked at me and asked, "When we were fishing and I placed my hand on yours, how did you feel?"
"It was as if I could feel the strength of your love. Your words penetrated not just my mind, but it felt as if they were being etched onto my heart."
"That is how it feels when deaf ears are reopened. Now that you are listening, I can share even more with you and what I share with you, I would like you to share with others. Will you do that?"
I have to admit I was scared. "There's no way I could do this by myself. Will you help me?" I asked.
"I will never remove the touch of my loving hand."
I closed my eyes and remembered how I felt when Jesus placed his hand on mine. My heart had felt like it was on fire and as I drew in deep breaths of air, my lungs seemed to expand with life itself. I had no idea what I was getting into, but I suddenly wanted this more than anything else I have ever wanted. As I opened my eyes to give Jesus my answer, I realized that now my eyes truly were opened.
"Okay, let's keep fishing then, I have a lot to learn." We both picked up our poles and threw our lines back into the water. I looked at Jesus, shook my head, and then started laughing.
"You realize I am not the smartest, right?"
Jesus started laughing, too, and said, "I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about."
(to be continued)
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Who can be against us?
Dwelling With The Spirit
- 100% Committed
- A Journey Towards Discovery Series
- A Kid's Guide To...
- Advent
- Blessed Sacrament
- Confirmation Countdown
- Divine Mercy Messag
- Divine Mercy Message
- Easter
- Encountering The Cross
- Eucharist
- Evangelization
- Feast Days
- Guest Writer
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Trinity
- I'll just follow your lead
- Inspirational Stories
- lent
- Looking For Signs Of Christ This Christmas
- Mary
- Mass
- meditation
- Picked From The Fields
- Poems
- Prayer Pictures
- Rosary
- Saints
- The Road Less Traveled
- The Tunic
- Vacationing With God
- Videos
- Walking With Mary
- Were You There
- When Angels Speak
Blog Archive
- There's Going to be a Feast!
- Walking together towards Divine Mercy Sunday
- Peace
- Mother Angelica
- Happy Easter!
- Good Friday
- Holy Thursday
- Pray for Belgium
- I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 8)
- Palm Sunday
- I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 7)
- Vacationing with God #6- Chicago, Illinois
- I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 6)
- Keep Trusting -Every morning
- Try to Remember...
- I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 5)
- Mother Knows Best
- Keep Trusting
- Praying the Rosary for Divine Mercy
- I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 4)
- Who can be against us?