Saturday, August 3, 2024

Making a Claim


 I was speaking with my insurance guy recently. "So, how much is everything going up this year?"  I asked.  The man spent fifteen minutes detailing cost-cutting savings that I could take now but would increase my deductible should I have to make a claim.  The different possibilities made my head spin.  "Could you send me an email with this information?  I need to see it in black and white."

  "Of course," he replied.

  "You know, I'm afraid of what would even happen to my rates if I had to make a claim.  I pay a lot for insurance that I hope I never have to use."

  The man sighed and said, "You are looking at this the wrong way.  You need insurance to live.  You can't drive your car or secure any loans without insurance." As he continued to deliver his spiel, I had to admit he was a good salesperson.  He could talk the talk.

  Later that evening, while praying, his words came to mind.  "You're looking at this the wrong way."  Am I practicing my faith because I want to be "insured" that I have eternal life with God, or do I really believe the words of the Gospel—Is the Christian life a better way to live?  I tried to look at this question very honestly.  Am I just checking off boxes so I can obtain the promise of heaven?  There is definitely some truth to that.  I really do want to live in Eternity with the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary, and all the angels and saints. And although heaven is my goal, following the Commandments makes so much sense.  How different would our world be if everyone followed the Commandments?

  So, do I need the assurance that God is beside me daily and will guide me along the path?  I sure do! But I also need Him every day of my life. I love his friendship and love. I also love His circle of friends who inspire and teach me to be holy. The best part of Christianity is that I don't have to be afraid to make a claim. In fact, the more I claim to be a Christian, the more I am rewarded! 


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