Sunday, February 16, 2025

Choose The Word


The other day, I had a song stuck in my head.  It certainly wasn't one of my favorite songs.  It was just one of those songs I had heard repeatedly on the radio.  I have no idea why this song came to mind. I couldn't get it out of my thoughts.  It was so annoying. But I can say the exact opposite has occurred as well.  In moments of pain, loss, fear, or frustration, words of scripture or songs from Mass have come to mind, bringing me comfort and hope.  The words we choose to listen to matter. 

 These days, it is more common to memorize memes or TikToks than it is to memorize scripture.  But I've found that memorizing scripture has helped me hear God's voice amidst all the noise. It's not about memorization but about internalizing the words and letting them guide your thoughts and actions. The more familiar I become with scripture, the easier it is for me to hear God.  Like an old friend, God can place an image, a verse, or a story in my mind when I am searching for answers or consolations.  These moments of truth speak volumes.  In just a few minutes, my dear friend reminds me of His unfailing love; sometimes, His thoughts help me grow beyond my pain.

 God has been speaking to us for thousands of years.  Open His Book, open your ears, and let Him breathe Life into your thoughts.  Both your mind and your soul will thank you for it!





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