Sunday, January 26, 2025

Is The Static Getting To You?


  My daughter came in from outside, plopped down on the couch, saying. "Mom, there is something wrong with the radio in my car.  It's all static.  I don't know what to do.  I really don't need to deal with another problem right now."  

 My advice was not very helpful:  "You'll have to have someone look at it and determine whether it can be fixed or if you need to have it replaced."

 "Do you know how annoying it is to just hear static?"

 My daughter's question lingered with me for a while.  Sometimes, the world's noise can get to us, especially when praying.  How do we tune into God amidst all the distractions around us? Just like turning a radio to a specific frequency, tuning into God means focusing our thoughts and prayers on Him, blocking out the 'static' of the world. Some days, this can be a real struggle. If the station you're tuned into has static, don't be afraid to try a new channel.  You don't always have to listen to the 'Oldies' station. Discover a saint you are unfamiliar with and see what prayer they like singing.  Tune into a meditation. Psalm, or Christian artist.

 Sometimes, finding a quiet spot to be with God can be helpful.  Rest your head on His shoulder and say nothing at all.  Let His love permeate and rejuvenate you.  Don't let your relationship with God go static; allow it to be dynamic. Spending Eternity with God isn't just for the future.  Eternity can begin right here, right now.  We just need to tune into God.



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