Monday, June 8, 2020

Holy Trinity

  Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Every time we pray we begin with our belief in the Holy Trinity—"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." The sign of the cross is easy to do, but wrapping your head around the mystery of the Holy Trinity is not. To be honest, I’m ok with not being able to comprehend the depth of this mystery, because just scratching the surface of this relationship of love is so incredible to me. I don’t have to understand it completely, I just want to be completely a part of it. 
  St. Thomas tells us that the “Holy Spirit, Himself is Love.” The Holy Spirit is the love the Father and Son share for each other.  The Trinity is the most powerful example of love, and  is often symbolized as a triangle. (The triangle is structurally the strongest geometrical shape.)  It is this amazing, powerful love that God shares with each of us. It's okay that we don’t completely comprehend three persons in One God, we merely need to be open to placing ourselves in the midst of this triangle of love. We then need to love others the way God does. As we invite others to experience God's love, we build the Kingdom. 
  I like to imagine that each of us is a triangle in the Kingdom.  Each of us is surrounded by the love of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  We are bonded one to another in this Kingdom of Love. A Kingdom so strong, no power of evil could destroy it. The Kingdom is not waiting until the end of time to be built, it is only waiting for you to begin each day of your life “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
