Friday, February 2, 2018

Just Picture It

 Many years ago my family and I visited the "Holy Land Experience" in Orlando, Florida. As you stroll the streets of the "Holy Land", the Bible comes to life with live acting performances and building replicas.  We were watching one of the live performances of Jesus preaching, when one of the apostles stopped an actor child from approaching Jesus. Jesus looked at the apostle and said. "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  As he said this the actor portraying Jesus walked into the crowd and looked right at my Theresa.  He took Theresa's hand and led her back to the stage for everyone to see.
  I remember how big my smile was when I saw Theresa walking hand in hand with Jesus.  Granted it was an actor portraying Jesus, but at that moment, all I could see was how much Theresa was loved by Jesus! 
  I am sharing this story with you hoping that I can encourage you to read the Gospels not as just some nice stories that occurred two thousand years ago, but to see yourself in the story.  Is Jesus talking to you?  Are you part of the crowd?  Are you a Pharisee, a tax collector, one of the apostles?  How do you respond to Jesus' words? Picture it in your mind.  You might just find that as you bring your life to the Gospel, the Gospel brings more of His life to you!
