Saturday, April 29, 2023

Can You Hear His Voice?


 I was talking with a friend about her one-year-old toddler. She revealed that when her son was frustrated, he would bang his head against a wall. "Why would he purposely choose to hurt himself? I spend all day wondering how to make him happy, and this is what he chooses to do." Most parents can relate. We want what's best for our children. It's hard to watch them make a poor decision. But, unfortunately, we can't make our children or others listen to us. We can talk louder so they hear us, but we can't make someone listen. Listening is a choice.

 I wonder if God ever feels this way? Like my friend, He spends all day giving us what we need to be happy, and we sometimes make poor decisions. We may not be banging our heads against a wall, but our choices may be self-destructive. This is why prayer is vital so we can be tuned in to God's voice.

 Over and over, God calls us to a life of holiness and love. Even when we choose to go our own way, God never gives up on us. He continues to pour His love and grace into us. Sometimes we may feel lost, but God never leaves our side. We are His beloved children, and He is calling us to draw near to Him. We have so many choices in front of us every day. Listening to our loving Father should be the obvious choice. Let's choose God and see if life becomes sweeter and more peaceful.


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Let Your Heart Shout


  As I stood in the gathering space of my Church, I saw my daughter and granddaughters coming through the door. Excitedly the grandchildren ran toward me and gave me big hugs. As I picked up Angelina, a little shy of two years old, she exclaimed, "Jesus!" as she looked over my shoulder. Instinctively I turned and looked at the large picture of Jesus. "You are right! That's Jesus!" It made me so happy that she had already recognized Jesus!

 This got me thinking later. How many of us exclaim Jesus' name as we enter the Church? Unlike children who are put in a car and surprised where they end up, most of us are not surprised when we pull into the church parking lot and get out. We know exactly where we are going, or do we? Yes, we are at Church to celebrate the Mass, but have we forgotten that "the altar on earth is united and fused to the altar in heaven?" (Eucharist Prayer 1) Do we bring an attitude of wonder and awe that matches this reality?  Do you recognize Jesus before you on the altar? Does His Presence take your breath away? It should.

 As we enter the Church this week, let's be excited. Let your heart shout, "Jesus, I see You!" Let your ears hear His voice. And let your lips praise Him joyfully!



Sunday, April 16, 2023

Divine Mercy Sunday!


  What a glorious day! Today is Divine Mercy Sunday! The joy of Easter touches us today in a unique celebration of the mercy of God.   Jesus has been so generous to us! First, He gives us the Divine gift of Himself in the Eucharist at the Last Supper. Next, Jesus demonstrates the depth of His love on Good Friday by offering His life so we may be saved. Lastly, He conquers death and sin through His resurrection and opens the gates to the Kingdom for all to enter.  

  There is no love greater than this.   God wants us in Eternity with Him- all of us. And to dispel doubt, He places a magnificent fountain for us to bathe in before we enter the Kingdom. It is the fountain of His Mercy. 

  The appearance of our souls before the fountain should not prevent us from entering. Jesus only desires that we place all our trust in Him, and He will bathe us in His loving mercy. Do not let fear keep you from the Kingdom. You are loved. You are wanted. Your past was yesterday. Today is Divine Mercy Sunday; your future is with Christ the King. Today is a day of celebration! Please join us!


Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter!


 Just before my morning alarm went off, I felt the light of day caress my cheek and a tiny whisper in my ear. “ Alleluia, He is risen! Alleluia, He is risen!”

 My eyes opened as my heart beat faster. I jumped out of bed and exclaimed, “Yes, Alleluia, He is risen!” Joy overtook my senses. Today was not only Sunday but Resurrection Sunday! The day that changed everything. 

 My Glorious Lord stepped out of the grave and into my life. He has rescued me from sin and death with arms full of merciful love. I begged the Lord to hold me tight and never let me forget this moment. Peace filled my being. Love encompassed my thoughts. Today my King has opened my prison doors and offered me the Kingdom! Rejoice with me!


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Focas Forwad


 "Then Judas, his betrayer, seeing that Jesus had been condemned, deeply regretted what he had done. He returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying, "I have sinned in betraying innocent blood." Mark 27:1-4

 Heather closed her bible as those words pierced her heart. She had heard those verses countless times, yet today, she felt a personal pull. Heather allowed herself to consider Judas for a minute. He certainly wasn't the person she wanted to identify with in the gospel. Definitely not. He was so easy to dislike. Heather thought for a minute about Judas. What did she know? He was the one who controlled the money bag. The man who voluntarily sold the whereabouts of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. He was at the Last supper with Jesus. Allowed Jesus to wash his feet and dipped his hand into the dish with Jesus. He led a crowd carrying swords and clubs and then betrayed Jesus with a kiss.

 Heather shook her head, "I am nothing like Judas... am I?" She sat with that thought for a long time, wrestling with her conscience. What had she confessed last week in the Reconciliation room? "Okay, well ya, I'm obviously not perfect. Those were just small betrayals. Everyone sins. Is Jesus as okay with my small betrayals as I am?" She let out a big sigh. "Probably not." She continued to think. "Have I ever cared more about money than my faith?" She looked around at all the things she possessed. The answer to that question was obvious. "Well, at least I never betrayed Jesus with a kiss...have I? Have I ever kissed Jesus on Sunday morning at Mass and then focused the rest of the week on my own agenda?" Tears began to run down Heather's face. "I don't want to be like Judas. Holy Spirit, please help me!"  
