Thursday, December 24, 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
The Lord Is With You: Week 4
"Let's go! Let's go! I don't want to be late!" yelled Ross as he held the front door open.
"I have to admit, I am really liking this new you," admitted Peggy. She smiled and gave Ross a quick kiss on the cheek as she brushed past him.
As he drove to church, Ross reflected on his Advent preparation. Perhaps this was the first year he truly made an effort to change. He never thought changing his attitude about the Mass would make such a difference. Before, he had put such little thought into attending Mass, and now it was the highlight of the week. Ross was also beginning to see why Peggy loved praying the Rosary so much. It was really nice that they were praying together as a family.
Ross did his best to celebrate Mass with his heart as Jesus had asked. "Lift up your hearts" with the response, "We lift them up to the Lord" had new meaning for Ross. They were no longer just words recited, but rather an intentional action. As the Eucharistic prayer continued, Father Tom prayed, "Make holy, therefore, these gifts we pray, by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ." Then Ross saw a brilliant white flame come down upon the altar. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His heart began to burn within him.
Internally Ross heard a voice, "Behold the Holy Spirit of God. Prepare to receive Christ your King."
In that instant of time, Ross allowed his heart to be filled with God's love. He became acutely aware of his sinfulness and his need for healing. Today when Ross approached the Eucharist, he brought a heart filled with new found reverence and awe. After consuming the Eucharist, Ross returned to his pew and fell to his knees, silently praising and thanking God. Mingled among his thoughts came John 3:16, "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life." As he looked up his eyes landed on the beautiful nativity scene sitting just in front of the altar. He found himself filled with new love for Mary and Joseph. As he looked at the empty manger, Ross longed for the Christ child as he never did before.
As the family left Mass that day, Joey said, "Guess what Dad?"
"What?" answered Ross.
"Only five more days to Christmas!"
"Are you sure your ready for it?" asked Ross.
"Yep! I'm really looking forward to it!"
"Me too," said Ross. "Me too!"
Friday, December 18, 2020
The Lord Is With You: Week 3 concludes
"Hey, honey, I was thinking we could try praying the Rosary again today," Ross said as he turned to look at Peggy.
"Sounds good to me," Peggy answered.
"Yeah, me too!" said Joey.
Ross was shocked, "Really?"
"Yeah I could use a good nap again!" Joey said laughing.
"That's not funny. I was thinking maybe we should try something different to make it" Ross struggled to find the best word.
"More spiritual, more moving?" Peggy replied. "Yes I was thinking the same thing. I think I have an idea that you will both like. And Joey if you are feeling too tired maybe we should consider setting an earlier bedtime for you."
"No, thanks," replied Joey very quickly. "My bedtime is just fine."
After dinner Peggy called the boys over to pray. " I gave some thought on how to help both of you love praying the Rosary like I do. There are lots of different ways to approach the Rosary, and personally I like to mix it up all the time, so that the Rosary is never the same. I know last week you both concentrating on the order of the prayers, and I think you have that down. Now the next step is to meditate on what exactly is transpiring in each mystery. Imagine the event in your head, ask yourself these questions: Who is present? What do they see? What do they hear? What are they feeling? What is God revealing? Why does that have meaning in my life?
I thought we could pray in front of the manger tonight as we pray the Joyful Mysteries again. As we pray I'm going to place one of the figures in front of us. Try to imagine what that particular person is experiencing at that particular moment. If you have any trouble imagining things, ask Mary to help you. Ready?"
(to be continued...)
Monday, December 14, 2020
The Lord Is With You: Week 3 Continues
Later that evening the family gathered together to pray the Rosary. Peggy was very excited! The Rosary was one of her favorite prayers. She could hardly believe her boys were going to pray it with her tonight, and it was their idea! Peggy was more than happy to lead while Ross and Joey shared the pamphlet. They were about to begin the Fourth Mystery when Peggy noticed Joey had fallen asleep. Ross was looking like he was about to do the same. "Maybe we could stand up for the last two decades?" Peggy suggested.
Ross followed her suggestion. "Should we wake him up?"
"No, he did pretty good for his first try," Peggy admitted. "We can just continue ourselves."
The family tried the Rosary two other times that week. Both times Joey fell asleep. Ross was feeling a little discouraged. He didn't seem to get as much out of praying the Rosary as Peggy did. He thought it would feel more inspiring. He wondered why Mary wanted him to pray this?
The week seemed to pass quickly and Ross was eager to celebrate Mass again on Sunday. Ross again tried to celebrate Mass with all his heart as he began to pray the Confiteor. " I confess to almighty God and to you, my brother and sisters, that I have greatly sinned.... through my fault, through my fault....therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the angels and saints-" It was at that moment Ross noticed the man next to him in the aisle. He stood in almost the same place as the Virgin Mary had the previous week.
"I will happily pray for you to the Lord our God," the man said.
Ross looked around and noticed he had stepped out of time again. Everyone else seemed to be frozen. Awkardly, Ross replied,"Thank you."
"You don't know who I am, do you?" the man asked.
"I'm sorry. I'm not the smartest of men," confessed Ross.
The man laughed. "I remember when I felt the same way about myself. I never did feel I was worthy of the plan God had for my life. I am St. Joseph. The Lord has asked me to help you prepare for the birth of His Son. I know you have been struggling with providing for your family this year. I thought I might share a few of my own experiences with you. I also had difficult moments providing shelter and food for my family. Unforeseen circumstances can be very stressful to handle. Trust me, I have had my share- an unexpected census, a completely overcrowded town with no available rooms for my wife who was in labor, and a jealous king determined to kill our son.
When we had to flee to Egypt to escape King Herod, we had to travel across the desert without any preparation or usual provisions. Traveling on our own, without a caravan, was very dangerous. When we finally arrived in Egypt, I felt completely out of place. I did not speak the language nor did I know the customs. Regardless of my skills, I was not looked at favorably. I was often overlooked for hiring. However, at the end of the day I would return home, whether I had earned money or not, and Jesus and Mary greeted me with love and we would pray together.
I would like to remind you that this is true for you as well. Jesus and Mary are with you each and every day. The peace you are searching for Ross can only be found through prayer. Praying with my wife and son were the greatest moments in my life. I hope you discover this truth as well. Love generously, Ross, it is the best way to prepare for Christmas."
As Ross nodded in agreement, time moved forward and Ross heard Father Tom say, "May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life."
Ross lovingly reached over to hold Peggy's hand as they responded together, "Amen."
(to be continued...)
Saturday, December 12, 2020
The Lord Is With You: Week 3
When Mass ended Ross was anxious to check out the books Mary had suggested. As the family was leaving the sanctuary, one of Peggy's friends was waving for her to come over. Ross turned to Peggy and said, "Go ahead, Joey and I will be waiting over there."
Joey smiled. "Nice save Dad. You never know how long one of Mrs. Taylor's conversations are going to last."
Ross returned the smile and nodded in agreement. "I wanted to check out some of these books over here anyways."
Joey raised his eyebrows, "Seriously? Since when do you read church books?"
Ross laughed. "I know it's not usually my thing, but.... umm, I'm trying to make some changes in my life."
"Oh, is this because Grandpa died?"
"No, well maybe yes. It's been a tough year. I never really put much effort into my faith life. It was just there. I think I was wrong. I shouldn't just take my faith for granted. You know what I mean?"
"I guess. It's pretty much what Mom tells me all the time. I just thought it was cooler to be more like you."
Ross smiled. "Hey I think your Mom is pretty cool. She is also pretty smart. Let's just see if there is anything interesting over here. I was thinking maybe we could do this as a family." Ross began skimming the book titles looking for something on the Rosary. He saw a couple of different books, but he seemed drawn to a small little pamphlet. It seemed pretty basic and not confusing. Mary told him to start slow and this seemed to be a good start.
"Hey guys! I'm sorry that took a little longer than I thought," admitted Peggy. "Are you ready?"
"Yep. Dad and I are just looking at some books. Did you find one yet Dad?"
"I'm liking this little one here, Joey. What do you think?" Ross inquired.
Joey took the pamphlet and start flipping through the pages. "Ya that looks good. It's got some pictures and not too many words. We could try that one." Joey looked up at his mom and said, "Dad and I are going to try to be better."
Ross looked at Peggy and said, "Would you like to join our crusade?"
" Definitely! Wow! I think I'm going to leave the two of you alone more often. I have never been more pleasantly surprised!" As the family walked to the car, Peggy tried to keep her smile under control and inwardly prayed over and over, "Thank you, Jesus! Thank you Mary!"
(to be continued...)
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways my ways, declares Yahweh.
For as the heavens are higher than earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:9
Let us spend this feast day honoring Mary and thanking God for all the generous graces He shares with us. He preserved Mary from original sin, so that she would be the perfect vessel to bring our Savior, Jesus, into the world! May our tongues proclaim the goodness of the Lord today, and let us join our voices with the angels, "Hail Mary, full of grace!"
Saturday, December 5, 2020
The Lord is With You--Week 2
The week went by quickly for Ross. His depression didn't magically disappear, but some of his anger seemed diminished. He was definitely still grieving the loss of his dad and that just made dealing with any other problems more difficult. When the waves of sadness and loss moved through Ross, he tried very hard to believe his new mantra: "The Lord is with you." Knowing that God was with him, and he was not facing this alone, helped Ross through the difficult moments. At times he tried to shift his focus from his pain by remembering Jesus telling him how happy his dad was in Paradise. With this new insight Ross was able to keep swimming even when the waves were crashing all around him.
When Sunday came Ross found himself actually eager to go to Mass. "Come on everybody let's go," he shouted. "We don't want to be late for Mass."
Peggy looked at her watch. "Ross we have plenty of time yet. This is a switch, usually I'm on your case to get moving."
Ross smiled. "Hmm, that's true. I'm sorry about that. I'm trying to take Advent more serious this year. I was very inspired by Mass last week. I'm trying to make changes."
Peggy stopped combing her hair. She turned around and looked at Ross completely shocked. "Who are you and what did you do with my husband?"
"Very funny, Peggy. What, you don't want me to be excited to go to Mass?"
"Are you kidding? I have dreamed of this day. Looks like all those years of praying for you have finally payed off!" Peggy said teasingly.
"Remind me to thank God for giving me such a comedic wife! Better not make me late today."
"Yes sir!" Peggy was more than happy to finish getting ready and leave a few minutes early.
Ross could hardly wait for Mass to begin. He sat in his pew staring at the altar. He tried to remember every detail of what occurred last week. "What are you smiling at?" Peggy whispered.
Ross didn't realize he had been smiling. "Nothing. Just happy to be here." Peggy reached over and felt his forehead. "Knock it off!" Ross whispered back pretending to be annoyed. Peggy had a hard time hiding her smile as well.
Father Tom began Mass with the usual greeting, "The Lord is with you." Ross felt an inner joy as the words were spoken and he remembered that Jesus asked him to celebrate Mass with all his heart. As Mass continued Ross did his best to do just that. Father Tom's homily seemed more inspiring than usual and Ross found himself excited to stand and pray the Nicene Creed. He bowed reverently as he prayed, "and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man." As Ross stood up from his bow his breath was taken away. Standing just beside him in the aisle was the Virgin Mary!
Mary was looking at him and smiling. "That was the moment that changed my life forever," Mary revealed.
Ross tried to speak but was dumbfounded. As he looked around, everyone else seemed to be frozen. All he could mange to say was, "What?"
"The Incarnation changed me and all of salvation."
Ross did his best to remember the meaning of the word Incarnation. He repeated the word incarnation over and over in his mind hoping his memory bank still held the answer. Incarnation... God became man...the Holy Spirit...and Mary... Mary said 'Yes'.
Mary smiled as if she could see Ross' brain connecting his thoughts to make sense. "It is amazing how much God loves us! My Son told me about your conversation last Sunday. He has allowed me this quick visit as well. Do you remember how the Angel Gabriel greeted me that day? 'Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!' I had never imagined that God had such an incredible plan for my life. Knowing that the Lord would be with me gave me the courage to say, 'yes!' to all of His Plans. I sometimes wonder why people do not take that greeting to heart. Ross, the Lord has a plan for your life too, even if it is not always obvious. His plan for me was revealed slowly over time though prayer. I didn't have all of the answers either, but I did trust in His promise that He would always be with me. Ross could you do the same? Can you trust that the Lord will always be with you?"
"I am working on that. I am embarrassed to say that I have never really considered that greeting to be so important. I guess I have a lot to learn."
"I'd like to help you with that if you would allow me, Ross."
"What do you have in mind?"
"Ross would you consider praying the Rosary with me? If you keep your heart open, I can reveal so much of God's love to you through this powerful prayer."
"I'm not sure if I remember how? It's been a long time," Ross confessed.
"It is simpler than you think. There are even books in the gathering area of the church that could help you. I'm sure Peggy would be willing to help you out. Just start off very slow. Begin with the Joyful Mysteries. Over time I will help you comprehend more. Would you be willing to try this path?"
Ross was so moved by Mary's gentleness that he said,"Yes!" Immediately he felt the present moment and continued to pray the Nicene Creed.
(to be continued...)
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Sunday, November 29, 2020
The Lord Is With You: Week One
Ross looked out the window before heading for church. "Oh, great, it snowed last night," he announced without any enthusiasm.
"It snowed last night?! Whoah!" screamed his son. "Can I play outside when we get home, Mom?"
"Sure honey. Ross would you mind shoveling the front walk so my shoes don't get all snowy?" asked Peggy with a smile.
Without answering, Ross put his coat and gloves on and headed towards the garage. He spotted the shovel way in the back where it has sat unused since last winter. As he reached to pull out the shovel, he accidentally knocked over a box and a baseball bat fell out, almost hitting him in the face. "Well that was a close call. I can see this is going to be yet another great day," he said sarcastically as he headed towards the snow covered walk. As he shoveled he allowed his depressed mood more room. "What a shitty year. I wonder what other fun surprises God has in store for me. Losing my Dad this year, yeah that was a good one. Being laid off for months and then having my hours cut, yep that was great. Oh yeah, now I get to stare at the neighbor's house across the street all decked out for Christmas. I'll be lucky if I can even afford Christmas this year."
Ross' mood followed him into church. He followed his wife into the usual pew and waited for Mass to start. He stood as expected as Father Tom processed down the main aisle. Father Tom began, "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Lord be with you."
The congregation replied, "And with your spirit."
Father Tom looked right at Ross and said, "Hey, Ross, do you really believe the Lord is with you?" Ross felt his face get very warm. Did Father Tom really just call him out like that? Is this some new way we celebrate Mass now? Ross turned to look at Peggy for help. Peggy just looked straight ahead as if nothing unusual happened. "Ross, did you hear me?"
Reluctantly, Ross turned his head back towards Father Tom. Father Tom remained perfectly still. In fact as he looked around, everyone was perfectly still. "Ross, relax. You're ok. It's just me." Ross could hardly believe what he saw next. Jesus just suddenly appeared next to Father Tom. "Breathe Ross. You're fine. Why are you so surprised to see me here? Didn't you come today to spend time with me?"
Ross could feel his heart racing and he broke out in a cold sweat. "Oh my gosh, I'm having a heart attack. Did I already-"
"Ross I told you, you are fine. I thought we needed to spend a little one-on-one time together. So you and I have stepped out of time for a little bit."
"What?" Ross was shaking his head back and forth while trying to understand.
"Ross, I know this has been a very difficult year for you. I heard your thoughts this morning. I know how much you have been hurting. I want to help you. Do you believe that? Do you believe that I am with you?"
Ross didn't know what to say. Jesus motioned for him to come sit next to Him on the steps of the altar. "Ross, I know exactly how hard this year has been for you. I have been with you every day. I held you in my arms while you sobbed over your dad's illness and death. I want you to know your dad is so happy in Paradise. Your separation isn't permanent. It's just for now."
"I miss him. The pain cuts right through me," Ross admitted. "I don't mean to be rude, but I don't feel like you are with me. I feel very alone. I feel like I'm being punished."
"Ross, this is not a punishment. It is a part of your cross and I know it has been difficult for you. I have never left your side. Today is the first week of Advent and I want us to become closer. I want you to celebrate Mass with all your heart. I want you to know that I am truly present. I hear you and I love you. I want you to live your life with this as your mantra: "The Lord is with you." Look for me throughout the day. I will not disappoint you. Can you do that for me?"
Ross nodded yes and then felt the hands of time upon him. A moment later he heard Father Tom say, "Let us prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries..."
Ross was trying to comprehend what just happened. "Prepare myself....yes... I need to change. I need to change because the Lord is with me. As Mass continued Ross listened very closely. The prayers seemed much more meaningful. Had the Mass always been this beautiful?
(to be continued...)
Monday, November 23, 2020
Here Comes The Wind Up
I thought I might share a few of the thoughts that I had while praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary this weekend. As I was meditating on the Third Mystery-The Birth of Jesus, I tried to envision Mary and Joseph having to place baby Jesus in a make-shift crib, a trough which was used to feed the animals. This had to be so disappointing. I imagined that St. Joseph, being a skilled carpenter, had probably poured so much love into building a very special crib for the new born Messiah. The crib was probably all set and ready to go. Then out of nowhere, a decree from Rome forces Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem for a census. This definitely was not expected and probably upset all their plans. Sometimes life can really throw a good curve ball. Mary and Joseph, however, faithfully placed their trust in God and travelled towards Bethlehem.
This year most of us are struggling with our own curve ball--the coronavirus. This Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas season may be quite different than what we had planned. Isolated from family and friends and missing our favorite holiday traditions will be difficult. Like the Holy Family, some of us are struggling with poverty. Some of us have lost loved ones. Some of us had to personally battle the disease. All our lives have been upset in one way or another. We must, however, faithfully place our trust in God as we prepare for Christ's birth. The road we travel to Bethlehem may be unfamiliar and difficult this year, but His Light will still continue to guide us. Now more than ever, we need to embrace Christ this Christmas.
This year is different, so really put some thought into making this a special Advent. Stay focused and let the Holy Spirit coach you through this season. You got this...batter up!
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Read Our Favorite Posts in Magazine Form
Click the picture or the link below it to view some of our favorite posts in magazine form! Keep checking back as we will be adding to this from time to time.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Monday, November 2, 2020
All Souls Day-Purgatory Challenge
I know Covid-19 has messed up a lot of our plans this year, but it can't touch this ministry. Praying for the holy souls in Purgatory is a very important ministry. We can never underestimate how important our prayers are for those undergoing the purification process. A prayer, a small sacrifice, having a Mass said, or an act of love will be like a tall glass of water for someone who is thirsting for God. Please join me in this Purgatory Challenge--let's empty Purgatory!
Pray for a deceased love one or pray for someone who has no one to pray for them. Through the mercy of God, our prayers and sacrifices can become more and do more than we could ever imagine.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
All Saints Day
I have a beautiful statue of St Anthony in the corner of my backyard. St Anthony is one of my favorite saints. This summer I have enjoyed sharing St Anthony with my two year old granddaughter . We hold hands as we walk up the garden path and then we say, “Hi, Jesus! Hi, St. Anthony !” My granddaughter is fascinated with the statue. She always smiles and touches baby Jesus. I was pleasantly surprised one day when she put both arms around Jesus and whispered, “I love you!” It was such a sweet moment and I wanted to cry with joy. When she started walking away I asked her, “ What is St Anthony doing?” In her very cute two year old voice she said, “He’s holding baby Jesus.”
I think she summed up in one sentence why St. Anthony is a saint. He always kept his gaze on Jesus and held him close to his heart. Sure he was an incredible preacher and a wonder worker, but it was his great love for Jesus that made him a saint. I think that is the common thread all the saints share. Their love for Jesus was obvious to everyone around them.As we celebrate All Saints Day today be sure to thank those men and women who inspired your faith by their life stories. Learn as much as you can from them and imitate their virtues. Live your life in such a way that everyone (even a child ) will look at you and say, “They’re holding baby Jesus!”
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Gently Touch Me O Lord
We all have a desire to be loved. Letting someone know you love them doesn’t have to be a series of grand gestures. As a parent some of my favorite moments of loving my children were quiet and gentle. When they were babies, I held them close to my heart and softly kissed the top of their heads. Often they would be sleeping and completely unaware of how much I loved them. As they got older I would hold their hands to keep them safe, I carried them when they were too tired, and I sat and listened to them when they were hurting. I just wanted to let them know that I would always be here for them. I would always love them. Our God is certainly capable of performing mighty miracles. Miracles occur every day. I sometimes think, though, that God enjoys being our Father. He enjoys loving us in very personal and gentle ways. I honestly believe that God is sitting next to me and listening when I pray. I believe He holds my hand and leads me to safety. I believe He carries me and my burdens when I am overwhelmed. He is always a part of my life, and I am willing to bet that He has gently touched me at times when I was completely unaware.
This week I would like to invite you to meditate on the gentleness of God. Close your eyes and try to imagine all the times God held you gently in His arms. Try to imagine feeling His kiss on your forehead. Gently remind yourself that being a child of God is absolutely incredible!
Monday, October 19, 2020
Get Real
The car is one of my favorite places to pray especially when I am all alone. It is quiet and peaceful, and a great place to talk things over with God. This was the case yesterday.
I had a particular problem on my mind as I prayed. I really needed God's help. As I slowed my car down to the upcoming stop light, I did a double take. The license plate on the car in front of me was “GET REAL”. Now I realize that car drives everywhere with that license plate, but I felt like pulling up to that particular car, at that exact moment, was more than a coincidence. It felt like a message. I needed to take my prayer life to the next level. I needed to get more real when I prayed.What exactly does that mean? I’m not really sure, and I am not sure how to venture down this path. I will definitely need a guide, so my first step is to call on the Holy Spirit. I’m going to ask the Holy Spirit to help me be more real when praying (I know there's plenty of room for improvement) or maybe I need to have a better understanding of how very real God is in my life (am I always aware of His Presence?).
When the light turned green, the car in front of me turned down a different road. It was only by chance that I had noticed this car's license plate, but sometimes that’s all God needs. Sometimes He just needs us to stop for a minute, so that He can get our attention, and help us realize what is right in front of us--Him. He is always calling us to come closer. As I continued to drive, it may have looked like I was on the same road, but I noticed the scenery changing. I’m excited to discover what “get real” means to God.
Monday, October 12, 2020
A Change In Seasons
I love God’s creativity in the Fall. It’s not enough that He made thousands of different types of trees, but then He changes the leaves of each tree into a spectacular array of colors. It’s funny that I can marvel at the beauty of change in nature, but when God throws change in my life, I’m not so thrilled nor do I think it’s beautiful.
Change, however, is a part of God’s plan and often necessary for spiritual growth. If we want our souls to become richer in color, we have to trust God’s plan over our own. Entering a new season of life can be painful and difficult and unwanted. Asking the question, “Why?” may never be answered or understood. We must simply allow the Spirit of God to move us forward. I have also found that it is better not to enter a new season standing tall and proud, but to be on my knees repeating, “Thy will be done, Thy will be done.” And holding a Kleenex in my hand (just in case) is never a bad idea.-Susan
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Unveiling The Hidden
Today we begin celebrating Mary and the Holy Rosary. Of course as everyones knows, I love praying the Rosary! It's never the same prayer for me and I love when Mary surprises me with a new insight. When meditating on the Rosary, I often like to imagine how Mary saw these events unfold. She knew Jesus better than anyone. Intuitively, she must have known what all Jesus' gestures, smiles, and glances meant as He encountered both individuals and crowds, supporters and challengers, love and hostility. Mary was blessed to have spent thirty years with Jesus before He began His mission.
I would like to suggest that we spend the next thirty days discovering Jesus through Mary's eyes. A mother knows her child not through a couple of keys moments, but through thousands of little moments from day to day and year to year. Let's spend time with Mary and ask her to share some of those moments from the "Hidden years". Let's begin when Jesus was just a baby and each day add one year to His age. Perhaps these little discoveries will enhance our Rosary meditations. Let's fall in love with the child Jesus just as Mary did!
Monday, September 21, 2020
A Touching Meditation
Imagine if you could place your hand in the hand of Jesus, what would you feel? Would you be consumed with love? Would you feel like a small child trusting to follow where you are led? Would you feel the history of time in the lines of His palm? Would all of your loneliness fade away? Would you feel empowered, joyous, healed, or timid? Would you feel all the missed opportunities you had to love Him?
Would you dare to feel the nail marks in His hand? If you had the courage to touch the nail marks, would you suddenly realize how much pain each sin can cause? Would you be able to look Jesus in the eye as your finger penetrated the mark?Monday, September 14, 2020
How Do You See things?
Many of us are familiar with the saying “Is the glass half empty or half full? “ I wondered if we could each ask ourselves the same question about our faith life. Is my faith life half empty or half full? Is attending Sunday Mass an obligation or is it an amazing encounter with Jesus? Is praying just a daily habit or is it the best part of my day? Do I complain about my problems or do I pray, "Jesus I trust in You?" Am I trying to become more successful or more loving? Do I want more out of life or more of God’s life in me? Do I long to dwell in the Kingdom or is the Kingdom dwelling in me?
Sometimes I make the mistake of viewing things from the wrong point of view. Not only do I need to carry my faith in my heart, but I need to put my heart into my faith. It's important to realize that the cup isn’t half empty because God didn’t give us enough, the cup is half empty because He wanted to give us everything:
“drink from this all of you for this is my blood of the covenant which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.” Mat 26:28
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Happy Birthday Mary
Today we celebrate the birth of Mary! What do you get the woman who is full of grace? What could she possibly want or need? Well I have a suggestion. Take a piece of paper and write the word "YES" on it. Before you place it in a gift bag, tell Mary you give her permission to help you change one of your habits, so that you can draw closer to Jesus. I honestly think this is the gift that she craves from all of us. Nothing would make her happier, than if the world began loving her son more. As she opens up your gift, be ready to open your heart to whatever she shares with you. Imagine your "yes" is what she is wishing for as she blows out her birthday candles.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
We Want Justice
Last night I made a mistake. I was somewhere where I shouldn’t have been. It was dark and confusing. It seemed like a good idea before it all happened. For once I was in the inner circle. I was privy to hear the conversations that mattered. Last night was supposed to be the night to stop these injustices. This new movement had to be stopped. We were ready and so were are weapons.
We gathered late last night. My weapon was not as impressive as everyone else's. The whole group was worked up for this. This was going to be a night to remember. And that’s when it happened. I started feeling uncomfortable. I wondered, "Are we taking things too far? Is this really what I want to be known for?" I chose to ignore my conscience. These men know what they are doing. I had listened to their arguments. They were very convincing, but yet, I had this nagging feeling. " Was there another side? Do I know everything?"
I pushed away my doubts and followed the group. We were ready for a confrontation. We wanted justice. When we arrived, our informer approached the enemy. I couldn’t hear what was being said. Then out of nowhere a sword swung in front of me catching the side of my head. I reached my hand up in pain. My hand was covered in blood. My ear was gone!
Within minutes my group had a rope around him. We had successfully arrested him. We did it! I couldn’t help wondering though...what did we do? As we walked back, I watched the others abuse this man. "Is this what justice looks like? This didn’t feel right. This man was not my enemy. He had saved me. He cared about me. Why? I am no one."
Monday, August 24, 2020
The Sky Is The Limit
My sister invited me to come stay at her summer house last month. It is in a quiet little town a few hours away from my home. The first night there she said, "It's a clear night and I want to see the comet everyone's talking about. Do you want to come?"
"Sure." I answered. We got into her car and drove to the top of the bluff. When we stepped out of the car and looked up, I was in awe. I had never seen so many stars in my life. It was breathtaking. Within a few minutes we found the comet just below the Big Dipper. It was an exciting discovery! As I stood there gazing at all those stars, I thanked God for sharing this moment with me. It was so beautiful and peaceful. The night sky looked so much different than it did back home.
While I was praying today, I was suddenly reminded of that night. I felt there was a connection between that beautiful night and my pray life. Sometimes when I pray, I feel like I do when I'm at home looking at the stars. I can only see a few possibilities, because my vision is limited. God, however, is full of possibilities! That's why it is so important for me to spend time away from everything else and just be with God. God helps me to see that there are possibilities that I have not even imagined. God's ways are so much higher than my ways. I need to trust Him. That night, my plan was to see the comet, but I realize now, that sometimes God may want to open my eyes to see a much bigger picture.
Monday, August 17, 2020
The Moment
Saturday was my Dad’s Memorial Mass. His death occurred several months earlier when our diocese was in lock down due to the coronavirus, and we were not allowed to gather for mass or funerals. The fact that his home parish offered us the date of August 15th seemed like such a blessing. August 15th is the day we celebrate the Assumption of Mary into heaven and my Dad had a great devotion to Mary.
I spent the day wondering about "the moment" you leave earth. I imagined what Mary must have felt to see the face of Jesus, her beloved son and her Messiah. Her joy, I’m sure, had to be beyond any words. Mary was carried body and soul into heaven and crowned Queen of Heaven. To hear the angels sing on that day must have been amazing!
Although for the rest of us, the resurrection of our bodies will occur at some later date, our souls will be able to gaze upon the face of Jesus after we leave this world. Imagine the joy we will feel! I’m sure it will be beyond words for us, too!
The loss of my dad weighs heavy on my heart, but knowing that he was joining the angels' voices as all of heaven celebrated the Assumption of Mary, makes me smile. It is ironic that death is painful only for the living, for the dying it is the beginning of eternal happiness. My Dad knew this. He thought we should always remember the promises of our faith at a funeral.
We ended my Dad's Memorial Mass with the song "Soon and Very Soon". It was one of my Dad's favorites. We all clapped with the beat as we sang, and at the song's end we clapped even louder. After Mass, the organist told me that was one of the most uplifting funeral masses she had ever experienced. I smiled and said, "That is exactly the way my Dad wanted it to be!"
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
God's Amazing Grace
I had the opportunity to experience some amazing Lake Michigan sunsets this summer. This was one of my favorites because the bagpiper played Amazing Grace as the sun slowly dipped into the horizon. It was a perfect way to end my evening. I love photographing sunsets. I can easily take over 20 pictures because it just gets more and more beautiful with each passing minute.
I think that’s what spending eternity with God will be like as well. I think each moment will be more beautiful than the last. All the trials and sufferings we endured will fade away and the Son will shine with radiance. I am looking forward to experiencing the Amazing Grace God has in store for me!
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Answering the Question
For some time I have been very intrigued with the conversation between Jesus and Pilate just before Jesus was scourged. I often meditate on their conversation when praying the Rosary or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Today I just wanted to focus on the very first question Pilate asks Jesus, "...Are you the King of the Jews?" (John 18:33)
"Jesus answered 'Do you say this on your own or have others told you about me?' (John 18:34).
Pilate doesn't directly answer the question Jesus asks. He instead sidesteps the question. "Pilate answered, 'I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?'" (John 18:35).
I sometimes wonder how many times I have sidestepped the questions Jesus ask me? I am often, like Pilate, preoccupied with my own problems. (What has Jesus done for me? Couldn't He just solve my problems?). Jesus isn't interested in the politics of the day or popular opinion, He is interested in something so much more important. He wants to know if He is my King? Is He the King of my heart? Are we there yet? Do I want that as much as He does? What is the Truth?
Monday, July 27, 2020
The Calm After The Storm
”Heads up we just got hit with a tornado!” This was the message that popped up on my phone two weeks ago. The message was from a close relative. Tornado?! Are you serious? I looked outside and saw some clouds but nothing alarming at my house.
The tornado had blown powerfully across the lake throwing his kayaks, iron table and chairs, umbrella and gazebo into the air before dropping them into the lake. Fortunately, and most importantly, my relative and his family were not injured. The destruction took only a few minutes, trying to repair the damage took much longer.
I received another text from him just the other day. This is what he told me. "I had noticed that the lake was calm during my lunch hour. I decided to test the paddle board that was damaged in the tornado to see if the patch I used would hold water. While paddling I tried looking once again for part of my gazebo’s missing roof." (He had been searching for it for the past two weeks. The neighbor’s had told him they had seen it fly 200 feet into the air. ) "Feeling frustrated I just said out loud, 'Grandma I don't remember which saint you pray to when you lose something, but if you could please help me out here I'm still missing my piece of roof from my gazebo.' I was just about to give up when I felt I should look a little further out. I couldn't believe it when I suddenly saw my missing piece of roof more than 60 feet from the shore and in 8 feet of water. I smiled and said, 'Thank you Grandma!'
I asked him if I could share his story because it really touched me. Not just because we got to feel my Grandma's love again, but it is good to be reminded how much God cares and loves each one of us. God allows those who loved us during their lifetime to continue loving us from heaven. He allows the saints in heaven to intercede on our behalf whether they are a recognized saint of the Catholic Church or our own saintly loved one. Our God is beyond amazing!
I hope this story encourages you to pray to your loved ones that have passed. I hope you still make them a part of your life. I also hope the next time you pray the Creed you smile as you say, “ I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.” God showers us with miracles big and small to remind us how beautiful and true our faith really is. Those who follow Christ do have everlasting life.
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Bucket List
Last week I found my daughters discussing their bucket lists for the summer. With 2020 being a year of so many cancelled events, they were determined to fill their summer days with fun memories. Nothing extravagant, just small moments that sparked joy. This got me thinking...could we try to apply this same attitude to our prayer life. Instead of looking for some huge soul changing event to happen, what if we just concentrated on finding little moments that brought joy to our lives.
I would like to challenge everyone to make a bucket list of prayer opportunities. Do something new and different. Have a summer of adventure with God. You might discover that prayer doesn’t always have to be serious, it just needs to be genuine. Here are a few things on my summer bucket list. I hope they inspire you to make your own.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
His Healing Touch
Sometimes when I'm reading the Bible I take for granted how amazing each story really is. There have been times when I have breezed through a chapter a little too quickly because the story was very familiar. I may have taken for granted how the glory of Jesus is being revealed. Last week, however, I was stopped in my tracks while praying the third Luminous mystery-The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God. On that particular day, I was meditating on how Jesus came to heal us. I called to mind some of the stories of Jesus' healings. Many people were healed almost instantly when Jesus touched them. But how? Of course Jesus is God and nothing is impossible for Him, and His healing was as much spiritual as it was physical, but it got me thinking... there is a lot involved in healing a body.
Working in a hospital, I am well aware of the number of tests that are often needed to make an accurate diagnosis for a patient. Bloodwork, X-Rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, MRIs, EKGs, heart monitors, and the list goes on and on. Then once a diagnosis is made, the process of healing the ailment can be even more elaborate and involve surgery, rehabilitation, radiation, chemotherapy, medication, IV antibiotics, etc. Healing is often complicated, and it often takes a team of doctors to get a patient back on the road to recovery. The major organs depend on all neurons, cells and platelets to be healthy and in balance.
When Jesus' healing hand touched a person, He probably healed countless imbalances of numerous systems. Jesus had a very intimate knowledge of each and every person that came to Him. He didn't stop to study and evaluate the person. He didn't ask for a medical history. He didn't need to, because He knew each person down to the smallest neuron and atom. He knew the strengths and weaknesses of each person in that crowd. How incredible is that?!
As I continued to pray the Rosary, I imagined Jesus reaching His hand out to touch me. I wondered what part of me Jesus would think needs healing the most? I allowed myself some time to get caught up in the glory of God's goodness. My Lord and Savior knows me-every thought, every pain, every atom and every neuron, and He loves me and wants me to be healed. That is truly miraculous!
Monday, June 29, 2020
Keep It Burning
Monday, June 22, 2020
Brighter Days
The group of people gathered around the fire. The flames were warm and inviting. The chill each of them had felt during the day had been chased away. Here they felt loved. The power of the Spirit ignited desires to grow closer to God. A small voice echoed through the cracklings of the fire. “Come and see where I abide. Draw closer to Me.”
“Yes, let’s draw closer to God,” they agreed. “We have witnessed others carrying His Light. We long for this as well. Tomorrow. Our journey will begin tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a great day!” Eager and excited they returned to their lodgings.
Night came and darkness followed. The group individually heard other sounds. An annoying buzzing of self doubt slowly crawled through the camp. “Why would God want to draw close to you?” Followed by false whispers, “It will be too hard for you. You really don’t have the time for this. Quick get up there is something better down the road.”
Unfortunately, some listened to the darkness and left the Light behind-- but not all. When morning came a few stepped out and saw the flame still burning brightly before them. “Yes, we are coming!” They stepped onto the path illuminated before them.
When they reached their destination, they heard His familiar voice, “Welcome my friends, Mass is about to begin. I am so happy you came!” God hugged each and every one of them at Mass. He loved being so close to their hearts. Softly, He allowed His words to gently caress their ears, “I love you. I always will. Remember to stay close to My Light so the sounds of the night do not confuse you.”
Monday, June 15, 2020
Praise the Lord!
Nick tossed and turned in bed. He couldn’t get back to sleep again. He looked at the clock across the room. It was 3:00 am. He didn’t even know what had woken him, but once again he found himself awake when he should have been sleeping. The more he thought about sleeping, the more awake he seemed to become. After 45 minutes of trying to fall back asleep, he decided to try praying.
Nick was no stranger to prayer. In fact, he dedicated time every day to praying with God. Lately, though, he found himself distracted and depressed. He always seemed to find his thoughts wandering back to his good friend Russell. Russell had been killed in a motorcycle accident 8 weeks ago. When Nick heard the news, he felt as if someone had just kicked him in the gut, leaving him painfully wounded.
Nick tried to imagine what heaven might be like for Russell. He just couldn’t picture it. First of all, Russell was just a soul. No body. What was that like? Secondly, he couldn’t imagine Russell just singing praises day and night. Russell was a good guy, but he also loved adventure. Would heaven be too boring for him? Nick looked at the clock again. It was 3:55 am. Nick tried to imagine what heaven could be like—and that’s when it happened.
Nick clearly heard a voice in his mind, “Come, let me show you.” Nick did not “see” anyone, yet he felt a “presence”. Nick rose from his bed quickly, at least part of him did. Only Nick’s soul followed the voice. An instant later Nick found himself soaring over an ocean. Without speaking words, Nick knew to follow the voice’s instructions.
Together they were diving towards the ocean at an incredible speed, and just before hitting the water they leveled out. Nick was “flying” an inch above the water. It was incredible! He was moving so fast, yet he noticed everything. The water was a deep sapphire blue. It was so clear, he could see to the bottom, and all the exotic fish swimming at the different depths. Large, colorful birds flew above and next to him. The wind rushed by as cool sprays from the waves crashed just beneath him. Nick could hear voices singing, “Praise the Lord!” and Nick began singing as well! He could feel God’s love growing inside him, filling him completely. He had never experienced anything like this before! It was exhilarating! He never felt so alive in his life! Nick was so aware of the goodness of God! It was so clear, so obvious, so amazing! He sang louder and louder as joy consumed him. He was laughing and singing and crying all at the same time!
Then without warning, the voice said, "It's time to return."
Nick pleaded, “Please let me stay here. I never want to leave! Please, please let me sing more praises to God!"
“I’m sorry,” said the voice. “It is not your time yet.” In an instant, Nick could feel his pillow under his head, his blanket across his body. His body. He had a body again. Nick looked across the darkened room to his alarm clock. It was 3:56 am. Only a minute had gone by. Nick smiled as he realized that one minute in eternity completely surpassed all the minutes he had experienced during his lifetime. He thought about his good friend Russell and smiled. Nick knew that Russell was experiencing the most incredible adventure ever! Nick knew without any doubts that Russell was completely happy and completely loved.
Just before falling asleep, Nick heard that incredible song in his head. He fell asleep singing, “Praise the Lord!”
Dwelling With The Spirit
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