Tuesday, July 7, 2020

His Healing Touch

  Sometimes when I'm reading the Bible I take for granted how amazing each story really is.  There have been times when I have breezed through a chapter a little too quickly because the story was very familiar.  I may have taken for granted how the glory of Jesus is being revealed.  Last week, however, I was stopped in my tracks while praying the third Luminous mystery-The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God.  On that particular day, I was meditating on how Jesus came to heal us. I called to mind some of the stories of Jesus' healings.  Many people were healed almost instantly when Jesus touched them.  But how?  Of course Jesus is God and nothing is impossible for Him, and His healing was as much spiritual as it was physical, but it got me thinking... there is a lot involved in healing a body.
  Working in a hospital, I am well aware of the number of tests that are often needed to make an accurate diagnosis for a patient.  Bloodwork, X-Rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, MRIs, EKGs, heart monitors, and the list goes on and on. Then once a diagnosis is made, the process of healing the ailment can be even more elaborate and involve surgery, rehabilitation, radiation, chemotherapy, medication, IV antibiotics, etc. Healing is often complicated, and it often takes a team of doctors to get a patient back on the road to recovery.  The major organs depend on all neurons, cells and platelets to be healthy and in balance.
  When Jesus' healing hand touched a person, He probably healed countless imbalances of numerous systems.  Jesus had a very intimate knowledge of each and every person that came to Him.  He didn't stop to study and evaluate the person. He didn't ask for a medical history.  He didn't need to, because He knew each person down to the smallest neuron and atom.  He knew the strengths and weaknesses of each person in that crowd. How incredible is that?!  
  As I continued to pray the Rosary, I imagined Jesus reaching His hand out to touch me.  I wondered what part of me Jesus would think needs healing the most?  I allowed myself some time to get caught up in the glory of God's goodness.  My Lord and Savior knows me-every thought, every pain, every atom and every neuron, and He loves me and wants me to be healed. That is truly miraculous!
