Monday, December 3, 2018

Listen.....God Is Calling You

  The season of Advent is upon us. This year, take a moment to listen.  God is calling you.  He is calling you to leave the security of your home, the familiarity of your daily routine, and join Him on a journey to Bethlehem.  This week concentrate on listening. What does God's voice sound like? Whose voice does He use when you can't hear Him, or when your problems distract you from listening, or when we allow our busy schedules to take priority over prayerful moments?  Make a concentrated effort this week to let go of your usual routine and allow God to direct your thoughts and prayers.  Close your eyes and allow God to speak first.  Get caught up in the thrill of God being near to you. Let joy and love fill your heart as you follow His inspirations and take your first few steps toward Bethlehem.
