Monday, November 20, 2017

Beatification of Father Solanus Casey

  My family and I had the privilege to attend the Beatification Mass of Father Solanus Casey at Ford Field on Saturday.  It was an incredible experience!  The stadium was filled with over 60,000 people.  It was amazing to see so many cardinals, bishops, priests, Capuchins, and other religious orders all at one mass.  At different points of the mass I would glance up and be almost overwhelmed with the number of people all gathered around the alter.  A passage from the book of Revelation kept coming to mind, "After this I had a vision of a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue.  They stood before the Lamb....."  This was just one small corner of the world, I can't even imagine the multitudes in heaven.
  I have been at Ford Field many times as the football players from the Detroit Lions have run out of the tunnel and onto the field with fans screaming, but I have never been as deeply touched, as when I saw the long procession of bishops come out of that same tunnel in order to honor our own hometown boy, Father Solanus.  Father Solanus was a very humble man who dedicated his life to prayer.  His prayers were a visible witness of his love for Christ as he served the poor and the sick.  He was the beloved door keeper at St. Bonaventure.  He physically opened the door of the church, and  the door to Christ's heart to so many in need.  I would definitely recommend reading the story of Blessed Father Solanus' life if you are not familiar with it.
  Part of the beauty of our faith is that we are able to join with the angels and saints in praising God.  My eyes fill with tears when I try to even comprehend that.  I, who am sinful, weak, and undeserving, am loved by God so much that He calls me His child, gathers me into His arms, and allows me to share in the joys of His magnificent family.  I felt so blessed to be a part of this celebration.  The mass was beautiful from the beginning to the the end, and the music was extraordinarily moving.  I am looking forward to the day Father Solanus will be called St. Solanus.
