Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Let's Start With a Dozen

  Let's change the world!  That sounds great, right?  But how exactly do we go about sharing and spreading the gospel with everyone?  I mean, let's face it, the world is a pretty big place and that's a pretty big job.  It's so big, that it might be easier to say, "I can't do it.  I don't have the skills, the resources, or the time.  I already have enough on my plate."
  Let's look at how Jesus did it.  He didn't have a phone, a computer, television, or any type of social media.  He simply went from town to town talking with those he met along the path.  Jesus not only "talked the talk", He also "walked the walk".  In other words He lived the message He preached.  He then chose 12 people to help Him teach the world about God.
  Jesus shared His insights about God's merciful nature, how we should treat others, and how important prayer is to our relationship with God.  He erased boundaries between Jews and Gentiles, woman and men, children and adults, sinners and the righteous.  Jesus preached that God's love was for everyone.  Jesus began His mission with just a dozen people, and from there it grew to include the ends of the world.
  What if we imitated Jesus and did the same.  I would like to suggest that each of us create a mental list of twelve people in our lives that we could share the gospel with.  Start your mission with a dozen people, and then encourage them to do the same.  I honestly believe a dozen people devoted to God could be the beginning of something really amazing!  I honestly think we could change the world.  Will you help me try?.....
