Saturday, January 27, 2024

How Clear Is Your Vision?


  This morning, I let my dog outside and looked across the backyard. There was something in the yard that looked unusual to me. I asked my daughter, "What is that in the yard?" 

 "Mom, that is just a fallen tree branch with shriveled-up leaves," she answered confidently, surprised at my confusion.

 "No, I don't think it is," I responded. I took my phone out of my back pocket, took a picture, and zoomed in on it. "Oh, you were right."

 "I know I was, " my daughter teased. "I don't know why you couldn't see it."

 Most of us can relate to not always seeing things accurately. This thought popped into my brain while preparing for tomorrow's readings. I imagined myself sitting in my usual pew at Mass. What did I see at Mass, and how much am I missing? How visible is God to me? Am I seeing the whole picture?

  How is this same Mass viewed from heaven? I imagine it is entirely different. From heaven, our understanding will be complete and our vision clear. God will be so visibly present in each moment. Imagine seeing the graces given to the Church and to each person present. Imagine seeing all the angels and saints surrounding the altar. Seeing the Lamb of God given to the Father just for you. Envision praising God with new boldness and love. 

  Tomorrow, I'm going to try to see the Mass differently. I know my vision will still be limited, but what if I allow God to enlighten my heart and soul so my mind can envision more than I currently see? And, I wonder if God will teasingly tell me, "I don't know why you couldn't see it?"  


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