Later that evening the family gathered together to pray the Rosary. Peggy was very excited! The Rosary was one of her favorite prayers. She could hardly believe her boys were going to pray it with her tonight, and it was their idea! Peggy was more than happy to lead while Ross and Joey shared the pamphlet. They were about to begin the Fourth Mystery when Peggy noticed Joey had fallen asleep. Ross was looking like he was about to do the same. "Maybe we could stand up for the last two decades?" Peggy suggested.
Ross followed her suggestion. "Should we wake him up?"
"No, he did pretty good for his first try," Peggy admitted. "We can just continue ourselves."
The family tried the Rosary two other times that week. Both times Joey fell asleep. Ross was feeling a little discouraged. He didn't seem to get as much out of praying the Rosary as Peggy did. He thought it would feel more inspiring. He wondered why Mary wanted him to pray this?
The week seemed to pass quickly and Ross was eager to celebrate Mass again on Sunday. Ross again tried to celebrate Mass with all his heart as he began to pray the Confiteor. " I confess to almighty God and to you, my brother and sisters, that I have greatly sinned.... through my fault, through my fault....therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the angels and saints-" It was at that moment Ross noticed the man next to him in the aisle. He stood in almost the same place as the Virgin Mary had the previous week.
"I will happily pray for you to the Lord our God," the man said.
Ross looked around and noticed he had stepped out of time again. Everyone else seemed to be frozen. Awkardly, Ross replied,"Thank you."
"You don't know who I am, do you?" the man asked.
"I'm sorry. I'm not the smartest of men," confessed Ross.
The man laughed. "I remember when I felt the same way about myself. I never did feel I was worthy of the plan God had for my life. I am St. Joseph. The Lord has asked me to help you prepare for the birth of His Son. I know you have been struggling with providing for your family this year. I thought I might share a few of my own experiences with you. I also had difficult moments providing shelter and food for my family. Unforeseen circumstances can be very stressful to handle. Trust me, I have had my share- an unexpected census, a completely overcrowded town with no available rooms for my wife who was in labor, and a jealous king determined to kill our son.
When we had to flee to Egypt to escape King Herod, we had to travel across the desert without any preparation or usual provisions. Traveling on our own, without a caravan, was very dangerous. When we finally arrived in Egypt, I felt completely out of place. I did not speak the language nor did I know the customs. Regardless of my skills, I was not looked at favorably. I was often overlooked for hiring. However, at the end of the day I would return home, whether I had earned money or not, and Jesus and Mary greeted me with love and we would pray together.
I would like to remind you that this is true for you as well. Jesus and Mary are with you each and every day. The peace you are searching for Ross can only be found through prayer. Praying with my wife and son were the greatest moments in my life. I hope you discover this truth as well. Love generously, Ross, it is the best way to prepare for Christmas."
As Ross nodded in agreement, time moved forward and Ross heard Father Tom say, "May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life."
Ross lovingly reached over to hold Peggy's hand as they responded together, "Amen."
(to be continued...)
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