Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas!

God came to live among  us, so that we would never feel we were all alone in this world. Let your heart be filled with joy! Enjoy unwrapping the mystery of God's love. Search for His sign--       "an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes 
and lying in a manger."

Merry Christmas! 

Susan & Theresa

Sunday, December 20, 2020

The Lord Is With You: Week 4

 "Let's go! Let's go! I don't want to be late!" yelled Ross as he held the front door open.

  "I have to admit, I am really liking this new you," admitted Peggy.  She smiled and gave Ross a quick kiss on the cheek as she brushed past him.

  As he drove to church, Ross reflected on his Advent preparation. Perhaps this was the first year he truly made an effort to change. He never thought changing his attitude about the Mass would make such a difference. Before, he had put such little thought into attending Mass, and now it was the highlight of the week. Ross was also beginning to see why Peggy loved praying the Rosary so much. It was really nice that they were praying together as a family.

  Ross did his best to celebrate Mass with his heart as Jesus had asked.   "Lift up your hearts" with the response, "We lift them up to the Lord" had new meaning for Ross.  They were no longer just words recited, but rather an intentional action. As the Eucharistic prayer continued, Father Tom prayed, "Make holy, therefore, these gifts we pray, by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall, so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ." Then Ross saw a brilliant white flame come down upon the altar.  He couldn't believe what he was seeing.  His heart began to burn within him.  

  Internally Ross heard a voice, "Behold the Holy Spirit of God.  Prepare to receive Christ your King."

  In that instant of time, Ross allowed his heart to be filled with God's love.  He became acutely aware of his sinfulness and his need for healing. Today when Ross approached the Eucharist,  he brought a heart filled with new found reverence and awe. After consuming the Eucharist, Ross returned to his pew and fell to his knees, silently praising and thanking God. Mingled among his thoughts came John 3:16, "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but have eternal life."  As he looked up his eyes landed on the beautiful nativity scene sitting just in front of the altar. He found himself filled with new love for Mary and Joseph.  As he looked at the empty manger, Ross longed for the Christ child as he never did before.

  As the family left Mass that day, Joey said, "Guess what Dad?"

 "What?" answered Ross.

 "Only five more days to Christmas!"

  "Are you sure your ready for it?" asked Ross.

  "Yep!  I'm really looking forward to it!"

  "Me too," said Ross. "Me too!"


Friday, December 18, 2020

The Lord Is With You: Week 3 concludes

   As Ross drove the family home from church, he thought more about St. Joseph's words. "Praying with my wife and son were the greatest moments of my life."  Ross wondered if St. Joesph was inferring that Ross should pray more with his wife and son or with St. Joseph's wife and son?  Ross repeated St. Joseph's words over and over in his mind searching for the answer. Suddenly his thoughts became clear- if I pray the Rosary with my wife and son, I will also be praying with Jesus and Mary!  The answer was so simple, except there was just one problem.  Ross and Joey were struggling with the Rosary.  He wondered why Peggy enjoyed it so much?

  "Hey, honey, I was thinking we could try praying the Rosary again today," Ross said as he turned to look at Peggy.

  "Sounds good to me," Peggy answered.

  "Yeah, me too!" said Joey.

  Ross was shocked, "Really?"

  "Yeah I could use a good nap again!" Joey said laughing.

  "That's not funny.  I was thinking maybe we should try something different to make it" Ross struggled to find the best word.

 "More spiritual, more moving?" Peggy replied.  "Yes I was thinking the same thing.  I think I have an idea that you will both like.  And Joey if you are feeling too tired maybe we should consider setting an earlier bedtime for you."

  "No, thanks," replied Joey very quickly. "My bedtime is just fine."

  After dinner Peggy called the boys over to pray.  " I gave some thought on how to help both of you love praying the Rosary like I do.  There are lots of different ways to approach the Rosary, and personally I like to mix it up all the time, so that the Rosary is never the same.  I know last week you both concentrating on the order of the prayers, and I think you have that down.  Now the next step is to meditate on what exactly is transpiring in each mystery.  Imagine the event in your head, ask yourself these questions: Who is present? What do they see?  What do they hear? What are they feeling?  What is God revealing? Why does that have meaning in my life?  

  I thought we could pray in front of the manger tonight as we pray the Joyful Mysteries again.  As we pray I'm going to place one of the figures in front of us.  Try to imagine what that particular person is experiencing at that particular moment. If you have any trouble imagining things, ask Mary to help you.  Ready?"

(to be continued...)


Monday, December 14, 2020

The Lord Is With You: Week 3 Continues

   Later that evening the family gathered together to pray the Rosary.  Peggy was very excited!  The Rosary was one of her favorite prayers.  She could hardly believe her boys were going to pray it with her tonight, and it was their idea!  Peggy was more than happy to lead while Ross and Joey shared the pamphlet.  They were about to begin the Fourth Mystery when Peggy noticed Joey had fallen asleep.  Ross was looking like he was about to do the same.  "Maybe we could stand up for the last two decades?" Peggy suggested.

  Ross followed her suggestion. "Should we wake him up?" 

 "No, he did pretty good for his first try," Peggy admitted. "We can just continue ourselves." 

  The family tried the Rosary two other times that week. Both times Joey fell asleep.  Ross was feeling a little discouraged.  He didn't seem to get as much out of praying the Rosary as Peggy did.  He thought it would feel more inspiring.  He wondered why Mary wanted him to pray this?

 The week seemed to pass quickly and Ross was eager to celebrate Mass again on Sunday. Ross again tried to celebrate Mass with all his heart as he began to pray the Confiteor.  " I confess to almighty God and to you, my brother and sisters, that I have greatly sinned.... through my fault, through my fault....therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the angels and saints-" It was at that moment Ross noticed the man next to him in the aisle.  He stood in almost the same place as the Virgin Mary had the previous week.

  "I will happily pray for you to the Lord our God," the man said.

  Ross looked around and noticed he had stepped out of time again.  Everyone else seemed to be frozen.  Awkardly,  Ross replied,"Thank you."

  "You don't know who I am, do you?" the man asked.

  "I'm sorry.  I'm not the smartest of men," confessed Ross.

  The man laughed.  "I remember when I felt the same way about myself.  I never did feel I was worthy of the plan God had for my life.  I am St. Joseph.  The Lord has asked me to help you prepare for the birth of His Son.  I know you have been struggling with providing for your family this year. I thought I might share a few of my own experiences with you.  I also had difficult moments providing shelter and food for my family.  Unforeseen circumstances can be very stressful to handle.  Trust me, I have had my share- an unexpected census, a completely overcrowded town with no available rooms for my wife who was in labor, and a jealous king determined to kill our son.

    When we had to flee to Egypt to escape King Herod, we had to travel across the desert without any preparation or usual provisions. Traveling on our own, without a caravan, was very dangerous.  When we finally arrived in Egypt, I felt completely out of place.  I did not speak the language nor did I know the customs.  Regardless of my skills, I was not looked at favorably.  I was often overlooked for hiring. However, at the end of the day I would return home, whether I had earned money or not, and Jesus and Mary greeted me with love and we would pray together. 

  I would like to remind you that this is true for you as well.  Jesus and Mary are with you each and every day.  The peace you are searching for Ross can only be found through prayer.  Praying with my wife and son were the greatest moments in my life. I hope you discover this truth as well.  Love generously, Ross, it is the best way to prepare for Christmas."

  As Ross nodded in agreement, time moved forward and Ross heard Father Tom say, "May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life."

  Ross lovingly reached over to hold Peggy's hand as they responded together, "Amen."

(to be continued...)


Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Lord Is With You: Week 3


  When Mass ended Ross was anxious to check out the books Mary had suggested.  As the family was leaving the sanctuary, one of Peggy's friends was waving for her to come over.  Ross turned to Peggy and said, "Go ahead, Joey and I will be waiting over there."

  Joey smiled.  "Nice save Dad. You never know how long one of Mrs. Taylor's conversations are going to last."

  Ross returned the smile and nodded in agreement.  "I wanted to check out some of these books over here anyways."

  Joey raised his eyebrows, "Seriously?  Since when do you read church books?"

  Ross laughed.  "I know it's not usually my thing, but.... umm,  I'm trying to make some changes in my life."

  "Oh, is this because Grandpa died?"

  "No, well maybe yes.  It's been a tough year.  I never really put much effort into my faith life.  It was just there.  I think I was wrong.  I shouldn't just take my faith for granted.  You know what I mean?"

  "I guess.  It's pretty much what Mom tells me all the time.  I just thought it was cooler to be more like you."

  Ross smiled.  "Hey I think your Mom is pretty cool.  She is also pretty smart.  Let's just see if there is anything interesting over here. I was thinking maybe we could do this as a family."  Ross began skimming the book titles looking for something on the Rosary.  He saw a couple of different books, but he seemed drawn to a small little pamphlet.  It seemed pretty basic and not confusing.  Mary told him to start slow and this seemed to be a good start.

  "Hey guys!  I'm sorry that took a little longer than I thought," admitted Peggy.  "Are you ready?"

  "Yep.  Dad and I are just looking at some books.  Did you find one yet Dad?"

  "I'm liking this little one here, Joey.  What do you think?" Ross inquired.

  Joey took the pamphlet and start flipping through the pages. "Ya that looks good.  It's got some pictures and not too many words.  We could try that one."  Joey looked up at his mom and said, "Dad and I are going to try to be better."

  Ross looked at Peggy and said, "Would you like to join our crusade?"

  " Definitely!  Wow! I think I'm going to leave the two of you alone more often.  I have never been more pleasantly surprised!" As the family walked to the car, Peggy tried to keep her smile under control and inwardly prayed over and over, "Thank you, Jesus!  Thank you Mary!"

(to be continued...)


Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Feast of the Immaculate Conception


 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

   nor are your ways my ways, declares Yahweh.

For as the heavens are higher than earth, 

so are my ways higher than your ways,

my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:9

  Let us spend this feast day honoring Mary and thanking God for all the generous graces He shares with us.  He preserved Mary from original sin, so that she would be the perfect vessel to bring our Savior, Jesus, into the world!  May our tongues proclaim the goodness of the Lord today, and let us join our voices with the angels, "Hail Mary, full of grace!"


Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Lord is With You--Week 2

   The week went by quickly for Ross.  His depression didn't magically disappear, but some of his anger seemed diminished.  He was definitely still grieving the loss of his dad and that just made dealing with any other problems more difficult.  When the waves of sadness and loss moved through Ross, he tried very hard to believe his new mantra: "The Lord is with you."  Knowing that God was with him, and he was not facing this alone, helped Ross through the difficult moments.  At times he tried to shift his focus from his pain by remembering Jesus telling him how happy his dad was in Paradise.  With this new insight Ross was able to keep swimming even when the waves were crashing all around him.

  When Sunday came Ross found himself actually eager to go to Mass.  "Come on everybody let's go," he shouted.  "We don't want to be late for Mass."

  Peggy looked at her watch.  "Ross we have plenty of time yet.  This is a switch, usually I'm on your case to get moving."

  Ross smiled. "Hmm, that's true.  I'm sorry about that.  I'm trying to take Advent more serious this year.  I was very inspired by Mass last week.  I'm trying to make changes."

  Peggy stopped combing her hair.  She turned around and looked at Ross completely shocked.  "Who are you and what did you do with my husband?"

  "Very funny, Peggy.  What, you don't want me to be excited to go to Mass?"

  "Are you kidding?  I have dreamed of this day.  Looks like all those years of praying for you have finally payed off!" Peggy said teasingly.

  "Remind me to thank God for giving me such a comedic wife!  Better not make me late today."

  "Yes sir!" Peggy was more than happy to finish getting ready and leave a few minutes early.

  Ross could hardly wait for Mass to begin.  He sat in his pew staring at the altar.  He tried to remember every detail of what occurred last week.  "What are you smiling at?" Peggy whispered.

  Ross didn't realize he had been smiling.  "Nothing.  Just happy to be here."  Peggy reached over and felt his forehead.  "Knock it off!" Ross whispered back pretending to be annoyed.  Peggy had a hard time hiding her smile as well. 

  Father Tom began Mass with the usual greeting, "The Lord is with you." Ross felt an inner joy as the words were spoken and he remembered that Jesus asked him to celebrate Mass with all his heart. As Mass continued Ross did his best to do just that. Father Tom's homily seemed more inspiring than usual and Ross found himself excited to stand and pray the Nicene Creed. He bowed reverently as he prayed, "and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man." As Ross stood up from his bow his breath was taken away.  Standing just beside him in the aisle was the Virgin Mary!

  Mary was looking at him and smiling.  "That was the moment that changed my life forever," Mary revealed.

  Ross tried to speak but was dumbfounded. As he looked around, everyone else seemed to be frozen.  All he could mange to say was, "What?"

  "The Incarnation changed me and all of salvation."

  Ross did his best to remember the meaning of the word Incarnation.  He repeated the word incarnation over and over in his mind hoping his memory bank still held the answer. Incarnation... God became man...the Holy Spirit...and Mary... Mary said 'Yes'.

  Mary smiled as if she could see Ross' brain connecting his thoughts to make sense. "It is amazing how much God loves us!  My Son told me about your conversation last Sunday.  He has allowed me this quick visit as well.  Do you remember how the Angel Gabriel greeted me that day? 'Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!'  I had never imagined that God had such an incredible plan for my life. Knowing that the Lord would be with me gave me the courage to say, 'yes!' to all of His Plans.  I sometimes wonder why people do not take that greeting to heart.  Ross, the Lord has a plan for your life too, even if it is not always obvious.  His plan for me was revealed slowly over time though prayer.  I didn't have all of the answers either, but I did trust in His promise that He would always be with me. Ross could you do the same?  Can you trust that the Lord will always be with you?"

  "I am working on that.  I am embarrassed to say that I have never really considered that greeting to be so important. I guess I have a lot to learn."

  "I'd like to help you with that if you would allow me, Ross."

  "What do you have in mind?"

   "Ross would you consider praying the Rosary with me?  If you keep your heart open, I can reveal so much of God's love to you through this powerful prayer."

  "I'm not sure if I remember how?  It's been a long time," Ross confessed.

  "It is simpler than you think.  There are even books in the gathering area of the church that could help you.  I'm sure Peggy would be willing to help you out.  Just start off very slow. Begin with the Joyful Mysteries.  Over time I will help you comprehend more.  Would you be willing to try this path?" 

  Ross was so moved by Mary's gentleness that he said,"Yes!" Immediately he felt the present moment and continued to pray the Nicene Creed.

(to be continued...)




Saturday, December 5, 2020

Magazine Collection Update

 Previous Advent story added to the magazine collection!