Monday, January 6, 2020


  Suffering.  Not my favorite subject, but a subject that can't be avoided.  I recently had someone ask me, "Why do I have to keep suffering?"
  I answered very honestly, "I don't have a good answer to that.  I just know that it is one of the mysteries of our faith.  Christ suffered on the cross, and He draws near to us when we are suffering."  Most of the saints suffered.  If we trust God, our sufferings can help convert sinners, shorten a soul's time in purgatory, or purify our own heart.  But suffering can also be very alienating, discouraging, mentally and physically draining, and of course, painful and difficult. Trusting that our suffering could be part of God's Plan is sometimes hard to grasp.  Doesn't God want us to be happy?  Of course He does.
  The first shall be last, whoever wants to save their life will lose it, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you are just a few examples of Jesus' teachings.  Being a disciple of Jesus is a constant challenge.  We have to pick up and carry our cross just like Jesus did.  We have to remember that the cross is the mysterious bridge connecting heaven and earth.  We weren't made to live forever on earth, we were made for heaven. We can not find the path to heaven on our own, we must follow Christ's footsteps. It is the ultimate trust walk.  Over and over our hearts must declare, "Jesus I trust in you."
