Monday, November 18, 2019

The Present Moment

  This week I had the opportunity to venerate a relic of Blessed Solanus Casey at my church.  It's hard to believe that two years have already passed since I attended his beatification ceremony.  It's so easy to love Father Solanus. Some of his superiors may have thought him to be too simple at first, but in fact, he simply loved Jesus-- and it was his love that made him extraordinary.  Day after day he happily opened the door to Christ's heart to everyone he met.
  As I waited my turn in line, I prayerfully allowed my heart's intentions to ask Father Solanus for his prayers.  Was I hoping for a miracle? Yep.  I'm sure everyone else in line was as well.  I know that God is a God of miracles.  I know that God loves and cares for each one of us. So why not me?
  Not only does God have extraordinary love for each of us, He wants what is best for our soul. It is hard to understand how our crosses lead us closer to God.  Crosses are painful. It is difficult to appreciate spiritual growth when we are exhausted physically and emotionally, or when we have to watch loved ones suffer.   I stood in line I hoping for healing, but more importantly, I stood trusting that God's plan for me is better than anything I could hope for. Regardless if my prayers are answered the way I hoped they would be, I really enjoyed spending time with Father Solanus. As I knelt down in front of his relic, I sensed a door opening for me. Father Solanus opened the door to Christ's heart and I was happy to enjoy being totally present in that moment.
