Many years ago, I was attending a healing mass for my mother. My children and I arrived just as the mass was about to begin. Of course when you are running late, someone always has to go to the bathroom. My young daughter and I quickly headed towards the bathroom as the commentator began his opening remarks. He said, "Today we will actually see the hand of God at work...." I didn't hear much more than that, because my daughter started full out running towards the bathroom. I thought to myself, "Wow, she must really have to go." By the time I made it to the restroom, she was already done and washing her hands. "Mom, come on let's go!" she said impatiently. "They have God's hand out there!" I smile every time I think of that memory. I loved how excited she was at the thought of seeing God's hand! Many of us are like the apostle Thomas, we want to physically see God's hand in our lives. We have so many questions, concerns, and doubts when our prayers seem to go unanswered. At times we must have great faith and trust in God's plan for our lives. This week I would like to suggest that we make a point to really look for God's hand in our lives. We might be surprised at how many times we are touched by Him. -Susan This is what I had intended on posting tonight. However, I received a phone call from the same daughter in the story tonight. I would like to share our conversation with you. "Mom, I wanted to tell you about church tonight. My church has a relic of Father Solanus Casey. It was one of his metacarpals (a bone from his hand). I got to touch it, and I prayed for you and "private intention". I also have a scapular that has touched the relic for you, too!" My smile grew wide as we continued our conversation. Now it was my turn to be very excited! God's Presence was so clear to me in that moment. I saw the hand of God. Seeing the hand of God is really quite easy. Just look at the hands of those He has placed in your life!
Leonard was walking his usual route across town when he heard the alarm on his phone. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and saw the warning: Flash flood alert take cover. Flash flood? He looked up at the sky. He didn't see any ominous clouds. He thought the path he was on was pretty safe, so he continued walking. A few minutes later the winds began to pick up and the clouds began to darken. "This is crazy," he thought to himself. "Everything was just fine a few minutes ago." As the sky turned dark, Leonard tried to assess the situation. He looked around searching for a different path. Within seconds Leonard could feel the rain pouring down. "I have to find higher ground," he thought to himself. Instinctively he began to run. As he ran, he knew he was in trouble. "Lord," he cried out, "Please help me!" The rain and the wind became relentless. Confused, Leonard looked around and felt completely lost. He appeared to be all alone. He shook his head and screamed, "Lord, I need your help! Please help me!" He listened for an answer, but all he could hear was the storm around him. From out of nowhere a fallen tree limb crushed him to the ground. He felt the pain everywhere in his body. On his hands and knees he continued to search for safety. He wasn't sure if it was the pelting rain or the tears in his eyes that blurred his vision, but he could no longer recognize where he was. He couldn't hear the Lord, nor feel His Presence. Leonard felt completely defeated. His pain intensified. Leonard made an attempt to stand. Failing, he fell flat on the ground. He stretched out his hand to pull himself forward. His hand miraculously felt a wooden beam. Leonard wrapped both hands around the wood as the wind blew stronger and stronger. Over and over he prayed for the Lord to keep him safe, to show him the way. Darkness was all around Leonard. After a long time, the storm finally passed. Leonard used the beam to pull himself to an upright position. For the first time he looked up at the beam and noticed the crossbar. This was no ordinary beam of wood. Leonard had been clinging to the cross of the Lord. It was the safest place he could have been during his storm. This time his prayers and tears cried out, "Thank you." -Susan
Dwelling With The Spirit is a down to earth, spiritual blog about discovering the powerful presence of God on a day to day basis. The blog started by a mother daughter tag team hopes to inspire you to find God's presence in your own life.