Friday, December 24, 2021
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Advent, The Power Of The Holy Spirit: Week 4
Actions speak louder than words. The gospels clearly demonstrate St. Joseph as a man who actively responds to God's Plan. While sleeping,
God sends a message through His angel to reveal to St Joseph that Mary has conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit. Upon, waking Joseph dismisses his own plan and obeys God by bringing Mary into his home. Pope Benedict XVI helps us to understand the importance of the Holy Spirit. "It is through the Holy Spirit who helps us in our incapacity, who illuminates our minds and warms our hearts, guiding us to turn to God."
Joseph must have already been very familiar with the workings of the Holy Spirit and attuned to listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. When Joseph learns the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, all doubt is eliminated from Joseph's mind. The Catechism teaches that "Knowledge of faith is possible only in the Holy Spirit: to be in touch with Christ, we must first have been touched by the Holy Spirit. He comes to meet us and kindle faith in us." (CCC683) Joseph believes and trusts in the power of the Holy Spirit. Illuminated by the Holy Spirit, Joseph understands that all things are possible with God. Joseph responds to God's plan for salvation by bringing Mary into his home and allowing God's Plans to unfold. (It is interesting that Jesus' life begins and ends with a request for Mary to be brought into a disciple's home.)
Spend these next few days before Christmas with St. Joseph. Reflect on listening and trusting the Holy Spirit and responding without doubts. St. Joseph was instrumental in bringing the Christ child safely into our midst. Ask St. Joseph to guide us as we share the Christ child with others.
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Advent, The Power of the Holy Spirit: Week 3
At the sound of Mary's voice, Elizabeth's son, John, leaps for joy, and Elizabeth receives the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enlightens both Elizabeth and John to recognize that Mary is pregnant with the long-awaited Messiah. It is important to note that the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to Elizabeth and infuses Elizabeth with the knowledge of Mary being most blessed among all women. Elizabeth is both filled with joy and humbled by Mary's visit as she wonders, "And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (Luke 1:40)
Elizabeth demonstrates that we should all respond to Mary with joy and humility. When we cry out to Mary, she is eager to help us. Mary, however, doesn't come alone. When Mary comes to our aid, she also brings the Holy Spirit and her son, Jesus. Wherever Jesus and the Holy Spirit are present, we also encounter God the Father. In His generosity and mercy, God allows Mary to act as a powerful magnet. When we cry out to Mary, Mary sets out in haste to bring the Holy Trinity into our lives!
This week joyfully embrace Mary! Let us cry out to the world that the Mother of our Lord has entered our homes as well. Let us pray with Mary as she eagerly awaits the birth of her son. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten us to the Presence of Jesus in our family, friends, and all that we encounter. I often imagine what it might have been like to pray to God in the same room with Mary and Elizabeth and their unborn sons. I am both delighted and humbled by this thought.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Feast Of The Immaculate Conception
With God, all things are possible. God gives each of us the graces we need to succeed in our mission. Mary was chosen by God to be the vessel to bring Jesus into the world. God desired her to be free from all sin in preparation for her mission. Life begins at the moment of conception. Mary's heart was united with God from the very first moment of her life because no sin stood between them. If that was the end of Mary's story, that alone would be miraculous.
Mary's story is not finished. Mary is the pure vessel God chose for His Son and the pure vessel through which He desires us to encounter Jesus. If we go through Mary's heart, we can come so much closer to Jesus because there is no sin to separate us. Mary's heart has one desire. She desires us to be united with her Son. Her heart is the path to Jesus. It is a path that is wide open to each of us. We only need to cry out, "Hail Mary, full of grace!"
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Advent, The Power of the Holy Spirit: Week 2
"Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth, for he will be great in the sight of [the] Lord. He will drink neither wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb." (Luke1:13-15)
Imagine an angel of the Lord announcing that your son will be filled with the Holy Spirit before he is even born! This message was delivered to Zechariah before his son, John, was conceived and was fulfilled when Mary entered Zechariah's house. The moment John heard Mary's voice, he leaped for joy inside his mother's womb.
Although the Holy Spirit cannot be seen, He stirs the soul to experience the incredible joy and love of the Lord! The Holy Spirit helps us to recognize His Presence in our lives. John's heart is already beating for God even while he is still a fetus. Over time the Holy Spirit will increase John's understanding of God and prepare him for his mission. John will be the great prophet who prepares the world to repent from their sins so that their hearts will be open to receive Jesus.
This week ask Mary to enter your house. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with joy when she greets you! Then, like John, announce to the world that Jesus is coming. Sing religious Christmas songs. Ask someone to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation with you. Share the Nativity story with someone in your life. The world still needs to have its hearts open to receive Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you be the prophet you were born to be.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Advent, The Power of The Holy Spirit: Week 1
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Counting My Blessings
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Speak Gently
My family and I have been battling an upper respiratory infection this past week. It was a quiet week at my house because we all had varying degrees of laryngitis. There was no idle chatter, no arguing, no harsh words. We spoke only when necessary and we had to listen very carefully to each other. My sons played their video games in silence without any colorful expletives. (Something I have been told was not possible.) Had I physically felt better, a week of silence would have been considered a dream come true.
This got me thinking. What if it was physically painful to speak unkind words. Would I speak nicer to others? What if I suffered from laryngitis when my profanity, lies, or gossip damaged my spiritual life? Would that get my attention? Jesus said, "It is not what enters one's mouth that defiles that person, but what comes out of the mouths is what defiles one." (Matthew 15:11)
I have to admit I spent a lot of time on the couch this week. The commercials and emails encouraging me to get ready for Christmas with early sales have already begun. I currently have a different perspective. Having a voice and being able to speak is a gift I often take for granted. Perhaps this year instead of worrying about choosing just the right present, I will spend more time choosing just the right words. Like overspending, I don't want my careless words to leave me with a debt that is too difficult to repay.
Monday, November 8, 2021
Shine Bright
I couldn’t help but feel blessed as I walked through my neighborhood park. The changing leaves seemed to absorb the sun’s energy shining brighter than ever. I know I will miss the beautiful colors of Fall.
Here on earth, things are constantly changing. Our spiritual life can face periods of dryness or challenges. Our health is continuously fighting battles. We lose those who are dearest to us. Through all these changing seasons of our lives, God’s promises and His love are constant. We never walk alone. The more we trust, the more we absorb God’s love, and when we get to heaven, we will shine brighter than ever. When Jesus said, “Follow me,” He was not referring to our feet. It was an invitation for our hearts.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
All Souls Day
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Life does not end with the death of the body; the soul enters eternity and continues to exist forever. -Scott Hahn |
Today let us pray for all souls who have departed earth, but especially for the souls going through purification. Let us implore the mercy of God to hasten this process so that they may enjoy the eternal happiness of heaven. These souls are depending upon our prayers. Let us not keep them waiting. Praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for them would be a beautiful way to celebrate this special day.
P.S. Don't keep All Souls Day a secret. Talk about it with others and invite them to pray with you. One day you may be the one who benefits from their prayers.
Monday, November 1, 2021
Celebrate the Feast of All Saints Day!
My three-year-old granddaughter and I decided to do some baking. While I was looking at the recipe she said, “Don’t look at those letters they won't tell you anything."
I smiled and said, “These are the instructions. Someone else has already figured out how to make it. If I follow the instructions, I know it is going to turn out great."
There is always an easy and a hard way to do things. We can forge our own path or walk along a path that others have found successful. Have you ever tried to follow the life of a saint? Many saints had lives that were filled with obstacles. Their faithfulness and trust in God was amazing. We can definitely learn from their insights. The path of holiness is challenging but not impossible. The world is great at selling a worldly point of view, but God does not share this same view. Learning to view life from the saints who saw things more clearly can help correct our own nearsightedness. The saints can act as inspiring trail guides helping us to avoid obstacles that impede our own journey.
We all want things to turn out great. We want the beatific vision--the heavenly feast. How can we be assured we are doing it right? What recipe should we follow? There is no one correct recipe to follow. The saints can be likened to master chefs that have left their secret recipes for us to imitate. God has never left us alone to figure this out. The Holy Trinity is as active in our lives as we are willing to allow. The saints stand as powerful intercessors cheering us on, teaching us, and encouraging us to choose the path of holiness.
Today is All Saints Day. Do yourself a favor after Mass and invite a Saint to dinner today. Celebrate their lives! Be bold and ask them to bring one of their tried and true recipes to try.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Join Me If You Dare
It's hard to miss all the Halloween decorations around my neighborhood. Some people really go all out and transform their entire yards. It is definitely more interesting to go for a walk this time of year. I remember when my kids were younger, they would start talking about Halloween costumes in August. I'm not against Halloween. In fact, my older son makes sure our house screams Halloween come October 31st. I think Halloween can be fun, but I wonder why people don't spend as much time and energy on the actual feast day--All Saints Day.
I would love to be in a community where everyone decorated their house to reflect their favorite saint. Could you imagine how much we would all learn from each other? What if we took it a step farther by trying to outdo each other in holiness. What if the city sounded its sirens encouraging everyone to visit their favorite church to celebrate mass? What if All Saints Day wasn't overshadowed by Halloween?
Perhaps these suggestions sound ridiculous, but I would love to live in that reality. This week I'm going to treat myself to unwrapping a sweet inspiring quote from some of my favorite saints. Dressing up as someone else for a day is fun, but really changing yourself to become a saint is the role of a lifetime. I'm gearing up for the big day. I invite all of you who are brave enough to join me!
Monday, October 18, 2021
Planting Seeds
As I mentioned earlier in the month, October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. I would like to suggest thinking of the Rosary from a different point of view. Imagine that each bead of the Rosary represents a seed. While we pray the Rosary and meditate on the mysteries, Mary plants seeds of faith into our souls. These seeds will help us to love Jesus even more. These seeds will open our minds to contemplate the Incarnation, Transfiguration, Eucharist, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, and Pentecost, to name just a few.
From heaven, she nourishes these seeds until they blossom into a beautiful garden. If we are open to her graces, this garden will grow larger and larger, season after season, and the harvest will be great. Seeds of faith will grow into large mustard trees where others will find shelter. The fruits of this garden will be nourished by the Holy Spirit, Himself, and include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Jesus often took His disciples to pray in the garden of Gethsemane because that is where they opened their hearts to God the Father.
I encourage all of you to plant the Rosary deep into your soul. Allow Mary to handpick the seeds that allow the Kingdom to flourish within you and touch all who are near.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Who's In Charge?
I was watching my granddaughters one afternoon. We had been having fun and after lunch I announced, "Okay, you both need to be changed before we go outside."
The baby of course had no objections, but my older granddaughter said, "I don't want you to change me."
"I know, but it's my job to take care of you. I'll do your sister first and then you're next." As I left the room my granddaughter said under her breath, "I thought I was in charge."
As I walked away I couldn't help but laugh inwardly. "Did she really think she was in charge?" As I thought about this again later another thought came to mind. I wonder how many times I have said that to God? How many times has a challenging situation come my way and I have complained, "I don't want things to change. I like things just the way they are."
Trusting my heavenly Father should be easy, right? I know He wants the best for me. I know His Plan is always good, but let's face it, I sometimes act like a little child and think I'm in charge and know what's best. When I find myself winning a little too much in my prayer time, I am reminded of the verse from Isaiah 55:8-9, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways. and my thoughts above your thoughts."
Perhaps this is the reason I laughed at my granddaughter. I know all too well that I still have my moments when I act like a silly little girl. I'm so grateful that my Heavenly Father still gathers me in His arms and whispers, "You can be more than you imagine."
Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Rosary Meditation-Joyful Mysteries

Monday, September 27, 2021
Home Sweet Home
"Home is where the heart is" is a saying most people are familiar with and would agree is true. Our homes are the place we feel safe and loved. It is the place we feel most comfortable. It is where we gather as a family to share meals, memories, and everyday moments. You can put a price on how much a house is worth, but your home is priceless.
I felt very blessed to have been a part of the consecration to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary at my parish this week. There are twelve promises that Jesus desires to share with those who will have a devotion to His Sacred Heart. One of the promises is that "I will bless every dwelling where an image of My heart is both exposed and honored." My heart swelled with love as I brought my blessed image into my home, and my children joined me in praying the consecration prayer.
My house may appear ordinary from the street, but the inside will enthrone the King of Mercy and Love and His beloved Mother. If "home is where the heart is" then I am blessed beyond measure because Jesus and Mary can call my house their home as well!
Friday, September 17, 2021
Hands Up
I had the opportunity to escape to the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains this past week. While visiting I attended Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Hands up this was a wonderful experience.
As my family and I approached the church, an usher greeted us with a warm hello and asked us if we would like to receive holy water. “Yes!” I replied and held my hands up as he placed a small amount of water in them so I could bless myself with The Sign of the Cross. As I sat in the pew before Mass began, I was intrigued with a banner of St. Joseph near the altar. St. Joseph held the child Jesus in one hand and the other hand was stretched out.
The deacon gave a very moving homily centered on the need for our hands to be held up in life, so that we may receive the graces God desires to bestow upon us. Filled with God’s graces we would be equipped to lend a hand to those who needed our help. If we walked through life with our hands in fists or our arms crossed tightly across our bodies, we would be unprepared to receive God’s graces and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
After receiving Communion my eyes were again drawn to the banner of St. Joseph. St. Joseph held Jesus close to his heart with one hand, and the other hand was open to God’s plan. As I continued to pray I realized that I had just received Jesus in one hand, and I too, must keep my other hand open and available to God. I felt overwhelmed with God’s Presence. He had inspired me to come and receive Him high up on these mountains. I was in awe of the beautiful mountains He had created, but I felt more than experiencing the beauty around me; He needed me to hear this important message of love.
My stay on this mountain will not be long, but it will be remembered. Refreshed and strengthened, I will come down the mountain holding my hands up. In fact, my hands look so much different to me now. I realize that God will touch my hands with graces. God allows me the privilege of holding the Body of Christ in them. Now as I look at my hands, they appear to be stronger and more beautiful than I have ever remembered.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Feast of the Nativity of Mary
Monday, September 6, 2021
Simply Beautiful
One day when my granddaughter was visiting, she followed me into my bedroom. She looked at my bed and giggled. "What are they doing there?" she asked. She immediately jumped up on my bed and grabbed the plush dolls of Mary and Jesus.
I smiled back as I sat next to her. "Well, I just feel better when Mary and Jesus are close to me. They make me smile, and they are fun to hug." We both laughed as I gave Jesus a hug.
Later, when it was time for my granddaughter to go home, she grabbed the Mary doll, "I have to take her!" she announced.
"You can," I said, "Just bring her back the next time you come."
My granddaughter brought the Mary doll back the following week. My daughter told me that Mary had joined them every night for prayers and my granddaughter went to sleep with the doll next to her. I couldn't have been happier. My granddaughter's loving relationship with Mary is already beginning.
There are so many wonderful ways to share our faith with others. It doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't require memorized passages from the Bible or the Catechism. The message just needs to be genuine and come from your heart. Now when my granddaughter goes into my room she says, "There they are!" and jumps up on my bed and plays with Jesus and Mary. I know in my heart that it is the beginning of something very beautiful.
Monday, August 30, 2021
The Door Is Open
I sat outside on my deck watching the clouds very slowly float across the sky. It all looked so beautiful and peaceful. It’s no wonder why clouds have been associated with heaven. What could be more amazing than floating on a big white fluffy cloud, blue skies above you, and rays of sunshine warming your face? It’s always easier to think of heaven as somewhere up there, somewhere far away in distance and time. Is that true though?
As I immersed myself in the words of the Eucharistic prayers at Mass yesterday, I was reminded that heaven’s joy is right here, right now. Saints, sinners, angels are all gathered to celebrate God’s, incredible love. God is here. The Kingdom is centered around the altar. Jesus shares His body and blood with us, to heal, transform, and inspire. Filled with the Light of God, we will know true peace.
God doesn't expect us to catch a ride on a cloud to get to heaven. He has left a door wide open for us-- The Holy Mass. Celebrating Mass isn't just a good idea, it is the path that leads us to eternal salvation. Leave the sky to the birds and clouds, and concentrate on each step of the journey here on earth.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Seeing Clearly
Bob found the old familiar key on his keychain and slid it into the front lock. “Mom, it’s me,” he yelled as he walked into the house.
“I’m in the study,” yelled his mother. “Come on back, I’m almost done.”
Bob walked down the hallway and stopped at the doorway. There was his mom with her face inches away from the book she was reading. Of course, he recognized the very worn-out Bible his mother was reading. “Hey, Mom, are you ready to go?”
“Go where?” His mother asked.
“To your eye appointment. Remember?”
“Oh, I don’t know why we have to bother doing that. I can see well enough.”
“Mom I think a new pair of glasses would help you see things a lot more clearly. I don’t want you to have to put your face so close to the pages. I want you to be able to enjoy reading.”
“What makes you think I’m not enjoying myself? Maybe I just like being that close to Jesus when He’s talking,” Eleanor said as she smiled
Bob chuckled at his mother’s sense of humor. “Come on we are going to be late.”
A few hours later Bob and Eleanor returned home with a new pair of glasses. “Thanks for taking me today, Bobby. You better get a move on if you want to miss rush hour traffic.”
“Your right, but I have one more surprise for you.” Bob grabbed a back out of the backseat. “Look inside, Mom. When you were getting your exam, I ran next door to the bookstore and bought you a brand new Bible to go with your new glasses.”
“Oh, that was very thoughtful of you Bobby. You shouldn’t have spent your money. There’s nothing wrong with my Bible.”
“I know there’s nothing wrong with it, I just wanted to treat you with a new version. It has nice illustrations in it just like your old one.” Eleanor smiled and tucked her new Bible under her arm as they walked up the front walk.
A few days later, Bob took out the old familiar key and let himself in the front door again. “Hey, Mom, it’s me.”
“I’m in the study,” Eleanor yelled.
Bob walked back to the study and saw his mom with her face inches from her old Bible again. “Mom, why aren’t you wearing your new glasses?” He glanced around the room and saw the new Bible neatly stacked on top of a pile of books in the corner.
“Oh, I have been wearing them. They are good for when I’m watching tv and opening the mail, but I don’t like them when I’m reading the Good Book.”
“Why not?” Bob asked.
“Well, I tried them with the new Bible you bought me, but it just wasn’t the same. Now don’t get mad at me, but the illustrations in that new book are all wrong.”
Bob walked across the room and picked up the new Bible. He thumbed through the pages and then did the same with his Mom’s Bible. “Mom, the pictures look the same. It’s the same Bible, just a newer edition.”
“No, they are definitely different Bobby. See look at my Bible. Can you see how Jesus is smiling, and look at His eyes. They are so loving in my book”. Eleanor turned the page, “ See how everyone is looking at Him here. Look how happy the people are to just be near Jesus. That’s how I feel too. Now, this other Bible is nice but when I read it with my glasses I noticed Jesus wasn’t smiling like He was in my Bible. Those glasses are good for me to see the world, but when I want to see Jesus speaking to me, I prefer to trust His vision. His vision for me is always clear. I’m better off not being distracted by the wrong details. You know what I mean?”
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Happy Feast Day!
Thursday, August 12, 2021
I made a video card for Mary. Nothing would make me happier if I could sign it:
" Love, Everyone"
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Put Down Your Nets
My sister and brother-in-law invited me to go fishing with them on Lake Michigan. I hadn't been fishing since my childhood. I boarded the fishing boat that I realized I was completely out of my element. The boat panel could determine the number of fish near us, their location from the surface, the temperature of the water, and our desired path. Within minutes, we were miles from shore and setting up several different fishing lines. The boat rocked back and forth with each wave. My stomach rocked back and forth as well. It was becoming quite obvious I was not prepared for this adventure. Unfortunately, my motion sickness made us head for land much sooner than we had anticipated.
My experience made me think about the apostles. A number of them were fishermen. They were very comfortable at sea. That was how they made their living. Jesus, however, asked them to put down their nets and their plans and follow Him. Jesus wanted them to evangelize the world. I imagine some of the apostles may have felt out of their element. Preaching the word of God to family and neighbors and crowds of strangers may have made them a bit uncomfortable in the beginning. Fortunately for all of us, they had not allowed any of their queasy feelings to stop them from doing what Jesus was calling them to do.
Evangelizing is not an easy job. It was not easy for the apostles. I imagine they had their moments of doubt and frustration. We do not know if any of them had a natural gift to speak in front of crowds, but we do know they relied on the gift of the Holy Spirit to speak through them. Jesus is asking us to do the same. Go out into your world and tell others about the encompassing love God has for every person. It will not be an easy task. It never was. God is calling each of us to put down our nets that hold our fears and queasiness and proclaim the Good News! Trust that the Holy Spirit will speak through you as well.
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
What a Beautiful Gift
I love summer! I love the long days, the sunshine and the warm temperatures. I love flowers blooming everywhere, long walks and bike rides, and sitting by the pool. I love being outside as much as possible, and I love praying outdoors. Often it seems that when I pray indoors I am more focused on my own little world. However, when I take my praying outdoors, I find that I am more open to the beauty of God’s world. I tend to give God more praise when I’m surrounded by nature, and to be perfectly honest, He deserves much more praise and thanks from me. A change of scenery helps me to remember that God is always generous. His creativity and beauty is everywhere. It’s good for me to shift my focus from the imbalances, boundaries, and walls of my life to the incredible open air, borderless love of God.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Are You On Target?
I just got back from a nice vacation with my kids in the mountains. We needed to drive through the night, and I had mapped out the town and church we would stop at in order to celebrate Sunday Mass. As it turned out we were right on schedule. We arrived in the church parking lot 15 minutes before 8:00 Mass at an old southern church, the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. “Perfect ,” I thought to myself, “We are right on target.”
I thought about this after Mass as we got into the car to continue a few more hours to our resort. If only being right on target with your faith could be this easy. But being “on target “ with God has a lot more to do than just showing up for Mass on time. God has something to say to each of us. The Gospels aren’t just nice stories. They contain incredible insight to deepen our faith. When listening to the gospel put yourself inside the story. Sometimes we may find we are the leper in need of healing, sometimes we are the Pharisee that is quick to judge, sometimes we are the tax collector consumed with money and possessions, sometimes we are the lost sheep searching for the right path, on our best days we are Simon of Cyrene helping Jesus carry the cross.
If we are honest with ourselves, we know that our target must be God’s Kingdom and not just somewhere close by. We have to shoot for the bullseye. Our faith is more than a set of rules to follow, it is more than blessings and physical healings, and it is more than living a comfortable life. It is an arrow of truth and love and sacrifice. It is an arrow we must treasure and carefully aim every day. Our arrow is capable of hitting the target not because of our own merit and skills, but because we put our trust in the Good Shepherd and learn to love His flock the way He did.
Monday, July 12, 2021
Too Much
Most of us can relate to having too much stress in our lives. Often it can be the result of too much responsibility, too much debt, too much work or too many people demanding our time. What is the solution? Win the Lottery? A fun thought but difficult odds. I suspect having too much money can cause it’s own set of problems. Jesus himself said it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get to heaven.
The opposite of stress is peace. I was thinking about this when a thought came to mind. Have I ever heard anyone complain about having too much of God’s love and peace in their lives?
Perhaps the best way to elevate stress is to pray for peace. Not only for peace in our families and throughout the world, but for inner peace. Peace is one of the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit. It is certainly a gift God wants us to have. This week try to find spend some quiet moments of prayer. Ask God to allow His peace to touch your heart and mind. Stay in that moment as long as you can, and recall it throughout your day. Let us strive to allow peace and not stress to fill our day. Let us look forward to being able to exclaim, "I asked to be filled with the peace of Christ and He filled me completely."
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Just Send Me a Sign
Have you ever had a moment when your fear, or pain, or confusion was so great that you asked God for a sign? Sometimes we may feel blessed and reassured when we receive what we perceive to be a sign. But what happens when you do not see a sign? Are you not blessed?
Is it possible that the sign we need cannot be seen with our eyes? What if the sign is just outside the border of our faith? What if we needed to push the boundaries of our faith just a little further to see God’s sign. What if we needed to trust God’s Plan more than our own. Often it is these moments of despair or confusion or pain, we desperately desire to feel close to God. We need to know we are loved. What if we stopped looking for outward signs and instead embraced our circumstances clinging to God. Is it possible that our faith would grow beyond the sign we seek? Perhaps we would understand that it was so easy to put our arms around God because He had been at our side the entire time.Monday, June 28, 2021
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Happy Father's Day St. Joseph
They are called the "hidden years." It is actually a large span of time. It is most of Jesus' life here on earth. Mary and Joseph spent more time with Jesus than anyone else. I bet if we asked St. Joseph what he would call those years, he would call them "absolutely incredible years!" Imagine St. Joseph's joy to hold baby Jesus in his arms, or the fun involved when playing with Jesus in the fields, or gazing at the stars together at night. Imagine kneeling in prayer everyday with Mary on one side and Jesus on the other. It had to be a foretaste of heaven for St. Joseph.
I am certainly not discounting the stress of having to protect the long awaited Messiah and Mary, because I'm sure there were plenty of days it weighed very heavy on him. Raising a child is difficult even under the best of circumstances , yet alone when authorities wanted your family eliminated. I'm sure there were days when work was unavailable and food was scarce, but since today is Father's Day, I want to imagine the fun times.
Have you ever wondered if St. Joseph told "dad jokes?" Did Jesus laugh at his jokes? What kind of jokes do you think Jesus shared with Joseph? What was their favorite father/son activity (after praising God of course)? Did they ever play innocent tricks on Mary? Often when we see statues or paintings of the Holy Family they seem so serious, but I can't help thinking they had a lot of fun too. Today as I remember all the good times I had with my own father, I'm going to imagine the Holy Family smiling, laughing, and reminiscing about all their good times as well.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
The Beauty That Surrounds Us
I was taking a bike ride a couple of weeks ago when I passed by this field. "Wow! That's absolutely beautiful!" I thought to myself.
I showed the picture to my kids and they responded similarly. "Where is that field at?" They were surprised when I told them it was near the entrance of our subdivision. Beauty isn't just in the eye of the beholder, it sometimes depends on what time your eyes are opened.
It's easy to take for granted the beauty that surrounds us every day. Beautiful friendships, a loving family, good health, or financial stability may go unnoticed or underappreciated until one day they are gone. I rode by that same field today and most of the flowers have faded and simply blend in with the foliage.
Whether we are surrounded by beauty or we find ourselves being choked by life's weeds, the Lord expects us to bloom. During the seasons when we are not "flowering", God is still showering us with graces and fertilizing the roots of our faith. Sometimes we may not even realize that the seeds of our faith have become attached to others and will bloom without us ever knowing. God is always working through and around us even if it looks like our current circumstances are dormant or trampled upon.
Today, whether you are gloriously blooming or feeling a bit wilted, go out and hold your head up high. Look towards the heavens and tell God, "I am firmly planted in Your Love, and I trust the seasons and pruning to you, O Lord! My life is in your hands. Allow me to notice and appreciate the beauty of my life.!"
Monday, June 7, 2021
True Joy
Finding joy in our lives isn't always easy. Some days it feels as if everything is working against us. When you are having "one of those days," remember that God is working for you. He is calming your thoughts, enlightening your mind, and softening your heart. Only a soft heart can feel His tender touch. Only a mind at peace is open to understanding. Only a will joined with His will bring true joy!
Monday, May 31, 2021
Praise the Holy Trinity
I wish I could say I fully understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity, but it is way beyond my thoughts. Although I can’t comprehend, I feel incredibly blessed to have this living mystery in my life. It is amazing to me that when I was only an infant, God began sharing His divine life with me through the holy waters of Baptism. Day by day, year by year He has been calling me to draw closer. Even when I held back, God never did. He continued to share every part of Himself with me-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
This week try to discover something new about the Holy Trinity. Ask Mary to guide you in this journey. The mysteries of the Rosary can reveal so many different insights of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Even though we may not be able to completely grasp the meaning of the Trinity, we can grasp our Rosary beads and try to see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through Mary's eyes. No one knows the Trinity better than Mary, who is His handmaiden, mother and spouse. Let us ask Mary to help us praise the Holy Trinity.-Susan
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Celebrating Pentecost
I love reading how the apostles, Mary, and other disciples experienced the Holy Spirit in the upper room. A mighty wind, tongues of fire, speaking in different tongues sounds absolutely amazing! The entire room must have been filled with such joy and excitement! I would love to have this same experience, but my encounters with the Holy Spirit have been quite different.
In my life the Holy Spirit is more like a close friend, a gentle nudge, or a breath of inspiration. The Holy Spirit often calms my racing thoughts, reminds me that I am loved by God, and holds my heart when my mouth utters the words, "Your Will be done Lord" as tears run down my face.
This blog is called Dwelling With the Spirit because I heavily rely on His inspirations. Sometimes I am awoken in the middle of the night with an idea, sometimes my ideas come while praying the Rosary, and sometimes I begin to write something and it slowly becomes something I had never even considered. Most of my longer stories that occur over several weeks are never planned ahead of time. I just trust that the Holy Spirit will continue to unveil the storyline to me as well each week.
I would love to experience tongues of fire, but I am also perfectly happy just dwelling with my best friend. I trust in Him completely and couldn't imagine life without Him!
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Time for Eternity?
"Live longer, stronger, better." This was on the cover of a magazine I received this week. I think this would have been a great motto for the apostles to have used. It just needs a small additional clause: Live longer, stronger, and better with Jesus in Eternity. Sometimes I wonder if I would be a better disciple if I had a better understanding of time.
Saturday, May 8, 2021
A Mother's Love
I remember in my early years of being married, I had gotten a bad case of the flu. I felt absolutely awful. My husband looked at me and said, "Is there anything I can do?'
I looked at him and said, "I just want my Mom!" Mom's just know what to do. Whether I was sick or having a bad day or struggling with a problem, my mom was always there for me. A mother's love goes beyond understanding.
I often consider this when I'm praying the Rosary. I wonder about all the years Jesus and Mary spent together before His ministry. Obviously, God understood the great love shared between Jesus and His Mother. When meditating on Jesus' Passion I wonder about God's special blessing which allowed Mary to fight the crowd and be exactly where she needed to be when Jesus fell carrying His cross. Jesus' body was exhausted and beaten. Yet when He looked up after falling, He saw the face of His Mother. I like to imagine the love they must have exchanged at that moment. I'm sure God knew how important having this small moment would be for both of them. The love they shared was stronger than the evil which surrounded them.
Mary is always obedient to God's Will, but being a mother she knows how to love and intercede for her children. I hope in heaven God reveals the prayers Mary said for her Son, and the prayers she she says for each of us. What an extraordinary gift Jesus gave us on the cross when He made Mary our Mother. I think Jesus knew we would have moments in our lives when we "just want our Mom's" to help us with life's difficulties.
This Mother's Day I would like to encourage you to honor those
women you call "Mom" here on earth and also to remember the heavenly Mother Jesus so generously shares with all of us. Have a blessed Mother's Day!
Sunday, May 2, 2021
My Queen!
Today is a glorious day! I had the opportunity to attend a May Crowning at my parish. It is a beautiful tradition that celebrates our love for Mary. If you don’t have the opportunity to attend a May Crowing, please don’t miss the chance to spend some quiet time with Mary and make her Queen of you heart. As many of the saints will tell you, Mary is the best guide to holiness and to the heart of Jesus.
Her soft sweet voice is the melody that runs through my thoughts. Throughout my life, I have heard her sing many verses, but the chorus is always the same, “Love my Son. He is the Lord, yes He is the One. Just love my Son.” I consider having Mary’s voice in my head an incredible blessing! She will always be the Queen of my heart.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Did You See That?
The family and I decided to take a little vacation down south. This was to be just a low key vacation filled with lazy days relaxing, swimming, and reading by the pool. I am about to renew my consecration to Mary and brought along the perfect book to inspire me. One afternoon my kids were off doing their own things and I had a chance to just quietly sit with Mary. With my feet dangling in the cool water of the pool, I contemplated God’s Will in my life with Mary. If only I could see a clear sign that I was on the right path.
As I was sitting there , I felt a strong urge to look up. I did, and was astounded! In the sky was the word “Jesus”. I jumped to my feet! “Oh my gosh can other people see this?” I thought to myself. “Of course they can,” I answered my own question. Why wasn’t anyone else paying attention to this? I ran and grabbed my phone and starting taking pictures. Some people noticed me taking pictures and looked up too, but not everyone.
My heart was racing and I felt the joy of the Holy Spirit! There before my eyes was a pretty clear sign from God! This was the full message I saw in the sky: Jesus gives, ask.
Do I think this was just a coincidence? Nope. I believe that God delights in letting us know He is present to us. For me to be sitting in that exact spot across the country, by a pool praying, to see a plane write a message in the sky is the the hand of God at work. Was that message only for me? Of course not. I’m sure it is a message many of His children need to see, but that doesn’t make it any less incredible for me. I feel very blessed that someone else shared God’s inspiration and wrote a message in the sky. God has a lot of good ideas, we just all need to trust His inspirations. God inspires us to inspire others. It really is a great Plan. Have a blessed week!
Dwelling With The Spirit
- 100% Committed
- A Journey Towards Discovery Series
- A Kid's Guide To...
- Advent
- Blessed Sacrament
- Confirmation Countdown
- Divine Mercy Messag
- Divine Mercy Message
- Easter
- Encountering The Cross
- Eucharist
- Evangelization
- Feast Days
- Guest Writer
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Trinity
- I'll just follow your lead
- Inspirational Stories
- lent
- Looking For Signs Of Christ This Christmas
- Mary
- Mass
- meditation
- Picked From The Fields
- Poems
- Prayer Pictures
- Rosary
- Saints
- The Road Less Traveled
- The Tunic
- Vacationing With God
- Videos
- Walking With Mary
- Were You There
- When Angels Speak