Thursday, November 3, 2016

Inspired by the Holy Spirit

  It's that time of year again for me, and Confirmation is just around the corner for my students.  I can't help but think about the Holy Spirit and the role He plays in our lives.  I thought this weekend we could each consider the following questions: Are you open to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit?  What stops you from following His inspirations?  Is it fear?  Is it doubt? Are you too easily distracted?  Or, have you never asked the Holy Spirit to inspire you? 
  Spend a few minutes thinking about Pentecost.  Imagine everyone in the upper room praying when suddenly a powerful wind fills the room and tongues of fire rest upon each of them.  Those in the room were filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit and they were no longer afraid!  Think about this for a minute... The disciples in the upper room knew Jesus.  They believed in Jesus.  They loved Jesus.  They knew His teachings, but....they were paralyzed by their own fear to share this good news with others.  They were afraid of the consequences of being a follower of Jesus.
  I sometimes wonder if fear is one of the biggest obstacles in spreading the gospel.  Think about it.  We know the gospel message.  We love Jesus a great deal in our own homes and in our churches.  We have a personal relationship with Jesus, but often we are just too afraid to speak about Jesus to others.  We may fear rejection, being misunderstood, or being laughed at by others.
  Filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, the apostles preached, healed, and forgave sins.  They were amazing witnesses to Christ's life.  Imagine what we could do if we allowed the joy of the Holy Spirit to fill us and we let go of our fears. Pray to the Holy Spirit as the disciples did and allow the Holy Spirit to do great things in your life as well.  Be brave enough to leave your own "upper room" and share the good news about Jesus with everyone!
