Sunday, March 26, 2023

Could You Do It?


  John watched his daughter, Kendra, sitting at the kitchen table, staring at her homework assignment. John asked his daughter, "So, is this an assignment on staring, or does your teacher expect you to write something?"

 "Hilarious, Dad." Kendra let out a big sigh before answering. "I'm supposed to write a paper on how to obtain world peace. But I have no idea how that could ever happen. There is conflict everywhere. I want to write that I think world peace is a myth. It is unattainable. People talk about world peace to have hope for a future that will never exist. But I'm sure I would flunk the assignment if I wrote that."

 "I agree with you on that. That you would flunk the assignment, that is. But, hey, I know a famous historical figure that would disagree with you. I'll be right back. " Five minutes later, Tom returned with a book in hand.

 "Seriously, Dad, the Bible? I go to public school, remember?"

 "Just hear me out. Read this line right here." John set the Bible on the table while holding his finger on Mark 10:34.

 Kendra began reading, "But they remained silent. They had been discussing among themselves in the way who was the greatest. Then he sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, "If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and servant to all." So what am I supposed to do with that, Dad?

 "You said you had no idea how peace could come to this world. Jesus gave us the answer some two thousand years ago. We have to care more about others than ourselves. He said we had to be servants to all, not just to whatever group we feel affiliated with."

 "So you want me to suggest that society has to become more humble and caring before we will know peace? Do you have any idea of how social media works? No one is following the humble, do-gooder. No political leader is going to rule because their greatest attribute is humility. You really don't get this at all, Dad."

 "I didn't say I had all the answers. You said it yourself there is conflict everywhere. The conflict must be answered on a personal level first before it can spread worldwide. Are you strong enough to put the needs of others before your own? It takes work to do that. But I like to imagine a world like this. It sounds very peaceful to me. It's worth considering."

 "It's definitely not the answer I was looking for, but it may be something to consider."



Sunday, March 12, 2023

That's Not My Problem

 Kristy and Don pulled into their favorite breakfast place after Mass. The restaurant was unusually crowded today. They waited a little longer to get seated, and once they ordered, they were informed the kitchen needed to catch up on orders. Polite as always, Kristie smiled at the waitress and told her that would be okay. After that, Kristy and Don had no problem filling the time talking about their kids, jobs, and upcoming events. After a while, there was a lull in the conversation. Kristy found herself thinking about the priest's homily. "What did you think of Father Tom's homily today?"

 "It was pretty good," Don replied. "Except I just don't know why having a good faith life is not enough. Why do you have to go out and tell everyone about it? That just makes me uncomfortable."

 "I understand what you're saying, but Jesus did ask us to go out and make disciples of all nations. A good disciple wants to share the good news of Jesus with others. Aren't you glad someone shared their faith with you? It didn't just happen on its own."

 Don made a face. "Well, parents should share their faith with their kids, and we've done that. I don't think it's up to me to tell everyone to go to church."

 Kristy took a sip of her coffee before she replied. "So what if your parents hadn't shared the faith with you because their parents never shared the faith with them. How will these people ever learn how amazing God's love is?"

 Don shrugged and said, "That's not really my problem." 

 "I think God would disagree."

 "I'm not about to hand out flyers inviting people to come to Mass. It's not my place to judge them."

 "I think you're looking at this wrong. Sharing your faith is different than telling people they should have faith. I find little ways to let people know my faith is important. You would be surprised how many conversations have begun because people notice my cross necklace at work. When people tell me about a problem, I give advice if I can, but I always let them know that I will pray for them. Sometimes people are surprised when I mention that I am still praying for them months later. My coworkers know I prefer to eat lunch alone to pray the Rosary or listen to my podcasts. Those are just some little ways. I may not exactly be yelling. "Hey, go to church!" but people know my faith is important to me, and some have even come up to me when they have questions."

 Don thoughtfully looked at his wife. She obviously had a better handle on this than he did. "Hmm, I see what you're saying. I'm not really sure how that would work for me. I'll have to think about it."

 Kristy smiled and added, "Oh, I think our waitress is coming with our food."


Monday, March 6, 2023

Praying For Better News


 Abbey grabbed an apple and sat down at the kitchen island. Her mom was busy making dinner while the 5:00 news played in the background. Abbey bit into her apple, listening to the news reporter describing a downtown crime scene. After listening to the report, Abbey put down her apple, unable to finish eating the fruit. The story had disgusted her and robbed her appetite. “ Why do you watch this stuff, Mom?”

 Her mom turned around, “ Why do I watch the news? So I can stay informed.”

“Well, it’s just one depressing story after another. What’s wrong with these people? Who could ever do that?”

 “I agree, that is a horrible story. I wish things like that didn’t occur in our world. After watching the news, I always feel like so many people need prayers.”

 “Ya, Mom, you should pray for that poor girl.”

 “ Well, you should pray for her, too. And pray for the person who did that to her.”

 “What? I’m not praying for them. They don’t deserve any prays. I’ll pray for that girl, but I can’t believe you would want me to pray for them,” declared Abbey.

 Abby’s mom stopped sautéing the vegetables and thought for a minute. “Abby, you’re right. A good person would pray for that girl. But a good disciple would pray for her attacker, too.”

 “Why? Why would I do that?”

 “Because that’s what Jesus asks us to do. He said to pray for your enemies and those who hurt you.”

  “Well, that’s ridiculous. The thought of it makes me sick.”

 “I know, I get it. It doesn’t seem to make sense. I find it hard to do that, too, but it’s what Jesus has asked us to do. We have to pray for the one who has been hurt and the one who did the hurting.”

 “Why would God want to help people who are evil?”

  “Maybe the only way they will ever change their ways is with God’s grace. I’m not saying I condone what they have done; I think they should be held accountable for their crimes. The world improves when good people turn to God, but wouldn’t you like to live in a world where immoral people turn to God, too? I think that’s the only way to stop more evil from occurring. You know what I mean?” asked mom. 

 Abbey made a face while shaking her head back and forth, “I don’t know, I’ll think about it.”
