I remember being in line for Communion when Theresa was just a toddler. As she watched me receive the Holy Eucharist, she would reach her hands out as well, and then immediately begin crying when she was not able to receive the host. She, of course, would continue to cry all the way back to our seats. My husband would give me the look--the please make her stop look. All I could do was hold her close and think, "Why wasn't everyone else crying out to receive the Eucharist?"
The living God stands before us at the alter waiting to enter into our hearts and lives, where is our excitement? Do yourself a favor this week, as you walk towards the alter, allow your heart to blissfully expand with each step you take. Yes, we want to be reverent, but that doesn't mean we can't be bursting with pure joy as well. Go ahead and smile--God is totally in love with you!