Friday, November 1, 2019

But What If.....

  How many of us have bought a product that promised to stop the effects of aging?  Of course, none of us can escape aging, we will all eventually wrinkle, go gray, move slower, and struggle with vision and memory.  We know that.  But what if ....there was a secret to slow down the process.  There are definitely some people who seem to age better than others.  If we didn't at least try, we might miss the opportunity that could really improve our lifestyles.  What if that product worked for us?
  I imagine millions of dollars are spent every year chasing that dream.  But what if. . . there was a better dream to chase.  What if you embraced the Truth? What if you could find a way to stop the effects of sin in your life?  What if you could discover the path that led to eternity?  Would that be worth pursuing?  It is easy to believe the promises of advertisers, but what about the promises and suggestions of the saints?  Why is it easier to believe we can beat the effects of aging, rather than believe we have the power within us to become saints?
  Today is All Saints Day.  Let's not just admire those who lived faithful lives even through difficult circumstances.  Let's ask them for their advice. Let's not be content with having mediocre faith lives, let's aim for something extraordinary.  What if we seriously took their advice and it worked!  What if the Lord has been waiting for us to jump at this opportunity? Shouldn't we at least try? 
