These days our financial, educational, and career paths have detoured off our intended courses. We did not foresee a world pandemic changing everything. Social distancing is necessary. Face masks are the new norm. Travel is difficult or discouraged. We have all become more introverted. News reports and talk shows are being recorded outside the studios allowing us glimpses of celebrities interior spaces. Perhaps, then, there is no better time than now to focus on the interior spaces of our lives. Spend time walking with the Lord in the interior of your mind and heart. Take off your mask and cast away your public persona. Put aside any thoughts of getting ahead. Get close and personal with God. Let your guard completely down and let the Lord love you. Let God show you what life is really about. God has desired so much more for us than we could ever imagine. It's time to turn things inside out, and let God show us our real intended course. Let our spiritual distancing be something of the past as we travel as one with God towards our future. -Susan
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. I love this celebration of God’s love. God wants to forgive all our sins and pour His Mercy into our lives. He doesn’t want us to go it alone. He wants to help us. Jesus shares His Divine Presence with us in the Eucharist. He conquered sin and death with His Passion and Resurrection. And today He asks us to turn away from our sins, trust Him completely, and share His Mercy with others. If we do this, we will spend eternity with Him in Paradise. How could we possibly say no? Recently we have learned that we can’t place our trust in the economy, in our own health, or even our day to day lifestyle. There are no guarantees with any of these choices. Jesus, however, offers us an eternity of love and happiness. We merely have to trust His Word, gaze upon His Cross, and follow His merciful ways. No matter what is happening in the world, Jesus will never fail us. He is the remedy our hearts long for. Our “yes “ to Jesus is the stimulus the world really needs. Today, open your hearts and say , “Yes!” -Susan
Today is Good Friday. You retreat to your favorite prayer space and invite the Holy Spirit to help you meditate on the Lord's Passion. You close your eyes and open your thoughts and heart to the Lord. When you open your eyes you can feel the heat of the desert. You look all around but see nothing but vast sand. It is not long before you feel the familiar hand on your shoulder. "Hello, my friend" says Dominic. "It is time for us to leave the desert. Please follow me to the next town. There is someone that I would like you to meet." As Dominic begins walking, a path appears and the desert begins to disappear. In the distance you see an unfamiliar man waiting for you. As you both approach the stranger he smiles and says, "Hello. It is good to see you again, Dominic." Dominic and the stranger exchange a friendly hug before he turns to you and says, "I would like you to meet a good friend of mine. This is Simon of Cyrene." Simon smiles as he reaches out to shake your hand and says, "It's nice to meet you." As you shake his hand you realize that you have touched the same hands that helped Jesus carry His cross to Calvary. "Would you like to ask Simon anything?" Dominic encourages. You think for a moment and then inquire, "Simon what was it like to help Jesus carry His cross?" "Well to be honest, it was shocking, confusing, difficult, and life changing. I had never met Jesus before that moment. Of course, I had heard about him, but I wasn't one of his followers. I could hear the loud jeers of the crowd forming along the street. I knew something big was going on, but I wasn't trying to be a part of it. I just wanted to get home. Then some Roman guard grabbed my arm and pulled me into the middle of the street. They ordered me to help the prisoner. At first I was mad. Why am I being forced to do this? I have done nothing wrong. I am not a part of this. But I knew better than to argue with Roman soldiers. They were cruel and I was beginning to fear for my own life. I looked at the man underneath the cross. I was horrified. He had been terribly beaten. Blood ran down his face from a crown of thorns on his head. I wasn't sure if he could have even walked, yet alone carry this wood for his crucifixion. I put the beam of wood on my own back. It was heavier than I had expected. I had no idea how he had the strength to carry it even this far. He turned his head and looked at me. I don't know how to explain it, but his eyes touched my soul. Even though he looked completely pitiful, I felt the strength of his love. I felt love like I had never known before. It was but an instant, but that instant changed my whole life. Once you feel the immense love Christ has for you, nothing else seems important. I tried my best to carry as much of the weight as I could as I followed his lead. His pace was very slow as each step appeared to be more difficult. The crowd and the soldiers were screaming insults, but I stayed focused on his barely audible voice. I was completely shocked at what I heard. I could hear him praying. He was praying for all those around him. He seemed to recognize each face. He knew their names and he was praying for them. He was asking God for mercy--not for himself, but for those who were persecuting him. He loved them. He loved each and every one of them. As each step brought us closer his end, I no longer knew if I was helping him, or if he was actually helping me. I had never known God's love until I picked up this cross. It wasn't until I felt the weight of the cross that I knew I was walking on the right path. Before this moment, I had been stumbling but never even knew it. I love the fact that this day is now called Good Friday, because this was a very good day for me. I had a one-on-one experience with Jesus and I encountered how incredible God's love is. Dominic wants you to have this experience as well. Good Friday isn't an event that just occurred in the past. It is a window that allows you to have a one on-one-encounter with Jesus as well. Today block out all the world's noise, and listen only to His voice. What do you hear Him saying?" -Susan
Dwelling With The Spirit is a down to earth, spiritual blog about discovering the powerful presence of God on a day to day basis. The blog started by a mother daughter tag team hopes to inspire you to find God's presence in your own life.