Monday, July 10, 2017

Working On Being Great

  How many of us dream of coming into some unexpected money allowing us to quit our jobs and stay at home.  I have had that passing thought more times than I like to admit, usually just before another work week.  But a "Lazy Susan" only turns in circles over and over and over.  I don't think God wants me spinning in circles, I believe He has a much different path for me.  Sure I have stumbled many times trying to follow this path and I sometimes have no idea what direction I should be headed, but I trust that God has a definite purpose in mind for me.  
  God has a definite plan for each of us.  He wants us to become saints-- how great is that?! And although the idea sounds fantastic, it's not easy.  It requires work and sacrifice.  We must follow Jesus' example of serving in order to become great in the Kingdom.  Jesus never said. "Kick off your shoes and relax in your Lazy Boy." He said, "Pick up your cross and follow Me." 
  I would like to suggest a compromise.  How about we all grab a comfortable pair of shoes and then follow our Master to Eternity.  We might have to work for a living, but we can be happy knowing that this is exactly the work God needs us to perform.
