Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Great Reminder


  My granddaughter was playing in my room this past week. She took my plush Jesus and Mary dolls and said, "These are my super agents!" She then went and built a fort in the corner of my room. "Even if it gets dark, I'll be safe."

  Jesus' words came to mind: "Truly, I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven." My five-year-old granddaughter knew that she had nothing to fear as long as she remembered to carry Jesus and Mary with her. She has complete trust in Jesus.  Not only did she make me smile but she reminded me how easy preaching the Gospel can be. What may appear to be mere child's play is actually a great reminder. We should all invite Jesus and Mary to stay close throughout our day because no matter what the day holds for us, Jesus and Mary will keep us safe.


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