Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rooted in Faith


  I had the opportunity to get away with my family to Aspen. The beauty of Aspen allowed me to thank God for this breathtaking world so many times. While we hiked the many trails, I became fascinated with the Aspen trees. I learned that the Aspen trees had an incredible root system that connected a group of Aspens, creating one organism.  

  I couldn't overlook the comparison of the Aspens to my own family.  When not vacationing together, we are often pulled in many different directions.  At times, it may appear we live busy, separate lives, yet we are always connected.  Our roots keep us connected. We are constantly nourished by the Spirit of God, allowing our faith to grow at different heights and seasons.  Similar to Aspens, the roots of our faith may lie dormant for many years before budding into something truly spectacular.  As a parent, I remind myself that everything happens according to God's timing. 

  I have been blessed to raise my children in the Catholic faith, and I look forward to witnessing how each of us will manifest God's love to others. Hiking through life with my family will be a fantastic adventure, no matter where we find ourselves. Sometimes, getting away allows God to show me something new, not just in this world but truths that have been right in front of me the whole time. 


Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Cliffhanger


  Last night, my daughter got home from summer camp. As we got caught up, I announced that I had finished the fourth season of The Chosen. "Did it end with a good cliffhanger?" my daughter asked.

  I chuckled and said, "I don't know if I would call it a cliffhanger because I know how the story ends, but it was excellent."

  My daughter laughed and said, "Well, obviously, you know what's going to happen."

  I thought about that conversation later.  Do I really know how the story ends? Of course, historically, I know what occurred to Jesus and the birth of the Church, but the story continues two thousand years later.  We are still trying to spread the Gospel to the ends of the world.  I'm still trying to share the Gospel, and I often wonder if when my time comes to an end, I will have done enough?  Will my life end with a cliffhanger, or will I succeed in the mission God has for my life?
