Sunday, April 25, 2021

Did You See That?

   The family and I decided to take a little vacation down south. This was to be just a low key vacation filled with lazy days relaxing,  swimming, and reading by the pool. I am about to renew my consecration to Mary and brought along the perfect book to inspire me. One afternoon  my kids were off doing their own things and I had a chance to just quietly sit with Mary. With my feet dangling in the cool water of the pool, I contemplated God’s Will in my life with Mary. If only I could see a clear sign that I was on the right path.

  As I was sitting there , I felt a strong urge to look up.  I did, and was astounded!  In the sky was the word “Jesus”.  I jumped to my feet!  “Oh my gosh can other people see this?” I thought to myself.  “Of course they can,” I answered my own question.  Why wasn’t anyone else paying attention to this?  I ran and grabbed my phone and starting taking pictures. Some people noticed me taking pictures and looked up too, but not everyone.  

  My heart was racing and I felt the joy of the Holy Spirit!  There before my eyes was a pretty clear sign from God!  This was the full message I saw in the sky: Jesus gives,  ask. 

  Do I think this was just a coincidence?  Nope.  I believe that God delights in letting us know He is present to us.  For me to be sitting in that exact spot across the country, by a pool praying, to see a plane write a message in the sky is the the hand of God at work.  Was that message only for me?  Of course not. I’m sure it is a message many of His children need to see, but that doesn’t make it any less incredible for me.  I feel very blessed that someone else shared God’s inspiration and wrote a message in the sky.  God has a lot of good ideas, we just all need to trust His inspirations. God inspires us to inspire others. It really is a great Plan.   Have a blessed week!


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Focus On The Future

  During Lent we spent a lot of time on self reflection and how we could draw closer to God.  It is an important journey, but it isn't meant to end with the celebration of Easter.  Easter should joyously catapult our journey toward heaven!  Our eyes should be focused on our future. A future that is not bound to the time and space of this world.  Christ has died so that our future will not.  He has risen and now our futures contain possibilities that we haven't even imagined!

  Jesus' resurrection changed the world forever! Sometimes we can take this for granted. Don't make the mistake of thinking of the "Good News" as just a good story. Immerse yourself in the "Good News" so that it is your reality and your future. God so loved you that he sent His Son to save you! The risen Lord is alive!  If you don't see Him alive in your life today, readjust your focus because you are focusing on the wrong details. See and believe! Just like you can't see the forest through the trees, there is no Resurrection without the cross. It's time for us to pick up our crosses and lay them on our backs, so they don't block our vision.  Let us proclaim to the world, "We, too, have seen the good Lord and we are heading home to live a life of Resurrection!"


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Divine Mercy Sunday--Too Good To Miss


  Everybody loves to get a good deal.  Every year we are bombarded with commercials and emails about the savings that will occur on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  Many people even take the day off work so they can get as many good deals as possible.  But today, I would like to talk about a day that goes above and beyond any deal we could ever imagine-Divine Mercy Sunday.  The “savings” on this day will be talked about for all eternity.  

 Jesus said, "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends.” Jesus sacrificed His life so that our sins would not prevent us from entering heaven and having life everlasting.  When the heart of Jesus was pierced with a sword, the very depths of His love was poured out over all mankind.  Jesus poured out His loving mercy so that we could all be healed. Healed from sin.  Healed from desperation and  hopelessness.   Healed from life’s sorrows.  Saved for all eternity.  
 Why is this the best deal ever?  We need only to confess our sins, receive the Eucharist at Mass, and declare our trust in Jesus.  In turn, Jesus wipes away all our sins and any associated punishment, generously pours His loving graces over our lives, and purifies our souls for life everlasting.  Divine Mercy Sunday is God’s way of opening up wide the door to heaven so everyone can enter. Don’t let this door of opportunity pass you by.  Run right through that door and into the loving and merciful arms of the Father.  Then hold on tight for the saving of your life. 


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Tell Everyone to Get Ready!


Please share this good news with everyone!



Watch on TikTok


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Happy Easter



Thursday, April 1, 2021

Holy Week: Holy Thursday & Good Friday


  I had suggested earlier, that we try to spend some time focusing on our hands this week.  As you celebrate Holy Thursday and Good Friday make the sign of the cross with great love and reverence.  Ask  the Holy Trinity to help you contemplate the mysteries of Christ's Passion.

   Look closely when the Body of Christ is placed into your hands on Holy Thursday.  Think of the tremendous sacrifice Jesus made so that you could participate in the new and everlasting covenant with God. Jesus offers each of us His own body and blood, so that we in turn, will offer our own lives to Him in order to build up the Kingdom. As the Body of Christ is placed in your hand, allow your thoughts to turn towards Mary, and the moment the body of her son was placed in her hands. The sacrifice made for our salvation should never be taken for granted. Be sure to spend some time with Mary meditating on the precious Body of Christ.
