Monday, October 7, 2019

Chain Reaction


  I like this above quote by St. Francis Xavier Cabrini.  I feel that if the Rosary had a motto, it might be this.  Mary's greatest desire is to remind us of Christ's great love for each of us.  A rosary's simple design allows us to carry Jesus and Mary with us no matter where we may be. It is a symbol of faith, trust, and love. It mysteriously connects our lives to Jesus. It is a prayer that leads us to inner peace so that we may extend peace to the world through our words and actions.
  October is the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, and the feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary is celebrated on today, October 7th.  I would really like to encourage everyone to share the Rosary with at least one person this month.  We all know someone who is going through a difficult time.  Why not pray the Rosary with this person, or invite someone else to pray the rosary with you for that person in need. Peace and love in our lives can never be underestimated.  Life can wear us down, but each bead of the Rosary starts a chain reaction in our souls.  It stirs us to love, He who is love. It challenges us to love as Christ loves. As we pray each rosary, we change, and then we begin changing the lives of those around us. It's an incredible chain reaction.
