Monday, December 31, 2018

A Very Special Bond

  I have had the wonderful opportunity to spend time with my family over this past week. I just love watching my little granddaughter coo and smile and laugh with my daughter.  The two of them are so in love and mesmerized by each other.  The bond between a mother and child is so very special.
  Observing my daughter and granddaughter got me thinking about Mary and baby Jesus. It must have been absolutely amazing for Joseph to watch Jesus and Mary smiling at each other.  I wonder what Mary would do or say to make baby Jesus smile or laugh?  
  I would like to suggest that we hang on to Christmas a little longer and spend some time with the Holy Family.  We don't have the distractions of presents, festivities, or traveling any more.  We can just sit down, quietly place ourselves inside the manger, and be mesmerized by the special bond between Mary and Jesus. I can't imagine a more peaceful or more beautiful place to be.  Enjoy spending time with the Mother of God and the Christ Child. I know I will.


Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!

 As we approach the Holy day of Christmas my thoughts rest on Mary and Joseph as they searched for a place to stay in Bethlehem. Imagine how different any of the inn keepers lives may have been if they had made room for Mary and Joseph.  It’s really quite sad they said no.  Mary and Joseph were willing to share the birth of the Messiah with whoever  was willing to say “yes”.  This search continues even until today. Mary and Joseph are still praying that people will open their homes and hearts to the new born baby Jesus.  They desire to share Jesus with whoever will say "yes".
  Two days ago I ran into the store to pick up a sympathy card for a friend. When I came out of the store, I found this note on my car. 

 After I was done being mad, I prayed for this person, whoever they may be. This person is obviously hurting and really needs to feel God’s love. I would like to invite everyone to pray for those who need extra love this Christmas. There are so many people who have not said "yes" to the Christ child yet.  They have no idea how amazingly different their lives could be. 
  I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!  Remember the most important word today is “yes”!  Say YES! to God’s perfect gift of love, His Son, Jesus. 


Monday, December 17, 2018

Do You Hear What I Hear?

  Christmas is nearly here.  Are you ready?  I was thinking about this the other day when my thoughts turned to Mary.  I wonder how Mary prepared for her Son's birthday every year?  Did she run around buying presents for everyone?  Did she look for matching Christmas pajamas for Joseph, Jesus, and herself? Most likely not.  
  I think Mary probably spent countless hours in prayer praising God for sending the Messiah.  I think that gazing upon the Son of God filled her completely with joy. I bet she wanted to spend the entire day just being near to Jesus.
  Perhaps should do our best to imitate Mary in this upcoming week.  We should just slow down and immerse ourselves in God's love.  Let us prepare to give Jesus the present He desires most-our hearts.  This week put down all your lists, and instead, just listen for the voice of Emmanuel.


Monday, December 10, 2018

Checking it Twice

  Our journey towards Bethlehem continues.  We have listened for God's voice and heard His invitation to join Him.  What is your response? This week, examine the path you are on.  Is your path filled with moments that draw you closer to Jesus?  Do you desire to go all the way and gaze upon the face of Christ or are you satisfied with watching the events from miles away?  What is your true desire this Christmas? Do you long to embrace the Christ-child?  How close will the path you are on take you? 


Saturday, December 8, 2018

Blessed Are You among Women!

  Today we celebrate Mary! We celebrate how richly blessed she was by God.  She was spared the stain of original sin so that she may be the future mother of Jesus!  I think this is such a beautiful love story.  God so loved us and wished to save us from our sins, that He chose to bless Mary from the moment of her conception, and Mary chose to love God with all her heart, for all her life. Mary gives herself completely to God and Jesus gives His life completely for all of us.  The only part missing from this amazing love story is how much do we love God in return? Let's spend the day being an active part of this love story. Today let us celebrate our love for Mary! Today let us tell God we love Him too!


Monday, December 3, 2018

Listen.....God Is Calling You

  The season of Advent is upon us. This year, take a moment to listen.  God is calling you.  He is calling you to leave the security of your home, the familiarity of your daily routine, and join Him on a journey to Bethlehem.  This week concentrate on listening. What does God's voice sound like? Whose voice does He use when you can't hear Him, or when your problems distract you from listening, or when we allow our busy schedules to take priority over prayerful moments?  Make a concentrated effort this week to let go of your usual routine and allow God to direct your thoughts and prayers.  Close your eyes and allow God to speak first.  Get caught up in the thrill of God being near to you. Let joy and love fill your heart as you follow His inspirations and take your first few steps toward Bethlehem.


Monday, November 19, 2018

Thank God!

  This week we will be counting our blessings.  We will join with family and friends for a wonderful feast.  In one way or another, we will take a few moments to review the past year and express our thanks to God. Unfortunately, Thanksgiving seems to be changing.  It seems to take a back seat to football games and holiday sales events.  But it doesn't have to be that way. 
  This year let's try to be really generous with our thanks. All year we have feasted on His generosity.  We have been nourished with His love. Don't let your thanks be just a fleeting thought. This Thanksgiving, let us all go totally overboard with praise for God! In fact, we could start praising God today and every day after. I think it would amazing if this was the year we all tried to become truly, thankful disciples! Imagine how amazing Thanksgiving would be a year from now! 
  I hope you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving! Praise God!


Monday, November 12, 2018

Trust Walk

  Sometimes staying on the path can be difficult.  Changes can occur, and the path that was once so obvious is difficult to discern. Do not lose heart.  Continue to trust the Lord and pray for guidance. Jesus never leaves our side. Sometimes the path only appears hidden from us, and Jesus is merely waiting for us.  He is waiting for us to stretch out our hands in prayer, so that He can grab ahold of our hands, as He carefully guides each of our steps.  


Friday, November 2, 2018

Please Pray Today.....for them...

  I like the fact that the Church sets aside special time for us to remember those who have gone before us. Purgatory.  It's misunderstood.  It's seems to be forgotten by most.  It's one of those things that is difficult to talk about.  It is much more comforting to imagine the beauty of Heaven, then the place of purification.  To be honest, I was never even taught about Purgatory while I was growing up.  Guess who taught me about it?  Mary and the Saints.  Fatima, St. Faustina, St. Pio, St. Gertrude, etc. all talked about Purgatory.  So, I started doing some reading. At first I was really taken aback, but over time my feelings changed.
  I have found over the years that I feel drawn to pray for the souls in Purgatory.  Perhaps it is my way to practice being merciful.  I trust in God's Plan for salvation.  I trust that my prayers will help souls fully participate in the glories of heaven a little sooner. Remembering loved ones and praying for their eternal happiness is beautiful.  I feel blessed that God allows us the opportunity to let our loved ones know how much we love and care about them. I hope you join me in praying for all the souls in Purgatory, not just today, but every day.  One day we will find out just how important all our prayers really are.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

All Saints Day

  Sometimes when I read about the lives of the saints, my mouth just drops open, and I think, "WOW!"  I want to love Jesus like that!  Wouldn't it be amazing if we could sit alongside the saints at a long banquet table and listen to their personal stories?
  Today is All Saints Day.  Today is a great day to call upon any one of the saints, and ask them for a little advice. Ask them how you could follow Jesus more closely?  Having friends in high places is a very good thing.  They have a unique perspective which allows them to see the obstacles standing in your way.
  Draw close to the saints.  Don't be afraid of holiness.  Holiness was their calling, but God is calling you as well.  God is calling you to be holy.  He wants you at the banquet table, too, but not just as an observer, but someone who has their own faith story to tell as well. God has set the table and has prepared the banquet.  Don't make the mistake of being too late for dinner.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Matters of the Heart

Neva slowly climbed the steps to the front entrance of the church.  She remembered the days when her steps were lighter and her heart was filled with love and joy. Unfortunately, her heart had to work so much harder now to pump life into her body.  She carried with her a pain that had eroded an area of the muscle in her heart. 
  Neva slid into her usual pew and prepared her heart for the celebration of the mass.  Like every week, she listened intently to the readings and the priest's homily.  She was completely unaware what was about to occur.  As the priest held up the consecrated host at the alter, Neva saw Jesus standing behind the priest.  He held out his hand and asked her to draw near. Without hesitation, Neva drew closer.
  "My Lord, I have a pain in my heart that I can no longer carry.  I have tried to leave it behind, but it is so deeply imbedded in me, that I have failed in my attempts.  Lord, will you please heal me?"
  Jesus smiled and said, "Give me your pain, dear child, and I will restore your heart with my own."  Jesus placed one of the consecrated hosts from the alter unto Neva's hand.  With tears streaming down her face, Neva released her pain and then placed the host into her mouth.
  Within minutes her heart began to change. She took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled.  It was gone.  That heavy feeling was gone.  She touched her heart as her brain began to process the change. The Lord's peace and love began to declutter her thoughts.  Her eyes could clearly see those around her. Her ears listened to the new rhythm of her heart.  She was healed! She was healed!  Filled with joy, Neva praised God every day that followed for this loving act of mercy.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Celebrating Mary

  October is the month dedicated to Mary and the Rosary.  The Rosary is my "go to" prayer.  Whether I am excited, scared, nervous, confused, angry, depressed or happy, the Rosary helps me celebrate life.  More specifically, it helps me celebrate God's life within me.  Sound mysterious?  Well that is the whole idea.  By dwelling on the mysteries of Jesus' life, I begin to unravel the mysteries of my own life. 
   God is amazing and loving far beyond my comprehension.  Like any good mother, Mary can sense my perplexity.  Gently she holds my hand and slowly helps me to understand.  She is so patient with me even when my mind is clouded with distractions, or my heart is too angry or too sorrowful to grow.  Linked together by the Rosary beads, Mary stays close to me. As I hold the beads, I can sense that Mary holds the answers I so desperately desire.  I want to love God more, but I let so many little things get in the way.  As I close my eyes and pray the Hail Mary, Mary opens my mind and heart to embrace God's loving plan.  She helps me understand things I could not comprehend on my own. 
  I have fallen in love with the Rosary.  The Rosary is my mysterious, inspiring connection to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  I believe the Rosary is the lifeline of my soul.


Monday, October 1, 2018

Who Is Your Hero?

  I wanted to share a special part of my weekend with you.  This weekend I was honored to attend the 6th Annual Dutton Farm Fashion Show.  Dutton Farm is an amazing place dedicated to helping adults with mental or physical impairments. They provide opportunities for the adults (affectionately termed "farmers") to learn new vocational and social skills.  It is a place where love has no boundaries and the hands and feet of Jesus are visibly evident.
  This year's theme centered around the "Celebration of Heroes".  Each "farmer" walked the runway dressed as their favorite hero.  Some of the costumes included super heroes like Spiderman, Wonder Woman, the Hulk, or a firefighter.  I couldn't have been more proud when my niece, Katie, walked down the runway.  She was dressed as Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  Tears filled my eyes as I cheered for her.  The world often overlooks what my niece so clearly understood.  She wanted to be like Mary.  She was probably the wisest person in the room.  With a smile on her face she walked down the runway evangelizing the room without saying a word!  My niece Katie is incredible!
  After the show, a woman came up to Katie and said she was so moved by her, that she wanted to give her something.  She handed Katie a necklace with a Mary on it.  She told Katie it was from Medjugorje!
  Afterwards, my sister told Katie, "You must have really touched her heart."  Katie smiled. 
  I thought about this later as I drove home.  Katie, in that moment, was just like Mary.  She was gently touching people's heart, reminding them that there is so much more to life than what the world deems important.  There is nothing more important than God's love. Katie gets it.  I hope the rest of us are wise enough to discover that as well.


If you are interested in learning more about the wonderful things occurring at Dutton Farms please visit their website:

Monday, September 24, 2018

Seeing Things Differently

  Frances kneeled next to her bed and began to sob.  Life had been too difficult lately.  "Please Jesus, please help me to see things differently.  I am in such desperate need of healing.  Please don't leave me alone with this problem."  After going through half a box of Kleenex and a half dozen prayers, Frances climbed into bed exhausted and fell asleep almost immediately.
  Frances woke up the next morning with a heavy heart.  She began another day with her problems weighing on her mind. She wondered how she would get through another day.  She wondered if God had even heard her plea last night.  As she walked down the driveway to get into her car, she noticed something odd.  Her neighbor, two houses away, was walking her dog, but there was a strange aura of light around her.  Frances rubbed her eyes.  "Great," she thought to herself, "Now I can add vision problems to my list of problems, too."
  As the day went on, Frances saw theses strange aura of lights around everyone.  Some were very bright and almost had an energy to them.  Frances was fascinated.  It was if she was the only one who noticed them.  Just before lunch, Frances sat down at her office desk and noticed a piece of paper folded in half with her name on it.  She unfolded the piece of paper and read the message. "Frances I thought you might enjoy seeing how my love encompasses everyone.  I have my arms wrapped tightly around you today.  I have never left you alone to face your problems.  I am always with you. Love, God."  Frances quickly looked around and realized she could see God's love everywhere.  It was amazing! But what really took her breath away, was when Frances caught her own reflection in a nearby window. The aura around her was almost dazzling.  Frances found herself smiling and almost a little giddy.  Sure, she still had her problems, but knowing she had God's Love all around her, made her see everything differently.


Monday, September 17, 2018

The Project

  Charlene was surprised to hear the class project was due in two days.  "How is that even possible?" she thought to herself.  It seemed like she had so much more time for this assignment.  She looked over the notes she had taken earlier.  "Hmm... I started off  good....why did I just stop trying?"  Well she had two full days to pull off this assignment.  She always worked well under pressure.  She felt somewhat confidant she could pull this off.
  For the next two days she completely dedicated herself to the project.  As the hours passed by, she began to feel less and less confidant.  She could have done so much more if she hadn't waited until the last minute.  She had so many good ideas, but she completely underestimated how much time she needed.  At the end of the two days, she looked at her project.  She was underwhelmed.  She knew she could have done so much better.  
  As she approached the teacher's assistant, she had an idea.  "What if I just begged for a little more time?"  Charlene wondered.  "Excuse me, I was wondering if I could get a little extra time to work on my project?  I have a few more great ideas that I didn't get around to researching."
  "I'm sorry, Charlene, I'm not in charge of the timing.  You did understood the importance of this project, right?"
  "Yes, I just have so much more to do.  This will definitely affect my future, and I feel I could do better than this, if I just had a little more time."
  "You know you are not the first to feel this way.  It's funny how many people feel they could have done better.  The student before you said he had only worked on the project for seventy eight years.  Every day he devoted himself to it, and he thought he could still do more, too. I'm sure if you put your heart into it, you have nothing to worry about."
  The tears in Charlene's eyes silently steamed down her cheeks.  She hadn't put her heart into it.  She hadn't given it the time or thought it deserved.  She had waited until the last minute, and it was disappointing.  She handed the Teacher's assistant Peter her life's project entitled "How I Love God".  She had hoped to have had gathered so many more examples.  She was so disappointed with herself.  
  "Charlene, wait right here.  The Teacher is going to go over everything with you.  Good luck!" Peter smiled and then walked away.
  Dumbfounded, Charlene sunk into the nearby chair.  She closed her eyes and searched her memory bank. She wondered what she ever thought was more important than showing God how much she loved Him.  Oddly, she viewed her life so much differently from that chair.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Total Joy

  This past week my family was blessed to welcome a new bundle of joy into our family!  With the birth of my granddaughter I found myself rejoicing over the gift of life!  How incredible is the birth of a child!  How miraculous are each and everyone of us!  
  At one point in our celebration, the nurse came in to give the new parents some instructions.  This of course caught the attention of my two youngest.  "Mom, she just explained everything the same way you did.  I guess you were right."
  I smiled and nodded my head in agreement.  In my head I thought, "Of course, I'm right.  Do you really think I would lead you astray."  And, it was at that moment, I realized there were times I may have responded to God's advise in the same way.  Why am I so surprised sometimes to discover the wisdom in God's words? 
  I wonder if He ever smiles at me and says, "Of course, I'm right.  I would never lead you astray. You are my child, I love you, and I plan to take very good care of you. "


Monday, September 3, 2018

Open to Possibilities

  Riggs quickly walked up the path to his front door.  He was filled with anticipation.  He couldn't wait to get home tonight.  He put his key in the door and turned the knob.  A smile came across his face as he opened the door.  His eyes landed on a familiar face.  There was Jesus standing before him in the Divine Mercy Image that hung on the wall.  Riggs took his usual seat across from the Image.  He just sat there and asked Jesus to let His love and mercy flow through him.  No fancy words.  No long prayers.  Riggs closed his eyes, opened his heart and mind to the Lord, and allowed the silent voice of God to transform him.  It was the perfect way to begin his evening.


Monday, August 20, 2018

Have You Banked Enough?

 It's easy to check my bank account to see how much money I have spent, or open the closet doors in my house to see how much "stuff" I have accumulated.  But, how do I know how much I have loved?  How many opportunities have I missed and not given my love?
  I don't know how to measure the love I have given.  I'm not even sure if I'm living up to my future potential. That's why I'm giving  my heart completely over to God, and trusting that His saving plan is truly the best investment.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Feast of the Assumption

  This week we will be celebrating the Feast of Mary's Assumption into Heaven.  I thought it would be a good idea to spend some time thinking and preparing for this beautiful feast day.  I love imagining this moment. I wonder who smiled more, Mary or Jesus, when Mary was assumed body and soul into heaven?  This had to be the most incredible moment for Mary!  She had lived her whole life with her eyes faithfully focused on God, and now she stands before Him in heaven, face to face.  It had to be an absolutely glorious day!
  Perhaps this could be our moment to ask Mary how to keep our eyes always focused on God.  If we could see our life with Mary's eyes, what would we see differently?  Would we realize our love for God could be so much more than it is?  How could we sharpen our vision in order to embrace the vision God has for our life?
  Moment by moment, day by day, we are walking towards our own heavenly moment.  Can you clearly see your steps, or are they a little out of focus?  Ask Mary to guide each of your steps.  She knows the way better than anyone.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Reading the Signs

  This past week, I was driving across the state when I saw a billboard that read, "Real Christians love their enemies."  I spent some time thinking about that as I drove.  I asked myself, "Am I a real Christian?  Do I really love my enemies?"   I mean, it's easy for me to ignore my "enemies". Usually I can even tolerate my "enemies".  I have prayed for my "enemies".  And, as painful as it has been, I have even forgiven "enemies". But love them--isn't that just asking too much?  Jesus didn't seem to think so.
  Being a Christian is not easy.  Jesus calls and challenges each of us "to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect".  Is that even possible?  No, not if we try to do it on our own.  This is why prayer is so important.  With the grace of God, the impossible becomes possible.  With the grace of God, hate can be transformed into love.  With the grace of God, mere creatures can learn to love as God loves.  Perhaps Jesus can ask so much of us, because He knows how generous the Father is with each of us. I think the real question is not whether or not it is possible, but rather do I trust God enough to allow His grace to transform me? 
  I'm sure the next road sign I saw will not surprise anyone. It said, "Caution.  Area under construction."  It looks like the path I am on needs some work.


Sunday, July 29, 2018

God's Hand

  Many years ago, I was attending a healing mass for my mother.  My children and I arrived just as the mass was about to begin.  Of course when you are running late, someone always has to go to the bathroom.  My young daughter and I quickly headed towards the bathroom as the commentator began his opening remarks.  He said, "Today we will actually see the hand of God at work...."  I didn't hear much more than that, because my daughter started full out running towards the bathroom.
  I thought to myself, "Wow, she must really have to go."  By the time I made it to the restroom, she was already done and washing her hands.
  "Mom, come on let's go!" she said impatiently.  "They have God's hand out there!"
   I smile every time I think of that memory.  I loved how excited she was at the thought of seeing God's hand!
  Many of us are like the apostle Thomas, we want to physically see God's hand in our lives.  We have so many questions, concerns, and doubts when our prayers seem to go unanswered.  At times we must have great faith and trust in God's plan for our lives.  This week I would like to suggest that we make a point to really look for God's hand in our lives.  We might be surprised at how many times we are touched by Him.


  This is what I had intended on posting tonight.  However, I received a phone call from the same daughter in the story tonight.  I would like to share our conversation with you.
  "Mom, I wanted to tell you about church tonight.  My church has a relic of Father Solanus Casey. It was one of his metacarpals (a bone from his hand).  I got to touch it, and I prayed for you and "private intention".  I also have a scapular that has touched the relic for you, too!"
   My smile grew wide as we continued our conversation.  Now it was my turn to be very excited!  God's Presence was so clear to me in that moment.  I saw the hand of God.   Seeing the hand of God is really quite easy.  Just look at the hands of those He has placed in your life!

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Storm

  Leonard was walking his usual route across town when he heard the alarm on his phone.  He pulled the phone out of his pocket and saw the warning:  Flash flood alert take cover.  Flash flood?  He looked up at the sky.  He didn't see any ominous clouds.  He thought the path he was on was pretty safe, so he continued walking.  A few minutes later the winds began to pick up and the clouds began to darken.  "This is crazy," he thought to himself.  "Everything was just fine a few minutes ago."
  As the sky turned dark, Leonard tried to assess the situation.  He looked around searching for a different path.  Within seconds Leonard could feel the rain pouring down.  "I have to find higher ground," he thought to himself.  Instinctively he began to run.  As he ran, he knew he was in trouble.  "Lord," he cried out, "Please help me!"
  The rain and the wind became relentless.  Confused, Leonard looked around and felt completely lost.  He appeared to be all alone.  He shook his head and screamed, "Lord, I need your help!  Please help me!"  He listened for an answer, but all he could hear was the storm around him.  From out of nowhere a fallen tree limb crushed him to the ground.  He felt the pain everywhere in his body.  On his hands and knees he continued to search for safety.  He wasn't sure if it was the pelting rain or the tears in his eyes that blurred his vision, but he could no longer recognize where he was.  He couldn't hear the Lord, nor feel His Presence.  Leonard felt completely defeated.  His pain intensified.
  Leonard made an attempt to stand.  Failing, he fell flat on the ground.  He stretched out his hand to pull himself forward.  His hand miraculously felt a wooden beam.  Leonard wrapped both hands around the wood as the wind blew stronger and stronger.  Over and over he prayed for the Lord to keep him safe, to show him the way.  Darkness was all around Leonard. 
  After a long time, the storm finally passed.  Leonard used the beam to pull himself to an upright position.  For the first time he looked up at the beam and noticed the crossbar.  This was no ordinary beam of wood.  Leonard had been clinging to the cross of the Lord.  It was the safest place he could have been during his storm.  This time his prayers and tears cried out, "Thank you."


Monday, June 11, 2018

Eternally Grateful

  As I was walking up to my front door, I glanced at my statue of Mary. "Wow, I thought to myself, when did those ferns get so big? They are starting to obscure Mary."  I put my things inside and came back out wearing my work gloves.  I began to trim back some of the bigger plants and pull out a few adjacent weeds.  As I took care of Mary, I wondered how many times she has taken care of me?  How many obstacles has she removed from my path so that I could see more clearly?  How many of my bad habits has she trimmed back or encouraged me to remove? 
  Being a mom, I know I do a lot of little things out love for my children.  Many of them go unnoticed.  Most of the prayers I say on their behalf are between me and God.  I pray that my children will discover God's Will in their lives, and that they have the courage to act on it. I want the very best for them.
  When I finished weeding, I smiled.  Mary looked beautiful.  Her presence felt strong. For a moment I held Mary's hand and felt blessed her for all of her acts of love and prayers she said on my behalf.  I whispered a soft, "Thank you, Mary" knowing that I will be eternally grateful.


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Enjoy The Feast!

  Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.  How fortunate are we to be able to enjoy this feast today and whenever we wish!  How often do we take for granted that Jesus waits for us to visit Him?  Perhaps if we left our heart at the Blessed Sacrament with each visit, we would long to return.  Our bodies cannot survive without our hearts, and souls can not survive without being nourished by His Presence.  Grace after grace, let us fill our bodies with His everlasting love.  Moment after moment, let us fall more deeply in love with His tender and merciful love.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Light The Way

  This week try to keep in mind the following verse.  Jesus said, "You are the light of the world."  He is counting on you to share His love with others.  Sometimes it is the smallest gestures, the softest voices, and the warmest smiles that can make a big difference in someone's day.  Give Jesus permission to use you as a vessel of His love.  Let your light break through the darkness of someone else's day.


Saturday, May 26, 2018


 Jesus said, "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.  This is how all will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35)   Love one another.  It sounds simple, but unfortunately, many of us have complicated it.  We do so by adding one extra word to the end of Jesus' commandment.  Most of us have added the word "except".  Love one another except..... and that is where all the trouble begins.
 Unfortunately, we don't even realize we are doing this.  We are so much better at judging and excluding people who are different from us, then we are at embracing and loving them.  I wonder why that is? 
  This week try to spend some time reflecting on who you have not been willing to love, and then ask God to help you love them.  Ask God to transform you into one of His disciples of love.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Are You Serious?

  Being a parent is not an easy job.  A parent's perspective can be so different from a child's.  Sometimes the way I remember a particular event is completely different from my kids.  I love reminiscing about our family vacations.  I will be remembering how much fun we had, and my kids will bring up the one thing that went wrong.  My usual response is, "Are you serious?  Do you know how much time I spent planning everything for you?  Why would you focus on the negative?"
  A parent's perspective can definitely be different.  I wonder how many times God has wondered the same thing about me?


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Celebrating the Holy Spirit!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A Little Spring Cleaning

  I was vacuuming the kitchen when I noticed the crumbs weren't being picked up.  I shut off the vacuum, got down on my knees and took a closer look.  That's when I saw the problem.  One of the tubes wasn't completely connected.  
  My daughter was watching me and commented, "I noticed it wasn't working very good for me either."
  "Why didn't you tell me?"  I asked.  "I even asked you if you had vacuumed your room."
  "I did vacuum," she answered.  "It's not my fault if it didn't clean anything."
   I shook my head. "Well if it wasn't working, you should have asked for help. You can't just go through the motions and say you cleaned."  And so it is with our sins.  We can't just say we are sorry and not change our habits.  Sometimes in order to clean up our mistakes, we need to get down on our hands and knees and take a good look at what is causing the problem.  We need to be honest with God and with ourselves.  
  This week try to spend some quiet, one-on-one time with God reflecting on your life.  The better your connection with God, the better your chance will be of avoiding sin in the future. 


Friday, May 11, 2018

Mary's Love

    This Sunday is Mother's Day.  It is a perfect time to remember all the little and big moments you have shared with your Mom.  I remember when I was very young, I would go out into the yard and pick dandelions for my mom.  My mom would always thank me and smile, and then put them in a special vase.  It made me feel so happy and loved.
  My moments in prayer with Mary make me feel the same way.  Mary always has the time to listen to my little bouquet of prayers.  She gathers them in her gentle hands and then carries them to heaven for me.  My prayers look so much more beautiful in her hands because she adds her love to them.  A mother's love is a gift you should never take for granted.  Find some special moments to love and be loved by Mary this weekend!


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Knocking Down Walls

  As I knelt to pray, I looked around and wondered to myself, "When did these walls get here?"  They were tall and wide and obstructed my view.  "Lord, where are you?" I called out.
  "I am here, my child."
  "But I can't see you."
  "That's because you built those walls."
  "I built these walls?  I don't remember doing that. Why would I build a wall that separated me from You?"
  "I wonder about that, too," answered God.
  "My Lord, I want nothing to come between us."
  "The power to remove these walls resides in you," replied God.
  I thought about this for a minute. I very slowly and deliberately made the sign of the cross as I said, "I believe in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." I saw one wall crumble to the ground.  "Jesus," I cried out, "I place all my trust in You."  Instantly, another wall came crashing down.  I began thinking about some of my recent decisions, and with sorrow I said,  "Lord, I desire Your Will over my own." The third wall smashed into pieces.  "God I want to love you with all my heart, with all my mind, and with all my soul." The last wall completely disintegrated and my Lord was standing there with His arms wide open.  In an instant I ran to His arms and was completely immersed in His love.  "My Lord, please never let go of me."
  "My dear child, it is not My arms that ever let go. It is your arms that let go of Me."


Friday, May 4, 2018

Don't Under Estimate It

  As I was walking down the beach I came upon this beautiful site.  Someone had drawn in the sand a very large Christian fish or Ichthys. Since the very early days of Christianity, the fish has symbolized one's belief in Jesus as the Son of God and Savior.  The sight of this of course made me smile.  I loved knowing that I was not the only one thinking about God as I walked along the shore.  
  Sharing your faith with the world can never be underestimated.  Believers and non-believers need to be reminded of Christ's Presence in this world.  I love when I am having a bad day and I am suddenly struck with someone's inspiring words or actions.  God allows His love to shine through each of us--when we give Him our "Yes!"  As I continuing walking I thought of the quote attributed to Saint Francis, "Preach the Gospel at all times.  When necessary, use words."


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May Blessings

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Imitate Jesus

  Today I would just like to share a quote from St. Louis De Montfort's book "True Devotion to Mary":

  "The Lord did not will to come into the world at the age of a perfect man, independent of others, but like a poor little babe, dependent on the care and support of His holy Mother.  In order to glorify God His Father and to save men, He found no more perfect means, no shorter way to do it, than to submit to Himself in all things to the Blessed Virgin.  We imitate Jesus when we place ourselves in complete dependence on Mary."

  We follow in the footsteps of Jesus when we place ourselves in the arms of Mary. As I celebrate my anniversary of consecration to Mary, I would like to encourage everyone to consider consecrating themselves to Mary.  Let Mary carry you closer to the heart of Jesus.  You will find it to be one of the greatest decisions you will ever make.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Angels Before Us

  Today I was thinking about my guardian angel.  I am so grateful for his constant companionship.  It got me thinking.......what if we could see everyone's guardian angels?  Would we act the same way?  Would we gossip about others if we could see the angels in our midst? Could we really mistreat one another?  Would we praise God more?  
  I think we often forget that we walk among the angels everyday. This week try to imagine everyone's guardian angel next to them and see how that changes your disposition.  Heaven is closer than you think.


Friday, April 20, 2018

A Little Motherly Advice

  I'm one of those people who like to pray while they are driving.  I especially love praying in my car when I'm driving by myself.   I was praying the other day about a particular problem. I asked Mary for her guidance before I began the Rosary. My heart was feeling heavy that day and I really needed some advice from my Mom. Halfway through the Rosary, I was stopped behind a bus.  On the back of the bus read the words: 
"Live simply. Speak Kindly. Love Unconditionally."  
  I read the words several times.  I couldn't help but smile.  I was looking for an answer to my prayers, and there it was right in front of my eyes. This wonderful, motherly advice was exactly what I needed to hear.  Thank you, Mary!


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Celebrate! He's Alive!

  Most of us spent 40 days reflecting, praying, fasting, or making sacrifices in order to prepare for the celebration of Easter.  We are now in the Easter season and I was just wondering, "How have you been celebrating Jesus' victory over sin and death?"  Have you been hiding your faith behind closed doors as the apostle's first did?  Or have you gone out into the world and shared the Good News with others?  Do your best to let everyone know that Jesus is alive, because sadly, so many people live their lives as if He were dead.  
  Celebrate life!  The fact that Jesus died and rose, so that we could spend eternity with Him is just as amazing today as it was two thousand years ago! Rejoice in God's goodness and share the love of Christ with someone today!


Friday, April 13, 2018

Wake Up!

  I wanted to share this moment from a recent vacation with everyone.  It's always fun to travel to a beautiful destination and appreciate the beauty of the world.  The ocean is one of my favorite places to be.  I can easily spend hours caught up in the wonder of God while I sit on the beach.
  The first day I returned home, I woke up and looked out my window and saw the ground covered with snow. My first thought was "Seriously?  It's April already shouldn't we be done with snow?"  I guess somedays it is very easy to feel blessed and some days we have to look a little harder for it.  God's blessings are all around us, but often we overlook all the small beautiful moments waiting for something spectacular to happen.  God's Presence is all around us.  Moment by moment, God is sharing His life with us.  If you are not noticing it, I would be happy to lend you my pair of "Son-glasses" so you can take another look.  His love is everywhere!


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Divine Mercy Sunday

  The message of Divine Mercy is simple and beautiful. Come to Jesus. He loves you and wants to cleanse you of all your sins. Place your trust in God and His mercy is yours. Over and over God calls us to Himself. There is no one who loves us more. He knows exactly who we are, and still He loves us. On Good Friday, Jesus allowed His beautiful, merciful heart to be pierced in order for the world to be healed. Each of us is in need of healing in one way or another. Today is our day to stand before Jesus and ask to be healed. All you need to do is say. “Jesus I trust in you.” Then open your heart and allow God to do the rest.

Have a blessed day!


Friday, April 6, 2018

Could He Be? (Part 12)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18.)

 In the days and weeks to come, Gil continued to heal. His injuries had been significant, but he waited each day for Bartosz to bring him news about Jesus. 
  Bartosz and Nicodemus had been spending a lot of time together discussing the implications of Jesus rising from the dead. His resurrection changed everything. Nicodemus had spoken personally with Peter and John. They shared with Nicodemus how they had found the tomb empty and how Jesus had appeared to them in the upper room. 
  Bartosz was amazed to hear that Jesus’ first words were, “Peace be with you.” No anger, no punishment, no scorn or humiliation—just peace. Bartosz thought about this a great deal. How many times had he treated people harshly for breaking even the smallest infractions of the law. If Jesus truly is God’s Son, then God’s love was so much more than Bartosz had ever imagined. Bartosz began to wonder if he had ever really conveyed God’s infinite love to others. Bartosz could feel his faith being challenged in a way he had never imagined.
   One afternoon Bartosz saw Gil praying in his room.  Bartosz silently waited for him to finish.  “Gil I was wondering if we could talk?” Bartosz asked.
  “Of course,” said Gil.
  “Gil do you remember the first day you had heard Jesus preaching at the synagogue?”
  Bartosz hesitated for a minute searching for the right words.  “Gil you asked me that day if you thought Jesus could be the Holy One of God?” Gil nodded.  “Well it has taken me some time to discover what you seemed to grasp so easily.  And…well… I have been giving this a lot of thought lately. I have reconsidered my answer. Gil, I do believe He is the Holy One of God!”
  “Bartosz this is great news!” answered Gil.
  Bartosz smiled.  “Yes, this is good news.  I desire to learn more about Jesus.  I want to become one of his followers!  Will you help me?”
  “Nothing would make me happier!” Gil exclaimed.
  “Peter and John have begun baptizing people.  I know it will be difficult for you to walk there, but if you lean on me, perhaps we could both present ourselves to be baptized.”
  Gil’s face lit up. “Yes!  Let’s not wait another day.  Let’s go right now!”  Bartosz grabbed Gil's outstretched hand and pulled him up.  Together, leaning on each other's strength, they began their new lives as baptized Christians.


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Could He Be? (Part 11)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18.)

  Gil awoke late the next day to a loud noise.  He couldn't discern if someone was pounding on the door or if it was just his head still pounding.  Either way, he didn't care.  Nothing seemed to matter anymore.  He tried to go back to sleep, when suddenly he felt a hand on his arm.
  "Gil, Gil wake up," exclaimed Bartosz.
  "Please leave me alone," answered Gil.
  "Gil, there is talk all over town!"
  "I don't care anymore," groaned Gil.
  "Gil there are rumors that his body is gone!"
  "Who's body?" asked Gil.
  "Jesus!  The stone has been rolled away from the tomb! Angels were seen outside the tomb! A woman is declaring he is alive!"
  Gil opened his eyes and his heart began racing.  A smile spread across his face.  "Jesus is alive?  How could this be? Bartosz, please, go and find out if this is true! I have to know!"
  Bartosz agreed and quickly left to find out more.  Gil recalled again one of his favorite passages, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding...." Gil closed his eyes and allowed his mind and heart to be filled with joy.  Jesus is alive!

(to be continued...)

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Could He Be? (part 10)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18).

  Bartosz heart sank as he heard the sentencing.  Things had gone too far.  He had followed Nicodemus' lead and did his best to persuade the other Pharisees.  Their words had to be chosen very carefully:  Was this really necessary?  Had the proper procedures been followed?  Was their enough evidence?  Unfortunately, Caiaphas had more influence. He had convinced everyone that Jesus must die.
  Bartosz had to let Gil know before he heard it from someone else.  As the crowd began to disperse, Bartosz quickly headed back.  As he made his way through the crowd something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. It appeared the crowd had trampled over someone.  Bartosz did a double take.  “Is that?…oh please no…”. He ran quickly to the body.  “Gil, Gil…” Bartosz began to cry.  Their was a pool of blood behind his head.  His face was swollen and bruised.  Bartosz put his head to his heart.  It was still beating!  Bartosz ripped a part of his outer garment and wrapped it around Gil’s head.  He dragged Gil’s body off to the side away from the crowd.  As he sat their cradling Gil’s head in his lap, a friend happened to walk past.  He begged his friend to help him carry Gil back to their lodgings.
  It was several hours before Gil regained consciousness.  At first he just kept softly saying “Jesus” over and over.  Bartosz never left his side. By the evening Gil finally opened his eyes.  He looked at Bartosz and said, “Is Jesus alive?”
  Bartosz gently placed his hands on Gil’s and said,  “I’m so sorry,” as he shook his head back and forth.
  Tears ran down Gil’s face.  How could this have happened?  He closed his eyes for several more hours.
  The next morning Gil awoke to intense pain.  His head was throbbing and he was sure he had a few broken ribs.  It was heard to breathe.  It hurt to think.  It was his broken heart, though, that caused Gil the most pain.  Gil had so many questions and Bartosz answered them as best he could:  Yes. Jesus was crucified.  His death occurred quicker than expected.  He was placed in a nearby tomb.  No one knows where his closest disciples are.  Only the one called John was at the cross.  Nicodemus had offered myrrh and aloes to the mother of Jesus for his burial.  That was all Bartosz knew.
  Gil barely spoke the rest of the day.  He just laid there allowing the stream of tears to flow forth.  He couldn’t understand why God would let this happen.  Why would such a holy man have to suffer such a terrible death?  Why didn’t God save him?  Wasn’t He the One?  The day turned into night without any answers and Gil drifted off to sleep.

(to be continued…)