Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas!

  The angels wake you from your sleep." Christ is born! Come see Him!"

 This is the moment for which you have prepared. You quickly get out of bed and look for" the child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger." As you kneel to adore the newborn King, His love permeates your heart. The miracle of Christmas is present before your eyes.

 As you pray, you hear the voice of Jesus, "I am always. I am always in this sacred space within your heart. Please don't walk away and leave me in this manger. Pick me up and carry me wherever you go. We do not have to stay at this stage of infancy. We can grow together! The miracle is not just my birth. The miracle is that you were born to be with me for all eternity!"

 Joyful tears of love stream down your face. You smile as you look at the christ Child and say. "I am blessed to be so loved by God!"

 Merry Christmas!



Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Lord Is Coming!

 You kneel before the altar, and your eyes peer into the stable. Animals mill in and out, looking for water to drink after grazing in the fields. There is nothing to suggest the Savior will soon be born and placed in that same manger. The Lord is coming, and life continues as if this doesn't change everything. 

 One of the sheep catches your eye. He just keeps walking back and forth without any real purpose. There is a loosely woven strand of evergreens around the sheep's neck with a simple cross dangling like an animal's ID tag. Your eyebrows raise a little, and you think, "At least that one is trying." As you stare intently at this sheep, you notice something. The sheep's eyes are so familiar to you. Stunned, you suddenly realize you are staring into your own eyes. You are the sheep.

 Your mind allows you some freedom in this prayer. You have been trying to prepare for Christmas, but has it been enough? Are you just preparing for the Christmas party, or are you preparing for the Christ Child to be born? What have you done to intentionally prepare for Christ? Oddly, you notice the watch on the sheep's left front leg. Why is the sheep wearing a watch, you wonder? The sheep looks at you and wanders over to the manger. You realize there is still time to prepare more intentionally. There is still time. The Lord is coming, and you want it to change everything, especially you.


Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Invitation of Joy


  In the silence, you quiet your mind as your hand reaches into your sweater pocket. Instantly, your fingers wrap themselves around the beads which connect you with heaven. The Joyful Mysteries are even more beautiful during Advent. Love, trust, and joy weave into your heart and thoughts as you meditate on those who were the first to adore and embrace Jesus. As you finish the last mystery, a Christmas song begins to play in your mind, and you can't resist singing to Mary, "Could I hold the baby? Will He smile at me?" Inwardly, you see Mary smile as she nods and says, "Yes."

 You carry Mary's promise as you enter the Church for Mass. Then, as the priest holds up the host for consecration, you hear Mary's voice again, "Yes. It's your turn to hold my precious child."

 As you walk towards the altar, your heart beats with joy. Reverently, you bow before Christ and then hold out your hand. It's your turn to hold the baby. But not just in your hands but with every cell in your body. Joy circulates through you. You know that at this moment, you are blessed beyond measure, beyond anything you deserve. Nothing in this world compares to God's love. 


Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Invitation: Prepare


 The sun set hours ago. As you drive closer to your house, the number of homes decorated for Christmas appears to grow daily. Finally, your car automatically pulls into your own driveway. Exhausted, you step out with your arms heavy with bags. You manage only a few steps when a burst of white light appears above the housetops. Instantly you recognize this star. It is the star of Bethlehem. The star of the newborn King.

 Quickly, you place your bags inside and fall to your knees. You take a deep breath in. Before you exhale, you let the warmth of God's Presence overflow from your heart, expanding the volume of your lungs with oxygenated joy. Then, in the silence of this moment, the call comes.

 "And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger."

 You reply, "Lord let me see what you have made known to me."

 Inwardly you hear, "Prepare yourself, and you shall see the glory of the Lord. On bended knee is a good place to start."


(The Invitation is based on the Gospel of Luke.)

Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Invitation


 Briskly, you walk into church and sit in your usual seat. Then, as you wait for Mass to begin, you dismiss your thoughts of the world and open your heart to God's Word. Now, as the people were sitting in their pews, keeping watch over their thoughts,  an angel of the Lord appeared to them. The angel said to all, "Do not be afraid to open your hearts to God. Today I bring you good news of great joy! The celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, will come to this place on December 25th. All are invited to come!"

 Suddenly there was a multitude of angels singing and praising God! "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests." Together the congregation replies, "Glory to God in the highest..." Your heart soars high with love!

 As Mass continues, you thank God for your ears. You are blessed to hear the Truth of God's Word. Give thanks that you can hear angels singing and announcing the birth of the Lord. Thank God for giving your eyes that will perceive the star of Bethlehem. Your journey begins today! Prepare for the coming of the Lord!  


(The Invitation is based on the Gospel of Luke.)

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Are You Ready?


   Recently one of my students asked me, "Do you think the food in heaven will be any good?"

 "The food will be amazing! Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is like a wedding banquet! People spend a lot of time planning a wedding because they want everything to be wonderful. I'm sure the feast God has planned for us will be better than anything we could imagine." I replied.

 I share this story because I worry that too many underestimate God's and heaven's glory. Will Eternity be better than this life? Is it really worth making sacrifices and carrying our crosses? Absolutely! There is no comparison. The heavenly banquet is all prepared. He has sent us our invitation, but our response determines our place at the table.

 Advent is about to begin. Have you started planning for this heavenly celebration? The hustle and bustle don't have to be a part of it. Don't let the world tell you how to celebrate Christmas. Instead, take your cue from our Lord. How does He want you to celebrate His birthday this year? Take this time to pause, pray, and plan. Jesus is coming. Will you be ready?


Sunday, November 13, 2022

How Long?


  The prisoner was led into his cell. Before the guard closed the door, the prisoner asked, “How long will I have to stay here?”

  The guard replied, “It’s hard to say. It’s really up to you. “

  The man looked confused as the door to freedom shut, and the key turned. He looked around his cell. A bed in the corner, a book on a stand, and an entertainment counsel on the opposite wall. The man smiled. “I can handle this,” he thought to himself. 

  He sat in the chair hour after hour, entirely mesmerized by the unlimited number of shows, games, and social media content. The hours turned into days, and the days into weeks. Yet, he was happy to still be connected to the world.

  Every day the guard walked by in disbelief. Finally, as the guard walked to the end of the long hall, his coworker looked at him. “How long do you think it will take him to figure it out?”

  The guard shook his head and said, “It’s hard to say. The book is collecting dust.”

  The book in the corner was the key to the cell door. On the front of the book were two words-Holy Bible. Inside the book were the words of Truth. The Truth would set the man free. But, unfortunately, the man was too busy to notice he was imprisoning himself. 


Sunday, November 6, 2022



 Styles come, and styles go. What I think may be in fashion is not necessarily my kids' opinion. But lately, I keep wondering...Is holiness still attractive? Can one dress to the nines in integrity? Can respect go with any outfit? And how about honesty? Could anything really clash with it? Would you agree that kindness could casually be worn anywhere?

 I'm not usually one to plan my outfits out ahead of time, but maybe it's a good idea. I should look twice in the mirror and ensure I'm dressed and ready for heaven. The runway may start here on earth, but white robes washed in the blood of the Lamb are still all the rage in Paradise. Styles come and go on earth, but holiness is still heaven's timeless, classic look. So, I have to ask, "What are you wearing tomorrow?"



Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happy All Saints and All Souls Day!


 There is a legend that someone in heaven is thinking about you when a cardinal comes to visit you. Many believe it is a departed loved one. Personally, I like this legend. It is comforting that the angels and saints in heaven want to be near us.  

 I don’t believe that love has spatial limits. Love is powerful when shared. Heaven can feel the earth’s love, and the world can feel heaven’s love. We are in communion with one another. The body of Christ is made up of the faithful in heaven, in purgatory, and on earth. 

 I like this legend because every time I see a cardinal, I remember those who have gone before me. I remember the love we share. I offer up a prayer for the souls in purgatory, and I wonder about heaven and feeling the embrace of God. So whether the cardinal coincidentally sat outside my window or was inspired by heaven makes no difference to me. That little bird broke into my day and reminded me of the promise of heaven. A promise of love offered to me by an all-loving God. So yes, I smile when I see that beautiful cardinal because I know that the mystical body of Christ is no legend, it is true. The fact that I am allowed to be a part of it is beyond amazing and worth celebrating! I wish great happiness to the saints in heaven and the souls in purgatory. I look forward to the day we will all celebrate together in heaven. 


Sunday, October 30, 2022

Let's Get Real


  A few of my kids are into the "BeReal" app. If you are unfamiliar with this app, here's a brief explanation. At any time of the day, the app sends you a message saying, "Time to be real," and you have two minutes to post a picture of what you are currently doing. This encourages everyone to post more authentic images because there is no time for filters, effects, or the perfect pose. You need to post a picture to see what your friends have posted.

 I was thinking about this concept when a fun idea came to mind. What if God made a similar app? What if, at any random moment of the day, God gave us two minutes to connect with Him. Would we be willing to stop whatever we were doing to be real with God? How might our faith life change if we were glad to be with God whenever He asked? How might the world change if everyone was willing to "get real" with God at least once daily? That would be a fun world to live in. 



Sunday, October 16, 2022

Has Anyone Seen Jesus?


 In keeping with our focus on Mary and the Rosary this month, I thought I would pose a question that I often wonder about while praying the Rosary. As a parent, the fifth joyful mystery, The Finding Of Jesus In The Temple, scares me. Any parent who has had a child forget to tell them where they are going, mix up a pickup time, or miss a curfew can relate to the fear and stress of not knowing if your child is safe. My son once thought he was turning off his phone and accidentally hit the call for help option (911) instead. He quickly explained to the 911 operator he had made a mistake and then properly shut his phone off. My son was confident he had handled the situation. He didn't know that; in the meantime, my phone plan alerted me that my son had just called 911. Panicked, I called him immediately. Of course, I could not reach him because he had shut his phone off. For the next hour, I called every one of his friends, trying to determine what had happened. Fortunately, in my case, my son was never in danger. I was so grateful to his friends who helped me locate him.

 So my question about the fifth mystery is this. When Mary and Joseph discovered Jesus was missing, why didn't anyone in the caravan return with Mary and Joseph to find Jesus? I can't even begin to imagine how distraught Mary and Joseph must have felt, but their pain must have been compounded by the fact that they searched alone. Perhaps this is why Mary is always eager to help us in our time of need. She knows how painful life can be when we feel we are walking through a crisis all alone.

 If you know someone who has "lost Jesus" in their life or is struggling with personal problems, reach out to them. Let them know they are not alone. Let them know you are praying for them. That lasso of the Rosary has saved more people than we will ever know. 


Monday, October 10, 2022

Oh, How God Spoils Us!


  I enjoyed a beautiful, peaceful evening with my family as we watched Fall gently caress the surrounding foliage. God certainly knows how to spoil us during October. However, the vibrant colors of the leaves pale in comparison to the rich blessings God allows Mary to share with all who devote themselves to the Rosary. 

 Mary has made many appearances in the past century. Mary is always described as beautiful beyond words and carrying a Rosary in these apparitions. God has chosen Mary as the gate to heaven, and the Rosary is the key. Mary tells us that the Rosary is a very powerful prayer with God. Popes and saints throughout the past century have echoed these exact words. St. Pio said only days before his death, “Love the Madonna and make her loved. Always recite her Rosary. That is the armor against the evils of the world today.” 

 I looked across the tranquil lake one last time before leaving. After that, my plan is to continue to follow the road home. I’m not sure when I will arrive, but each day I call out to my Mother and thank her for giving me a house key. Eternity is long, and the thought of being locked out of my Father’s house is too upsetting to even consider. Thank you, God, for the blessing of Mary. The beauty of her Rosary is rich indeed.



Sunday, October 2, 2022

Our Mother's Love



  I got the call all parents dread. "Mom, I just got into an accident! What do I do?"

 "Are you hurt?" I asked. 

 "No. "

 "Tell me what happened. "

  Fortunately, it was only a minor mishap. After hearing the details, it was easy to work on a solution. After I hung up the phone, I thought of one of my daily prayers, "Mary, please keep all my children and grandchildren safe in whatever vehicle they are in." I let out a heavy sigh, closed my eyes, and whispered, "Thank you, Mary."

 I love each of my children and am always there for them. If a flawed woman like myself can love her children and help them in times of need, imagine how much more our heavenly Mother can love and aid us. We need only to ask, and Mary is there for us. Therefore, I would like to begin the month of October honoring Mary again. October is the month dedicated to Mary and the Holy Rosary. I honestly don't know where my life would be without the Rosary.

 When I look at the Rosary, I do not see a string of beads. Instead, I see a lifeline. So many moments in my life may have broken me, but I have always been held together by the tender touch of my Mother's hand as she pulled me closer, one bead at a time. Sometimes Mary whispers insights and inspirations that lead me down a surprising path. Sometimes being with Mary is just relaxing and comfortable. And, yes, I have also had some good laughs with Mary.

 Please consider spending a little more time with Mary this month. Whether you've had a minor mishap, are hurt, or need some motherly advice, know that Mary is here for you. Her wisdom comes from being so closely united with God. Her soul always magnifies God's love for you. So pick up a rosary and tell Mary what happened, or better yet, listen as she tells you about the life of her Son and what He desires of you.  



Sunday, September 25, 2022

What's In Your Wallet?


 "What's in your wallet?" has been a famous advertising slogan for Capital One. Recently I have been sharing my faith with a group of young students. We explored the theme of honesty. I asked them what they would do if they saw someone drop their wallet full of money. Needless to say, some answers were more correct than others. I then asked them what if it was one of their parents who lost their wallet? What do their parents keep in their wallets? Heads up, parents, your kids know the inside of your wallets pretty well. They knew approximately how much money you usually carry, your credit cards, pictures, gift cards, and driver's license. We talked about how losing these items could cause a lot of problems.

 As adults, we know losing our personal information can be a nightmare. There seem to be endless schemes in which people can dishonestly try to get our personal information. It's not only essential to protect our identities but also our identity in Christ. No one can steal our identity in Christ, but we can lose it through our own neglect, daily distractions, or sinful habits. We have to protect our faith. We can't just pull out the "faith card" in times of need. Our faith should keep all the other aspects of our identity in check. Can we honestly say our faith is the most prevalent way others identify us?

 Hopefully, if we saw someone drop their wallet, we would not hesitate to return it to them. But what if you saw a friend dropping their identity in Christ? Would you say anything? Perhaps this would be a great time to pull out the "faith card." Hand them a picture of Jesus and remind them they are loved beyond measure. What's in your wallet may be more important than you ever knew.  "


Sunday, September 18, 2022



 This past week I watched a concert on television. After a few songs, the band was interviewed. The band commented that "amazing energy" came from the crowd. They were so touched that people lined the streets hours ago to see them play. The camera panned the excited crowd while they played. Everyone was singing and dancing along. Reaching their hands out, hoping to get a handshake from one of the singers.

 I was watching this when suddenly, a thought came to mind. I wonder if Jesus ever feels the way the band did during Mass. But, of course, Jesus isn't performing. Instead, Jesus is inviting us to a celebration of love. So I thought I would throw out a few questions to ponder this week. How much energy do you bring to the Holy Mass each week? Do you wake up hours before Mass with anticipation and joy? Have you ever arrived early for Mass to be sure you get a good seat? Do we genuinely believe that Jesus is present at the Mass?

 This week bring all your energy to Mass. Jesus is in the house, and it's time to celebrate! You know the words to the songs. Let your voice join with those of the angels! Let your love for God pour out! Reach out your hands and say, "Amen," like you mean it when receiving the holy Body of Christ. What more incredible blessing could we receive than to be called to the Supper of the Lamb?



Sunday, September 11, 2022

Which Path?


  Have you ever wondered if you are on the right path? We are all bombarded with decisions. Sometimes the answer is not always obvious. How do we know if we are making the right decision? Take the question to God and ask for guidance. As you pray, ask God, "Will you be walking this path with me?" Next, be patient, silently listen for His answer, and allow Him to direct your next step. Whether the path is smooth or rocky is not nearly as important as who is by your side for the journey.



Thursday, September 8, 2022

Feast of the Nativity of Mary

God the Father gathered
all the waters together
and called them the seas...
He gathered all his graces together
and called them Mary.

St. Louis De Montfort

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Keeping Balanced


"Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy-then we need an hour."
-St. Francis de Sales

  Being a mother of six children, I heard the following remark often. "I bet you're glad summer is ending, and all your kids will be back in school." My answer was always the same. I much prefer the leisurely days of summer. I hate all the different schedules, activities, and running around that comes with a new school season. I always feel a little off-balanced and tired. 

 I'm sure I'm not alone; feeling a little off-balanced some days. Keeping up with work schedules, school activities, emails, meal planning, grocery shopping, doctor appointments, etc., can sometimes be overwhelming. Often it seems like too much to do and not enough time. While praying, I  asked Jesus, "How did you handle this?" Imagine the demands Jesus must have felt every day in His ministry. The crowds surrounded Him, demanding healing and miracles. But, of course, Jesus answered my question almost immediately. He always found a quiet space to pray.

 No matter how busy our lives are, we must stay connected to God. Our body relies on many muscle groups to keep us physically balanced, and our spirit depends on the sacraments and prayer life to balance our lives. The graces we receive in prayer help us carry our loads, even if they are stacked too high. God doesn't want us to hit rock bottom, but if we do, He wants us to remember that a life based on prayer is the best foundation.  


Sunday, August 28, 2022

View From The Top


 This past week I had the opportunity to run away to the mountains in Virginia. It was a week of hiking, mountain biking, zip-lining, horseback riding, and golfing. In other words, I got to run away from my everyday responsibilities and just play in the sun as I did in my childhood. It was fabulous! One afternoon we rode two chair lifts and then hiked to the summit. It isn't hard to feel close to God on a mountain.

 Being on top of a mountain is breathtaking and changes your view of the world. As I looked over the edge, my everyday worries and problems were too small to keep in focus. Instead, I just marveled at the beautiful world God had created. As a gentle breeze chased the sun's heat away, I was entirely at peace. Life is filled with big and little moments. It is filled with moments when you feel big and moments when you feel small. I was utterly content being very small, on top of a large mountain, loved by a merciful, omniscient, almighty Father. I felt very blessed.

 Most people would agree climbing down a mountain is more manageable than climbing up. Physically, I would agree this is true. The tricky part about climbing down, though, is remembering the perspective God shared with you while you were at the top. As your feet hit street level and everyday stress bogs you down, remind yourself that you are small. On bended knee and with a whispered prayer, God can carry you back to the top of the mountain. He never tires of sharing His peace and love with us. Just being a child with God is the best!


Sunday, August 14, 2022

My Mother Is So Beautiful!


 While I'm babysitting, my one-year-old granddaughter loves to look at the pictures on my wall, especially the ones of her mom. Several times a day, we go over to the wall, and she smiles when she sees her mom. It makes my granddaughter, Angelina, so happy to gaze at her mother's face. It is reassuring for her to remember her mother's love, even when she can't see her. Then she turns her attention to another wall. Next, she points to my picture of Mary, and we say "Hi" to our mother in Heaven too. My granddaughter may not yet understand how blessed she is to have Mary as her heavenly mother. Still, she is filled with happiness, gazing at Mary.

    Tomorrow we will celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Mary! What a glorious day! Mary is assumed body and soul into Heaven and is crowned Queen. God is so generous with His love. He celebrates Mary's pure heart by allowing us to be loved by her as well.

 I encourage everyone to spend some quiet time with Mary tomorrow. Find a way to gaze upon the beauty of her soul. Let her love heal and strengthen you. Talk to her heart to heart. Don't be afraid to ask her for a little motherly advice. It would bring her great joy!



Saturday, August 6, 2022

It's a True Crime

 After returning home from a family wedding across the state, I was shocked to find half my outdoor Rosary was missing. The Rosary was made out of two-inch blue stones and laid right in front of my statue of Mary. Who would take half of a Rosary? Also, the three rocks with the words printed on them were missing.  The three rocks were "Trust," "God," and "Love." Are you kidding me?  Trust God's love is the Divine Mercy message.  Was this the work of Satan? I was fuming. Theresa suggested we check the house security cameras, which began our full-blown investigation. 

 It wasn't long before we discovered who did it. The crime occurred in the middle of the day while we were away. The criminal looked right at the camera as he took one stone and another. He shoved them in his mouth, ran away, and then returned for more. It was one of the neighborhood squirrels!

 Why would he do this? If I knew he was out evangelizing the squirrel community, I could jump on board with him, but I feared this may not be the case. Theresa googled the habits of squirrels and found that they usually buried their treasure and then marked the area. "I bet you it's under a leaf," Theresa deducted. 

 "Theresa, we have hundreds of leaves in our yard. There is no way we will find them," I replied. Theresa paid no attention to my pessimistic attitude. Within a few minutes, she found one of the buried rock beads. Unfortunately, we did not discover anymore. 

 As I collected the remaining rocks in front of Mary, I wondered if it made her sad. I thought about this the rest of the day. Is it possible that squirrels aren't the only creatures that gather Rosary beads and then hide them? Is it possible people do that as well? Perhaps not in the ground, but forgotten somewhere in a drawer. That, too, is a crime. 

 Then I had an idea. Maybe we could start a neighborhood watch. We could pull out our rosaries daily, pray with Mary, and encourage our neighbors to do so. That way, we could be assured that no more rosaries would get buried again! Satan may have gotten to this squirrel, but let's help Mary step on that snake's head and allow God to have the last word.



Sunday, July 31, 2022

Let's Go!


  Just days before my nephew's wedding, I received a text from my sister. Need prayers to St. Anthony. The groom's ring has been lost! I texted back, "I'll go visit St. Anthony right now." I looked at my two prayer warriors sitting next to me. "Come on, girls, we need to pray with St. Anthony!" I quickly explained the situation to my one-year-old and three-year-old granddaughters.

 "Let's go!" said Isabella, and the three of us headed for the backyard.

  I began the prayer with, "Hi, baby Jesus! Hi St. Anthony, we need your help!" The girls listened while I talked with baby Jesus and St. Anthony. Finally, I finished with "Amen."

 Isabella looked at me and said, "I think we should pray a little more." Of course, I was more than happy to oblige. 

 The next day I received another message--the ring had been found! I shared the good news with Isabella. Her eyes got so big with amazement as she exclaimed, "It worked! Our prayers worked!!"

 I'm sharing this story because I think it's important to pray with each other and for each other. If there are children in your life, let them hear you pray. Let them know God wants to be a part of their daily lives! Prayer doesn't have to happen just at bedtime, or a meal, or during Mass. As children of God, we are blessed with the privilege to talk with God anytime, anywhere. Praying not only connects us to God, but it also connects us to one another, including the saints in heaven. It is through prayer that we resemble small children. We stretch out our hands, and our soul screams, "Up!" Our loving Father reaches down, picks us up as He wraps His arms around us, and holds us close. Prayer allows us to rise up regardless of how God chooses to answer our prayers.

 This week let your enthusiasm for prayer go unchecked. "Let's go!" climb into your Father's arms and let Him love you and all those you keep in your prayers.


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Do You See It?

   As I walked through the park, I saw this fun pattern on the path. It’s frustrating when others don’t see things the same way. My dog had no interest in it. He was too focused on his dream of catching a squirrel. Other people walked right passed it, busy with family and friends. I was fascinated with it.  It looked like a piece of art, but there was much more to this black and white picture. I realized I only saw a small part of the picture because I focused on the ground. I didn't look up. 

 Once I did look up, my whole perspective changed. I could see the sun's brilliance as it poured its light through the branches of the trees. I realized I initially only saw a tiny portion of the beauty surrounding me. My eyes were fixed on the ground instead of heaven. 

 I fear I make this mistake more often than I admit. God's Plan isn't always clear to me because I'm looking in the wrong direction. I tend to focus on the details in front of me rather than trying to see the bigger picture. I need to trust God because I can't always see through the trees, and sometimes leaves unknowingly filter out the light around me. Loving God is more than a beautiful image to behold. Loving God requires the heart, the mind, and the soul to search for the Truth. It also requires sacrifice and sometimes standing alone. 

 Definitely look for God's beauty while traveling the road of discipleship. However, keeping your chin up is also a good idea, so you do not miss the eternal vision God has planned for you. 


Sunday, July 17, 2022

And My Heart Soars

The beauty of the trees, 

the softness of the air, the fragrance

of the grass speaks to me.

The summit of the mountain,

the thunder of the sky, 

the rhythm of the sea speaks to me.

The strength of the fire, the

taste of the salmon, the trail of

the sun, and the life that never

goes away, they speak to me.

And my heart soars.

-Chief Dan George Tslei-Waututh


  I saw this poem while on vacation this past week. It just really hit home. Summer is a great time to rediscover how incredibly beautiful God made this world. I am just in awe! I watched a deer gently descending towards the edge of the river, turtles bobbing their heads above the water before diving down, and a red tail hawk flying overhead while kayaking. It felt like a creation prayer enfolding in front of me. I felt very blessed to be wrapped up in this prayer.

 You don't even have to leave your own yard to experience the beauty of God. His beauty is all around us. So be sure to slow down long enough this summer to take a stroll with God and let Him open your senses to His creative power. 


Sunday, July 3, 2022

That's Alarming


  Recently, I had the opportunity to spend a few days visiting with my sister. One night my sister made dinner reservations at a beautiful restaurant along the river. We had been checking the radar all day because there had been a forty percent chance of rain later in the evening. However, the sun was shining when we were seated at our outdoor table, and we took our time ordering to enjoy the beautiful evening. We had just finished our salads when everyone's phones simultaneously raised a blaring alarm. My sister looked down at her phone. "You've got to be kidding! A tornado was spotted about 30 minutes away. A severe thunderstorm and tornado warning are now in effect!"

 We looked around. It had become cloudier, but still, there was no rain. Just as our entrees were served, so was the rain. Fortunately, the wait staff could make room for us inside the restaurant. The storm blew through as we finished our meal, clearing the city streets.

 Often life's storms can completely blindside us. A financial or health crisis, loss of a loved one, or a betrayal can knock us off our feet. Our perspective may be very cloudy while the storm rages around us. Unfortunately, no phone alarms warn us to take cover and move to safety as life unravels. So how can we protect ourselves? We can't. Pain, in some form or another, is a part of everyone's life. It can't be avoided, but there is something you can do today to ease the storms in your life. Take the time to build up your relationship with God today. Prayer guides us along God's path. We may have to walk through some dark stretches, but we will walk with God. Having an active prayer life doesn't take away the pain of the storm. Still, it teaches us to call out to God amid our sufferings and trust Him to direct our steps, whether it lasts days, weeks, or even years. God will never abandon us.

 We were fortunate that the tornado changed its course that night. We didn't, however, avoid the thunderstorm. The rain pelted us as we ran the ten blocks back to my sister's place. We were dripping wet when we finally arrived, but we were safe. That storm was only a minor inconvenience. It wasn't life-altering. But what has been life-altering for me is my prayer life. It has gotten me through some very dark times. I know it will do the same for you.


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Seek His Heart


  Every night I pray for peace. Every morning I listen to the news and realize how far we are from living in harmony. I often wonder why we find it so difficult to live in peace as a community, a nation, or a world. Sometimes I wonder if Jesus will ask this question of each of us after we pass from this world? Did our hearts, thoughts, or words seek His truth and love? 

 I know my own heart is flawed. Without the grace of God, I am motivated by self-love rather than the merciful heart of our Savior. So every night after I pray for peace, I also thank God for the gift of the Sacraments. I don't go to Mass because I have to. I go because I desperately need His graces, especially those I receive in the Eucharist. I am not the most intelligent person, but if the Lord desires to so generously share His love with me, I am smart enough to run to Him, open my heart, and beg to be filled.

 God's graces are for everyone! His love has no limits! Even though my heart is flawed, I know He can heal me. I only need to immerse myself in His heart to discover the peace I desperately desire.



Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day!


  I wanted to wish all the fathers a Happy Father's Day! Part of my experience every Father's Day was picking out the perfect card. I would search for the card to say, "You're the World's Greatest Dad!"  "You're the Best!" "I could never say thank you enough!" So many cards say this because so many of us feel that way about our Dads. My Dad wasn't perfect, but he was the perfect Dad for me.

  I am confident that St. Joseph was the perfect earthly father for Jesus. God chose someone who was faithful, just, and devoted. Joseph trusted God's Plan without knowing any of the details. Imagine the personal strength Joseph must have had to protect his infant son from being hurt by enemies for years. He probably never felt like he could take a day off and rest. 

  When my siblings and I get together, we often laugh at some of my Dad's idiosyncrasies. We all have our favorite memories of our Dad. He was a father that could make us laugh, wipe away our tears, and help us become the child of God we were born to be. I imagine today, Jesus is sharing some of his favorite stories about St. Joseph with those in heaven.

 I look forward to the day I will be at the table listening to Jesus laughing and retelling some of His favorite stories of St. Joseph! I bet those "hidden years"  were filled with love and laughter. Happy Father's Day!



Sunday, June 12, 2022

Vacationing With God #15-Bascilica di Santo Antonio, Padova Italy


  I have always been drawn to St. Anthony. He has always felt like a dear friend to me. Do I ask for his intercession when I lose things? Definitely more times than I would like to admit, but that's not why he is one of my favorite saints., but rather his commitment to preaching the gospel. He was a fantastic preacher! So, with the feast day of St. Anthony being June 13th, I thought I would share my experience of visiting the Basilica di Santo Antonio in Italy.

 The basilica is beautiful, with large frescoes depicting the life of St. Anthony. However, it was not the artwork that made my heart race. The moment I walked into the basilica, I felt like I had entered a good friend's home. There is no mistaking Saint Anthony's presence. I wish I could explain it more clearly, but my heart felt warm as if I had just been embraced by a close friend. I prayed by his tomb and then by the relics displayed behind the glass enclosure. His holy tongue and vocal cords still remain intact hundreds of years later. I imagined how amazing it would have been to listen to St Anthony teach and preach with the power of the Holy Spirit! He touched the lives of so many during his lifetime and still continues to do so.

 I would like to share a portion of one of St. Anthony's prayers. "You who made the darkness and the light put forth your hand and touch my mouth. Make it like a sharp sword to utter eloquently your words, make my tongue, O Lord, like a chosen arrow to declare faithfully your wonders. Put your Spirit, O Lord, in my heart that I may perceive. Put it in my soul that I may retain. Put it in my conscience that I may meditate. Lovingly, holily, mercifully, clemently, and gently inspire me with Your grace."  There is no doubt that God answered "yes" to his prayer.  


Sunday, June 5, 2022



  "There appeared to them tongues of fire. The Spirit came and rested on each one of them." It was personal. One-on-one. And they began to speak in different languages as the Spirit enabled them. 

 The Holy Spirit isn't looking for a one size fits all experience. The Holy Spirit is looking for a very personal one-on-one relationship. The Holy Spirit wants to be connected to each of us. We must recognize that we are not flying solo through life. Jesus promised he would be with us, and He is. He gives us His body in the Eucharist and His Spirit in Baptism. Jesus pours His divine love into us. So why don't we always feel Spirit-filled?

 Perhaps it's just because we are better at looking outward rather than inward. The Holy Spirit dwells in us. Sure we would like to see tongues of fire and feel powerful winds when we pray, but the outward signs are the exception and not the norm. The inward signs should help us recognize the Holy Spirit. The burning in your heart to pray, help, and speak out. A sudden moment of inspiration or clarity that changes everything. The ability to love and forgive through your pain. The strength and courage it takes to fight loneliness, injustice, and loss come from the Holy Spirit. 

The apostles did not walk around with tongues of fire over their heads throughout their ministry. That outward sign changed them once and forever. Once they recognized the power of the Holy Spirit, the inward movements changed them and the world. And so it is with us. The sacraments are the outward signs that invite us into a deeper, closer relationship with Jesus. The Holy Spirit is as powerful to us today as 2000 years ago. Each of us can change the face of the earth. How? Turn inward. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Close your eyes and see things the Holy Spirit wants you to see and let Him change you.


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Making Disciples of All Nations


 Before Jesus ascends into heaven, He makes it clear that He desires everyone to be baptized into God's holy family. Therefore, our faith needs to be shared with everyone always. I think every disciple of Jesus needs to take this very seriously. We must pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in this task. We may never even realize the impact we may have on someone else in our lives.

 I am grateful that the parents of my great-grandma in Poland took this command to heart. I'm sure they had no idea that baptizing my great-grandma would spread seeds of faith across the world to the United States one day. My own mother never got to meet my grandchildren, yet the seeds of her faith are in them. I hope my faith will grow in my grandchildren's children as well. I may never know. But what I do know is that I must trust God's Plan. If I don't do my part, a link will be broken, and the world already has too many broken links.

 Our world still needs to be converted. The job is as important today as it was when Jesus commissioned the disciples. Jesus is still hiring for this job. He could use someone just like you. I hope you answer His call because today is a great day to start planting seeds!   


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Mary Knows

 May has finally brought some nice weather back, and I've been busy uncovering lawn chairs, planting flowers, and opening the pool. I love my backyard in the summer! I also was excited to return my statue of Mary to her place in the garden. I was playing with my granddaughters in the backyard when I said, "Isabella, guess what? Mary is back in her place!"

 Isabella knew just where to go to find her. But, when she returned, she had a confused look on her face. "Why is Mary stepping on that snake?"

 I thought for a minute and answered, "Well, that snake is always trying to be tricky. The snake tries to trick people into being bad and not listening to God. Mary wants everyone to love God and not do bad things."

 "He tries to trick people into doing bad things? Like,
say bad words?" Isabella asked.

 "Yep. Sometimes the snake tricks people into saying things that aren't nice, and sometimes he tricks people into being mean."

 "Oh," Isabella said and then ran away and called out to her aunt. "Theresa, I know why Mary is stepping on that snake!"

 I think we should all follow suit after Isabella. First, let people know if there is a tricky snake in the garden, and if there is, don't listen to his lies. Also, warn others, so they don't get tricked. Then shout out to Mary. Mary knows how to help us stomp out sin in our lives.


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Mary's Love

  This week I was fortunate to attend a tradition that I love, a May Crowning! It is such a beautiful way to celebrate and love Mary. If you don't have the chance to attend a May Crowning, find another way to spend special time with Mary this month. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate. Just find some quiet time to open up your heart and let her in.
  When my daughter was younger, she was looking at a statue of Mary. "Mom, why is Mary wearing purple? Everyone knows she wears blue."
  I smiled and said, "Well, it is popular to paint Mary with a blue garment, but we don't really know what Mary wore every day. The color of her clothes isn't important. What's important is Mary's love for God and how much Mary loves you." 
  Sometimes I worry people might miss out on Mary's love because they only see Mary in a certain way and don't embrace her as their own mother. Jesus wants Mary to be a part of your story. Be open to Mary's love. As she gently reveals to you her faith and how she loves God, you will discover there is so much more to loving God than you had ever imagined!


Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!


Happy Mother's Day to all who have given the best of themselves to their children!

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Blessed With Joy!


 I was playing with my granddaughters in the kitchen last week. My 3-year-old granddaughter took a piece of paper towel and rolled it up. Then she asked me to fill a small plastic dish with some water. I thought she was going to wash some of her play dishes. But, instead, she dipped the paper towel in the water and started flinging water everywhere! Surprised by this, I  asked, "Isabella, what are you doing? You are getting water everywhere!"

  She just looked at me and said, "This is how we do it at my Church!"

  Instantly I understood. "Oh, you are blessing me with holy water to remind me of my Baptismal promises!"

  She smiled and nodded yes and continued to bless the kitchen abundantly! I couldn't stop smiling as I went to find some towels. This little girl was definitely paying attention when she went to Mass. Needless to say, her sister and I received numerous blessings that morning!

  I usually don't encourage anyone to throw water around my kitchen. In fact, I frown upon it. So why didn't I stop my granddaughter? Because she had experienced something exciting during Mass that she wanted to share. Shouldn't we all be doing that? So I'm going to challenge each of you to get excited about the Mass. Then go out into the world and share this enthusiasm with others! "The Mass has ended. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!" 

- Susan 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Divine Mercy Sunday!

  I wanted to share a few passages from the Diary of St. Faustina.   When St Faustina asked Jesus the meaning of the two rays in the picture, Jesus told St Faustina, " The two rays denote Blood and Water. The pale ray stands for the Water, which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood, which is the life of souls." (299)

  The Lord said to St. Faustina, "How very much I desire the salvation of souls!….write that I want to pour out My divine life into human souls and sanctify them, if only they were willing to accept My grace. If only they would trust in My mercy. The very inner depths of My being are filled to overflowing with mercy, and it is being poured out upon all I have created. My delight is to act in a human soul and to fill it with My mercy and to justify it. My kingdom on earth is My life in the human soul. … I  Myself am the spiritual guide of souls—and I guide them indirectly through the priest, and lead each one to sanctity by a road known to Me alone. "(1784)

  I am amazed at how much God loves us! In the Divine Mercy Image and the "Diary," Jesus reminds us of what he has already revealed in the gospels. The Blood of Christ is what gives life to our souls. In the bread of life discourse, Jesus says, "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. "(John 6:53)

 How blessed are we to be called to the Supper of the Lamb! How blessed are we in the Sacraments and the Mass! God didn't leave our salvation to chance. He bestows countless graces on us! He constantly calls us to draw near to Him.

 After the Resurrection, Jesus found the disciples locked in the upper room living in fear. Jesus came into their midst, offered them His peace and forgiveness, and reminded them of their mission. Jesus does the same for us today. Locked up in our own inner room, afraid to live out our faith, Jesus comes to us. He mercifully forgives all our past mistakes and strengthens us to live out our missions. We must be merciful as the Father is merciful. We must love one another. Trust God. The future He is planning for us is brighter than we could ever imagine!



Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Divine Mercy Sunday is Only Days Away!

  We all need Jesus' love and mercy. This Sunday is Divine Mercy Sunday, and Jesus desires to shower us with special graces. Please help me to spread this good news! Watch the TikTok below and share it with as many people as you can!


Sunday, April 17, 2022



   It is a glorious new day! Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! Alleluia! Let us celebrate God's love! Don't think of this as an event that happened long ago. This is important to your life today! Imagine if someone special in your life rose from the dead and told you all about heaven. Your joy would be too much to contain! Would you believe what they told you about heaven? Of course, because only God could perform such a miracle!

 Jesus has conquered sin and death! We are not bound by the evils of this world. Jesus himself has told us of the wonders that await us in heaven! We can trust and believe all that Jesus has shared with us and continues to share. We have been baptized into His family, and the Spirit of Truth lives in us! Before he was scourged, Jesus told Pilate, "You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."(John 18:37) Pilate didn't get it. Pilate responded, "What is truth?" Truth tells us that we are children of God, and our Father has prepared a glorious everlasting future for us! Truth is everything!

 Our Lenten journey has come to a close, but keep your feet moving. How close we come to heaven during our earthly life depends on our willingness to respond to the Spirit of Truth. Jesus tells us, "I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."(John 14:6). So keep following Jesus' footprints, and today let your steps leap for joy!
