There is a big money making franchise in super hero movies these days. Characters with incredible physical abilities are able to conquer their foes. Everyone wants to see Evil put in its place. Let's face it, evil exists in all of our lives, often on a daily basis. How do you react to injustice, greed, dishonesty, betrayal, profanity, etc.? Do you see yourself as the hero, the villain, or the victim? Does it even matter? It definitely matters. Everything we do matters. Sometimes evil creeps into our lives and we don't even recognize it. We can get so comfortable with it, that we don't even bother to change our bad habits. We may not have incredible physical abilities, but we are given incredible graces to succeed in our quest for heaven. Jesus doesn't want us to be a little good, or a little better than most--He wants us to be very good. God is always good. Let's try to focus on honesty, not only in our words, promises, and actions, but also on how we view ourselves. Let's do our part in conquering Evil. Let's keep this fight honest. Let's keep fighting the good fight. -Susan
Have you ever spent a lot time thinking of the perfect gift to give to someone? Have you ever been disappointed when the gift was never really used? I have definitely had this experience. I was thinking about how God blesses each of us with an abundance of graces so that we may become holy. Each grace is a gift of love from God. This got me thinking. . . if God is generously giving me graces to make me holy. . . .why am I still so far from obtaining that goal? Sadly, the answer to that question is "me". I do not always recognize, unwrap, or use all the gifts God has given me. This week let's spend some extra time in prayer asking God to help us be more open to the graces He has given. God knows exactly what we need. He gives us the perfect gifts. Today's grace is for today! Don't set it aside. Just open your heart and put it to use right away! -Susan
After a week of freezing arctic temperatures last week, I certainly appreciated the pendulum swing of warmer weather this weekend. It felt good to get outside again. As I was walking my dog, I wondered if the cold ever gets to God. How many times have we given God the cold shoulder because our prayers weren't answered to our liking? As God views us from heaven, does He ever look at us and wonder, "How could they be so cold to each other?" Wouldn't it be nice if we surprised God and swung our pendulum of coldness the other way? Let's heat things up! Perhaps we could start by placing more trust in God when weathering our personal storms. Maybe we could blanket one another with love and compassion. Let's pray for the Holy Spirit to burn bright in us. What if each of us tried to make this a record high year for loving God? Let's bring a warm front God's way! I think that would be an amazing future forecast for all of us. -Susan
Dwelling With The Spirit is a down to earth, spiritual blog about discovering the powerful presence of God on a day to day basis. The blog started by a mother daughter tag team hopes to inspire you to find God's presence in your own life.