Saturday, August 10, 2024

Prayers Needed


 "Please pray for us!" has been a recurring plea this week. It has been a week of unsettling news for my family, with a few members in the hospital. Being a patient or a patient's family member is a challenging journey.  It's difficult to relinquish control, wait for tests, and ponder the path ahead. But prayer is our anchor, reminding us that the Lord is always with us. We're not alone, nor do we have to face this illness alone. Personal prayer is transformative, but what about intercessory prayer?  Do we really need it? Absolutely!

 Praying for one another is what our faith calls us to do.  We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. We want the Lord to be vividly present to our loved ones.  Often, we know from experience how much grace, love, and support are needed to get through difficult situations. The power of each person's prayer is immeasurable! Other people may pray for graces we didn't even realize we needed. We all have our favorite saints, and by asking others to pray for you, you may be surrounded by an army of saints! And sometimes, in our weakness, we need an army to pray for us.

 Never underestimate the help others can give you through their prayers or the difference your prayer can make. The Lord said, "When two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them." This week, let's gather together in prayer. Let's pray for ourselves and for each other.  We all need God's healing in one way or another.


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