Saturday, April 30, 2022

Blessed With Joy!


 I was playing with my granddaughters in the kitchen last week. My 3-year-old granddaughter took a piece of paper towel and rolled it up. Then she asked me to fill a small plastic dish with some water. I thought she was going to wash some of her play dishes. But, instead, she dipped the paper towel in the water and started flinging water everywhere! Surprised by this, I  asked, "Isabella, what are you doing? You are getting water everywhere!"

  She just looked at me and said, "This is how we do it at my Church!"

  Instantly I understood. "Oh, you are blessing me with holy water to remind me of my Baptismal promises!"

  She smiled and nodded yes and continued to bless the kitchen abundantly! I couldn't stop smiling as I went to find some towels. This little girl was definitely paying attention when she went to Mass. Needless to say, her sister and I received numerous blessings that morning!

  I usually don't encourage anyone to throw water around my kitchen. In fact, I frown upon it. So why didn't I stop my granddaughter? Because she had experienced something exciting during Mass that she wanted to share. Shouldn't we all be doing that? So I'm going to challenge each of you to get excited about the Mass. Then go out into the world and share this enthusiasm with others! "The Mass has ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!" 

- Susan 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Divine Mercy Sunday!

  I wanted to share a few passages from the Diary of St. Faustina.   When St Faustina asked Jesus the meaning of the two rays in the picture, Jesus told St Faustina, " The two rays denote Blood and Water. The pale ray stands for the Water, which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood, which is the life of souls." (299)

  The Lord said to St. Faustina, "How very much I desire the salvation of souls!….write that I want to pour out My divine life into human souls and sanctify them, if only they were willing to accept My grace. If only they would trust in My mercy. The very inner depths of My being are filled to overflowing with mercy, and it is being poured out upon all I have created. My delight is to act in a human soul and to fill it with My mercy and to justify it. My kingdom on earth is My life in the human soul. … I  Myself am the spiritual guide of souls—and I guide them indirectly through the priest, and lead each one to sanctity by a road known to Me alone. "(1784)

  I am amazed at how much God loves us! In the Divine Mercy Image and the "Diary," Jesus reminds us of what he has already revealed in the gospels. The Blood of Christ is what gives life to our souls. In the bread of life discourse, Jesus says, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. "(John 6:53)

 How blessed are we to be called to the Supper of the Lamb! How blessed are we in the Sacraments and the Mass! God didn't leave our salvation to chance. He bestows countless graces on us! He constantly calls us to draw near to Him.

 After the Resurrection, Jesus found the disciples locked in the upper room living in fear. Jesus came into their midst, offered them His peace and forgiveness, and reminded them of their mission. Jesus does the same for us today. Locked up in our own inner room, afraid to live out our faith, Jesus comes to us. He mercifully forgives all our past mistakes and strengthens us to live out our missions. We must be merciful as the Father is merciful. We must love one another. Trust God. The future He is planning for us is brighter than we could ever imagine!



Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Divine Mercy Sunday is Only Days Away!

  We all need Jesus' love and mercy. This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday, and Jesus desires to shower us with special graces. Please help me to spread this good news! Watch the TikTok below and share it with as many people as you can!


Sunday, April 17, 2022



   It is a glorious new day! Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! Alleluia! Let us celebrate God's love! Don't think of this as an event that happened long ago. This is important to your life today! Imagine if someone special in your life rose from the dead and told you all about heaven. Your joy would be too much to contain! Would you believe what they told you about heaven? Of course, because only God could perform such a miracle!

 Jesus has conquered sin and death! We are not bound by the evils of this world. Jesus himself has told us of the wonders that await us in heaven! We can trust and believe all that Jesus has shared with us and continues to share. We have been baptized into His family, and the Spirit of Truth lives in us! Before he was scourged, Jesus told Pilate, "You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."(John 18:37) Pilate didn't get it. Pilate responded, "What is truth?" Truth tells us that we are children of God, and our Father has prepared a glorious everlasting future for us! Truth is everything!

 Our Lenten journey has come to a close, but keep your feet moving. How close we come to heaven during our earthly life depends on our willingness to respond to the Spirit of Truth. Jesus tells us, "I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."(John 14:6). So keep following Jesus' footprints, and today let your steps leap for joy!


Friday, April 15, 2022

Were You There (Good Friday)

 (Place yourself in this fictional glimpse based on the Gospels.)


 The streets were filled with people. Veronica maneuvered swiftly through the different crowds of people as you tried to keep up. It was hard to even comprehend what was happening. Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified. Why? Jesus was not a criminal. He had done nothing wrong. You had never heard anyone preach as he had. Surely, his words came from heaven. 

  Veronica managed to work her way to the edge of the street. She grabbed your arm and pulled you next to her. You both kept looking anxiously down the road hoping not to see Jesus. You stood there praying as people pushed and yelled all around you. Then Veronica shrieked, and you felt her hand grasp your arm tightly. The Roman soldiers and the prisoner were approaching. You could see a man struggling to walk with the beam of the cross on his back. That couldn't be Jesus, but people were screaming out his name. This man had been beaten and was unrecognizable.

  The Roman soldiers began pushing the crowd back so they could get through. You stared at the man as he got closer. What was on his head causing all that blood? The procession then stopped a few feet away from where you were standing. The guards began yelling at some people in the crowd. The beaten man raised his head slightly and looked in your direction. Your whole body froze, and you realized that was Jesus! Veronica removed her veil and stepped toward Jesus.   You opened your mouth to stop her, but no sound came out. You stood there as if paralyzed. Veronica lovingly offered her veil to Jesus to wipe the blood streaming down his face. One of the guards turned his head and noticed Veronica as the veil was returned to her hands. He screamed at Veronica to move as she quickly stepped aside. Without thinking, you grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the street before being trampled or struck. 

  As the guards yelled at Jesus to continue moving forward, you pushed your way back through the crowd holding tightly to Veronica's arm. "What were you thinking, Veronica? Do you know how much danger you put yourself in?"

 Veronica turned her head towards you. Tears were running down her face as she answered. "Did you not see him? There was so much blood running down his face that he probably couldn't even see. I could not just stand there and do nothing. I know he is from God. I looked into his eyes as I offered my veil. I saw so much pain, yet I felt so much love. I know that doesn't make sense, but I didn't feel any anger, just love. I will never forget that moment.

 You stood looking at Veronica. She had risked everything to offer Jesus a single act of compassion. How could she have been so brave? Her faith was simple, trusting, and actually quite beautiful. You wondered why you allow your fears to interfere with your faith? You put your arms around your friend, admiring her faith and wishing you had her courage. Veronica looked down at her veil and gasped! On her veil was the face of Jesus! As you look at the miraculous image, you begin to comprehend the deeps of Jesus' love.


Thursday, April 14, 2022

You Are There: Holy Thursday

 "Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them saying, 'This is my body, which will be given for you, do this in memory of me.'  And likewise, the cup after they had eaten, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you.'' Luke 22:19-20

  No need to take a fictional glimpse today because we have the honor and privilege of participating in the breaking of the bread at every Mass!  I hope you can follow Jesus to Holy Thursday Mass today. If you have the chance, try to include these two passages of scripture in your prayers today:

"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him." (John 6:58) 

"And it happened that while he (Jesus) was with them at the table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them.  With that, their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight."  (Luke 24:30-31. The disciples encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus.) 

Pray that your eyes, too, may be opened to the living Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.


Sunday, April 10, 2022

Were You There (Lent Week 6)

 (Place yourself in this fictional glimpse based on the Gospels.)

  You stood outside the high priest's courtyard gate, partially hidden in the shadows.  A reliable source told you they had actually arrested Jesus! You were scared. Was this really happening? Why was it occurring this late at night? This just felt all wrong. You noticed Peter, one of Jesus' closest disciples, speaking with the gatekeeper. A moment later,  the gate was opened to Peter. You breathed a sigh of relief.  Peter will help Jesus.

 You stood there in the cold, trying to hear what was said. Peter was gathered around a fire along with some of the slaves and guards of the high priest. You watched as the maid who had let Peter in approached him. Apparently, she just recognized who Peter was and loudly accused Peter of being Jesus' disciple. A shock wave pelted through you. Peter shook his head and said, "No!" Why would Peter do that? You stare at Peter in disbelief. Peter looked very nervous. He did not look like the confident, boisterous man always at Jesus' side. His hands were shaking even though he warmed them by the fire.

 Not much was being discussed in the courtyard that you could hear. You wondered what was going on inside with Jesus. Then you heard a deep voice yell across the fire, "Aren't you one of his disciples?" 

 Peter responded quickly, "No, I am not."

 Another wave of disbelief smacks you. You wonder if Jesus had really done something wrong? Why would Peter deny being a follower? You worried if anyone would begin asking you questions as well. Should you also claim not to know Jesus? What difference would it make if you also pretended not to follow him? It was becoming more apparent to you how dangerous this situation was becoming. You tried to remember everything you had heard Jesus preach. His words had truly changed you. Your faith had come alive listening to him speak. Jesus has to be from God. Yesterday you were confident Jesus was the promised Messiah. What happened?  Then your thoughts were interrupted by the commotion around the fire.

 "This man was with him!"

 Peter replied, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

 Just as Peter responded, Jesus was led out of the high priest's house. Jesus was tied up and surrounded by guards. A stupid bird crowed loudly, and Jesus turned his head towards Peter. The guards pushed Jesus forward, obviously taking him somewhere else. You expected Peter to follow Jesus, but he didn't; he just stood there. His whole body appeared to be shaking. His hand seemed to wipe his eyes, and he ran in the opposite direction! For a few minutes, you stood frozen. The guards were too preoccupied with their prisoner to notice you standing in the shadows. As they led Jesus away, you asked yourself, "Should I still follow Him?"


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Were You There (Lent Week5)

 (Place yourself in this fictional glimpse based on the Gospel of John.)

  Your mother suddenly appeared at your door breathless. "He's coming! Jesus is back! Come, let us go and welcome him!"

  The two of you run through the streets as quickly as you can! Your excitement builds as you get closer to the city gates. The raising of Lazarus is all anyone has been talking about for days. Imagine coming back to life after being in the tomb for four days! Jesus must be the Messiah! Who else could perform such miracles!!

  A crowd of people has also gathered. Everyone is waving palm branches and crying out in joy! You join in shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel!" Up and down the streets, everyone was praising Jesus and praising God! You have never felt more alive in your life! You wondered if you would witness even greater miracles this week? The thought was exhilarating! You wonder why you had never run down the streets praising God like this before? Surely the Lord deserves to have his people filled with love and excitement!

  Just before Jesus is led down another street, Jesus looks directly at you. It is difficult to explain, but even over all the noise in the crowd, you can hear Jesus' voice as if he was standing before you. You are not sure if your ears or heart heard his voice, but you are moved by his words. "I am the Resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25-26)
