Saturday, February 27, 2016
Not a Minute Too Soon
Friday, February 26, 2016
Can you spare me a minute?
Ryan and his friends poured out of the stadium alongside the other 40,000 people. It had been a great game and the win was secured in the last minute of the game! He and his friends were going out to celebrate the victory! The excitement could be heard and felt along the city streets. Yes, this team was definitely making a comeback! Ryan and his friends walked quickly toward their favorite brewery in order to beat the crowds. As they turned the last corner Ryan almost ran smack into a shabbily dressed man holding up a sign.
"Sorry man I didn't see you." apologized Ryan.
"No problem," replied the man. "Hey can you spare me some change?"
Ryan felt uncomfortable as he tried to think of an excuse. "Ummm...." he reached into his pocket and found the change from his concession stand hot dog. "Here, that's all the change I have."
"Thank you. God Bless you." said the man.
Ryan took a couple of quick steps to catch up with his friends who had kept on walking. Within minutes they successfully entered the brewery and managed to find a table. The place was packed with excitement and people within minutes talking nonstop about the game. Everyone was having a great time as the hours rolled by and strangers became friends. When dusk began to approach, Ryan and his friends decided to head home. The parking garage was an easy five block walk for the guys as they made plans to buy tickets for the next game. The friends dispersed once they got to the parking garage, each looking for their own car.
Ryan easily bounded up the three flights of stairs to find his car. As he reached the last step he noticed a man holding an open can. "Oh great, not another one," thought Ryan to himself .
The man looked at Ryan and said, "Hey can you spare-"
"Sorry man, I'm all out of money."
"I wasn't going to ask for money. I wanted to know if you could spare a minute?" the man questioned.
Annoyed, Ryan asked, "For what?"
"Could you take a minute and praise God on your way home?"
"Are you serious? Why would you even care? You don't even know me. How do you know I even believe in God."
"You're right, I don't know you, but I know God. I look around and I feel like people are forgetting about Him. Could you do me a favor and just take one minute to thank or praise Him. I can't stand to see Him ignored. Please, just think about it."
Ryan just looked at the man wondering if he was sincere or just out of his mind. "Ok, sure, whatever." said Ryan as he quickly began walking towards his car.
"Thank you. You're doing the right thing!" exclaimed the man as Ryan walked away.
Ryan got into his car and swiftly pulled out. "What a weirdo." thought Ryan to himself. "I wonder how many people he asked to do that today?" For some reason Ryan couldn't get the image of this guy's face or his words out of his head as he drove. "Well I have to give the guy credit. That has to take guts to go up to random people and ask them to pray....He wasn't all preachy about it either....and he genuinely seemed happy when I said I would...the whole thing was so weird." As Ryan continue driving he thought about his day and then said, "Hey thank you, God, today was a great day! The team won and I had a great day with my friends. I even met some new people and next week we're going to ......." Ryan found that once he started talking to God he actually had a lot to say. Ryan talked to God the whole way home and the last thing he said was, "And thank you God for sending a random stranger into my life and reminding me to spend time with you. It felt really good. Let's talk again tomorrow."
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 3)
Jesus reached down and picked up the two fishing poles. They were very simple poles without any fancy casters or lures. I wondered if we would have any luck with these outdated rods. After about twenty minutes my suspicions seemed accurate. I hadn't even had a nibble.
"This doesn't seem to be working. Do you want to try a new spot?" I asked Jesus.
"No, this is really where I think we should be." Jesus answered confidently.
"Ok, I just thought we might have more success somewhere else."
"You know, you put your line in hoping for an instant reward. I desire you to put your line into the water to discover something more. People are always so focused on winning and success. I see things a lot differently. Let me ask you this, what exactly do you think we are fishing for right now?"
I wiped the sweat of my forehead and shrugged my shoulders, "I thought we were trying to catch a smallmouth bass or walleye. To be honest, I told you I wasn't very good at fishing."
Jesus looked amused and said, "You're right. I do recall you mentioned that. I thought today we be a good day to fish for some truths. Are you interested?"
"Yeah, but I still don't know if I would be very good at it."
"Let's just give it a try and see what happens."
"Alright." I thought for a minute as I moved my fishing line to a new spot. "Can I ask you a question then?"
"Sure, what's on your mind?"
"How come you don't always answer my prayers?"
"You may not realize it, but I have answered all your prayers. My answering prayers is so much more than just fulfilling a request. When I gaze upon you and listen to your prayers I see things that you could never imagine. I see your good and bad intentions. I know your thoughts, your motivations, and your inner desires. I know your fears and your pain. Sometimes you pray and wish for things that contradict My plan for you. I don't quantitate success and failure the same way you do. I am often more concerned with your spiritual and personal growth. I just need you to trust me. You could be so much more than you ever imagined if you just let me guide you."
"I don't understand."
Jesus nodded his head. "I know and you are not alone. Most want their prayers answered immediately and few people recognize the importance of waiting. I always want what is best for you and sometimes I need you to temper your desires and impatience. Sometimes I need you to look past your own wants so that you notice the needs of those around you. Your spiritual life could grow by leaps and bounds during those times of waiting if you would just trust me, continue to pray and stay close to my heart. Can I tell you why prayer is so important?"
(to be continued)
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Trust Me.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
A Cry for Help
It was late in the afternoon when I began my trip across town. As I was walking I discovered a shortcut between two buildings. The corridor seemed a little dim, but I wasn't worried because I felt very confident this would get me where I wanted to go a little faster. I was surprised when the corridor veered slightly to the left. For a moment I was confused and wondered if I should turn around. I was in a hurry, though, and I kept on going. A few strides later, the corridor took me down a couple of steps leading to another corridor. I had a strange feeling this wasn't right, but I quickly pushed aside the thought because I really didn't have the time to rethink this whole journey. I continued walking at a quick pace feeling a little lost when I accidentally lost my footing. I fell to my knees and realized I was hurt and couldn't continue.
In my heart I knew I never should have come this way. What was I even thinking? I cried out, "Help, I need some help!" I looked around and suddenly noticed a door that was slightly ajar. I could see there was a light on in the room. I had a good feeling that if I could just mange to get to the room, I could find someone to help me. I hobbled over, pushed the door open, and stepped inside.
"Hello, is anyone here?" I asked. I looked around the room. It was quite beautiful. The ceiling had several sky lights which allowed the sun to fill the room. In the center of the room was a large six foot tall fountain. It's water gently cascaded down filling a large, glittering basin.
"Hello," said a man with a warm smile.
"Hi, I need some help. I tripped and I'm in a lot of pain. I'm not really even sure where I am right now, but I need help getting home." I said with desperation.
"Well I thought that was the case when I heard you yell out for help. That's why I opened the door for you. I was really hoping you would find your way back to me."
"I'm sorry, what? You look familiar to me. Do I know you? "
"I thought you would have recognized me. We used to be pretty close, but you've been going your own way for a while now and I guess you don't recognize me anymore. I'm God."
Suddenly my eyes were opened and I just shook my head. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe I chose to walk away from you. Can you forgive me?"
"Yes, I forgive you. Come over here next to the fountain so I can pour my merciful graces upon you. My child I desire to heal you and strengthen you. Do not let sin come between us. I love you and I want a life of goodness for you. I want us to always be close."
"I really want that, too. Help me, please."
"Your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more."
As God spoke these words I felt completely healed. "God thank you for healing me and showing me the way back to you. Can I ask you something? Where are we?"
"A room where my love and mercy never stops flowing. You are in the Reconciliation Room. Now allow the priest to absolve and bless you."
Thursday, February 18, 2016
I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 2)
Together we paddled a strong, steady pace towards deeper water. As we paddled I let Jesus' questions consume my thoughts. Do I mean everything I say when I pray? The answer to that should obviously be "yes", but if I am really being honest, I don't really know the answer to that question. Embarrassingly, I really don't put as much thought into my prayers as I should. I know praying is important, but unless I'm going through some kind of crisis, I guess I just say them in order to check them of my "To Do List" each day. I began to really think about the "Our Father". "Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name". Well I know for sure I meant that line. I make a point of never using God's name in vain. I take that very seriously. "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Honestly, I have no idea what God's Will is for me. How can I do His Will if I don't even know what it is?
Just then a strong breeze blew across the lake. I followed Jesus' lead and I stopped paddling. The breeze felt so refreshing on my sun soaked face. I saw Jesus tilt his head up, close his eyes, and smile. I did the same. As the breeze blew through me, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. I took a few slow, deep breaths and allowed my body and mind to completely relax. I heard the softest of sounds around me as the boat gently drifted forward. It was if I could feel the beauty of life all around me. If it were possible I would have stayed in that moment for the rest of my days.
I had no idea how much time had passed when I heard His Voice gently touch my thoughts. "That was the best praying you have done in a long time."
His words surprised me. I opened my eyes and asked Jesus, "What do you mean? I never said a word."
"Just placing yourself in My Presence is a beautiful prayer. You heard My voice this time."
My smile grew wide as I exclaimed, "You're right I did!"
"Ready to do some fishing?"
(to be continued)
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Wrapped in God's Mercy
love, because mercy is love. Mercy is God. Mercy is extending the love of God to someone who is in need. Mercy wants to help and heal. Mercy looks to alleviate pain, frustration, loneliness, and sadness. Mercy is extending forgiveness so that healing can begin. According to St. Faustina, "Mercy is God's greatest attribute." Jesus told her we "Get to know God by contemplating His attributes."
God wants a completely loving relationship with each of us. He wants nothing to stand in the way, especially sin. He wants to heal us and then to trust Him. We must trust that God wants what is best for us. He never stops loving. He never stops caring and He never stops forgiving a contrite heart. His Mercy wraps us in His love and makes us whole again. And once we trust God to fill us with His loving mercy, then it flows forth from us and touches others. It is no wonder then why Pope Francis said that, " Mercy is the best thing we can feel; it changes the world." Let's spend some quiet time this week being wrapped in God's Mercy.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Courageous for Christ
One of the things I love about Lent is that our church offers "Children's Liturgy of the Word". Every year I volunteer to be a part of this great program for kids in grades 1-6. During mass we invite the kids to gather in our own area as we read and discuss the gospel. I really enjoy helping them to understand the meaning and relevancy of the gospel.
I remember setting up before mass one year and my kids volunteered to help. As we were putting things in place my son looked at me and said, "So what if you're not good at this like you were last year? What if no one listens to you? What if you forget what your going to say? This could be bad."
I looked at him and said, "Well, I think you've helped me enough now. Why don't you go save us some seats in church."
I can laugh about this story now, but at the time it was the last thing I need to hear. I think it's pretty natural to be a little afraid or nervous to share the gospel with others in any setting. Many of us really want to actively serve and follow Jesus, but there may be an annoying voice of doubt in our heads telling us that someone else could do it better or we might screw it up and embarrass ourselves. That may be true, but you'll never know if you don't try. I like to remember a quote by Blessed Mother Teresa when I'm feeling unsure. She said, "God never said you had to succeed, He only said you had to try." I think this is a good quote to keep in mind this Lent. Let's all be courageous for Christ! Take a chance, get out of your comfort zone, and spread the gospel. It may be exactly what someone needs to hear.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
I'll Just Follow Your Lead (chapter 1)
It was early in the morning when I headed towards the lake. The sun was just beginning to wake up and splashed a pale pink hue to the puffy white clouds. I was eager to place the canoe into the water and begin my journey. I put my life jacket on, turned the canoe over and dragged it to the water's edge. I was just about to push off with my oar when I heard a friendly voice address me.
"Good morning! Would you mind if I joined you?"
I turned to look over my shoulder and then I froze like a statue. I attempted to speak, but apparently all intelligent words had escaped from my brain. "Are your talking to I sleeping...or maybe dreaming? Did I just die?"
Jesus started laughing. "You look pretty alive to me. I was wondering if we could spend some time together today? I brought my fishing pole."
"You're not going to fill my canoe with so many fish that I'll have to get help are you?"
Jesus started laughing again.
"You are quite amusing today. I was really just thinking we could spend some time talking. I promise not to fill the boat with fish. So are you up for some company?"
I nodded and said, "Sure, that would be great. But I have to warn you I'm not very good at fishing."
"That's ok, I seem to have a real knack for it." Jesus stepped into the canoe, stepping over my seat, and headed towards the front. As he sat down he reached over and picked up the other paddle. "Ready when you are."
I placed my oar into the water and sand and pushed off. I instinctively started paddling as the canoe glided across the lake's surface. Lake Powell is always stunningly beautiful. I first discovered it on vacation a few years back and it was one of the main reasons I transferred jobs and moved to Arizona. "So, where would you like to go? Feel free to set the pace and I'll just follow your lead."
Jesus shot me a smile as he looked over his shoulder and said, "Wow, do you know how long I have waited to hear you say that?"
I was taken back a bit by the comment. "What do you mean?"
Jesus raised His eyebrows a little and gave a little grin. "Well how often do you let go of the reigns and let me be in control?"
I gave Jesus a very puzzled look. What exactly was He saying? "Well of course you are in control. You are in control of the whole world."
"Am I? Think about it for a minute."
I let out a sigh. Thinking was the last thing I wanted to do today. I had the whole day planned out. I had intended to spend the day relaxing and doing what I wanted....oh, I see where this was going...."Ok I am a bit of a control freak. I like being in charge. What's so wrong with having a plan?"
"I didn't say there was anything wrong with having a plan. I have a plan, too. Have you ever considered if they were the same?"
"How am I supposed to know your plan?"
"Well you could talk to me about it."
"I don't mean to be disrespectful, but this is the first time you have ever talked to me."
Jesus turned completely around and very calmly and gently said, "I talk to you all the time. This is the first time you listened. You are a very busy person. It's hard to talk to someone who isn't listening."
"I never heard your voice."
"I know. You never take the time to listen."
For a few minutes I just sat there trying to understand. I prayed every day. Ever since I was a young boy, I have prayed those three prayers--I have them memorized. I recite those prayers every day-
"I know you recite those prayers every day. You know them so well you hardly have to put any thought into it. I would love for you to put some thought into your prayer. It would be so much more meaningful for both of us."
"What do you mean? I thought the Our Father would be one of your favorites."
"Oh, it definitely is. Do you mean everything you say in that prayer?"
"I don't know. I never really thought about it."
"That's exactly what I'm talking about. I don't want to just hear you recite words. I want the words to be actively living inside your thoughts, feelings and actions. The Our Father isn't a noun. It's not the name of a prayer, it is a way of life. It is actively seeking out your heavenly Father and asking for His help. When you pray the Our Father ask yourself this- is this really how I lived my life today?" Jesus turned back around and started paddling again. "Ready to follow my lead? I know of a great place not far from here."
I nodded my head and said, "Yes, I'm ready." I wondered where he would take me.
(to be continued....)
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Ash Wednesday
Let these next 40 days be an opportunity to open our hearts to Christ. Ask yourself this question, "What is the biggest obstacle that stands between you and the Lord?" Really spend some time praying about this. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Don't just do what you always do for Lent, be a courageous lover of Christ. Find a new way to show your love for Him each day. How do you love a merciful Lord and Savior? You love Him by extending loving acts of mercy to those around you. Jesus came to serve and we must do the same. Be the smile of Christ to someone, the invitation to friendship, the prayer for healing, the eyes that care, the voice that defends, the ears that listen, and the hands that give. As you journey towards Jerusalem this Lent keep in mind that Christ is a courageous lover of you!
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
I Can Do All Things Through Christ
Recently I was inspired by the bible quote "I can do all things Through Christ who strengthens me." When we are weak, let us rely on Christ. Let us challenge ourselves and encourage others to be the very best we can be. Lent begins tomorrow. Let our love of Christ inspire others.
Just remember...I'm cheering for you.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Thursday, February 4, 2016
A New Chapter
I was going through a difficult time in my life when I walked into the religious bookstore that day. I had been praying to Jesus about a particular problem and I was searching for answers. In my prayers I had asked Jesus to help me to understand. As I looked around the bookstore my heart felt heavy with a familiar wave of pain and I prayed to Jesus for guidance. It was then me eyes saw the book of St. Therese and somehow I just knew my prayer had been answered. Many years later, I can see that day as a very pivotal moment in my life. There are some books that you read and you know your life will never be the same. The autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux- The Story of a Soul began a new chapter in my life. I was amazed at how St. Therese loved Jesus with such reverence and intimacy. It had a tremendous effect on me.
I was thumbing through this book again recently when I came across the beginnings of one of the chapters. In describing her own life St. Therese said:
"I did not deserve the graces heaven showered on me. I had many faults. It's true that I longed to be good, but I had an odd way of going about it."
I thought this quote could be a good place to start some mid-week conversation with Jesus. Take a look at your life and ask Jesus if He thinks your life is going His Way.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
My Prayer Garden
For many years I have dreamed of having a prayer garden. A special place where anyone could just spend some time drawing closer to God. I imagined there would be brick paved paths weaving around beautiful flower beds, trees and religious statues. A tranquil place amidst everyone's hectic lives where you could feel the peace and love of God. I just thought the world could be more beautiful if I could find a way to encourage others to pray.

Unfortunately, the size of my wallet is much smaller than the size of my dreams. And it is this stubborn fact of reality that blocks the paths of my prayer garden. Or so I thought. Just recently an interesting thought has occurred to me. What if for now, I scatter my prayer seeds throughout this blog with the hope that one day it will bloom into a beautiful garden. Perhaps people will just be drawn to come here and spend some time with God. It is quite possible I am not the only one desiring a beautiful place to dwell with the Holy Spirit. And the beautiful place the Holy Spirit would like to dwell is inside you. Take some time to sit down, relax and be in His Loving Presence.
Dwelling With The Spirit
- 100% Committed
- A Journey Towards Discovery Series
- A Kid's Guide To...
- Advent
- Blessed Sacrament
- Confirmation Countdown
- Divine Mercy Messag
- Divine Mercy Message
- Easter
- Encountering The Cross
- Eucharist
- Evangelization
- Feast Days
- Guest Writer
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Trinity
- I'll just follow your lead
- Inspirational Stories
- lent
- Looking For Signs Of Christ This Christmas
- Mary
- Mass
- meditation
- Picked From The Fields
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- Prayer Pictures
- Rosary
- Saints
- The Road Less Traveled
- The Tunic
- Vacationing With God
- Videos
- Walking With Mary
- Were You There
- When Angels Speak
Blog Archive
- Not a Minute Too Soon
- Can you spare me a minute?
- I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 3)
- Trust Me.
- A Cry for Help
- I'll Just Follow Your Lead (Chapter 2)
- Wrapped in God's Mercy
- Courageous for Christ
- I'll Just Follow Your Lead (chapter 1)
- Ash Wednesday
- I Can Do All Things Through Christ
- Love, stands before me...
- A New Chapter
- My Prayer Garden