Saturday, March 31, 2018

Could He Be? (part 10)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18).

  Bartosz heart sank as he heard the sentencing.  Things had gone too far.  He had followed Nicodemus' lead and did his best to persuade the other Pharisees.  Their words had to be chosen very carefully:  Was this really necessary?  Had the proper procedures been followed?  Was their enough evidence?  Unfortunately, Caiaphas had more influence. He had convinced everyone that Jesus must die.
  Bartosz had to let Gil know before he heard it from someone else.  As the crowd began to disperse, Bartosz quickly headed back.  As he made his way through the crowd something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. It appeared the crowd had trampled over someone.  Bartosz did a double take.  “Is that?…oh please no…”. He ran quickly to the body.  “Gil, Gil…” Bartosz began to cry.  Their was a pool of blood behind his head.  His face was swollen and bruised.  Bartosz put his head to his heart.  It was still beating!  Bartosz ripped a part of his outer garment and wrapped it around Gil’s head.  He dragged Gil’s body off to the side away from the crowd.  As he sat their cradling Gil’s head in his lap, a friend happened to walk past.  He begged his friend to help him carry Gil back to their lodgings.
  It was several hours before Gil regained consciousness.  At first he just kept softly saying “Jesus” over and over.  Bartosz never left his side. By the evening Gil finally opened his eyes.  He looked at Bartosz and said, “Is Jesus alive?”
  Bartosz gently placed his hands on Gil’s and said,  “I’m so sorry,” as he shook his head back and forth.
  Tears ran down Gil’s face.  How could this have happened?  He closed his eyes for several more hours.
  The next morning Gil awoke to intense pain.  His head was throbbing and he was sure he had a few broken ribs.  It was heard to breathe.  It hurt to think.  It was his broken heart, though, that caused Gil the most pain.  Gil had so many questions and Bartosz answered them as best he could:  Yes. Jesus was crucified.  His death occurred quicker than expected.  He was placed in a nearby tomb.  No one knows where his closest disciples are.  Only the one called John was at the cross.  Nicodemus had offered myrrh and aloes to the mother of Jesus for his burial.  That was all Bartosz knew.
  Gil barely spoke the rest of the day.  He just laid there allowing the stream of tears to flow forth.  He couldn’t understand why God would let this happen.  Why would such a holy man have to suffer such a terrible death?  Why didn’t God save him?  Wasn’t He the One?  The day turned into night without any answers and Gil drifted off to sleep.

(to be continued…)

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Could He Be? (Part 9)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18).

  Gil ran down one street to the next trying his best to weave through the crowds.  It seems everyone was talking about the arrest of Jesus and everyone was gathering outside the Praetorium.  As he neared the Praetorium he could hear people shouting against Jesus. 
   "What was everyone so upset about?" Gil wondered. As Gil tried to understand what was going on, he noticed a man going from one group of people to the next. Was he giving them money?  Gil tried to move in closer.  He could hear the man making outrageous lies about Jesus.  Gil could feel his own temper growing.  This movement needed to be stopped.
  Without thinking Gil shouted, "Lies!  Those our lies!  Do not listen to this man's lies!"
  The man retorted, "Look, he is one of that man's followers!  He needs to be silenced!"
  Gil suddenly found himself face to face with four angry men.  He felt one man grab him and throw him to the ground. As Gil tried to get up, one man pushed him back down and someone forcefully kicked him in the side several times.  He could hear them laughing and insulting him as he tried to protect himself.  Then suddenly something happened which caused the men to lose interest in Gil.
  As Gil wiped the blood from his mouth and attempted to stand, he heard the crowd screaming, "Crucify him, Crucify him!"
  Gil looked towards the Pratorium in utter shock.  Was it couldn't be...but it was.  Jesus stood near Pilate wearing a crown of thorns on his head.  His face and arms and legs were streaked with blood.  "What have they done?" Gil thought with disbelief. They had beaten him terribly.
  The crowd continued to scream, "Crucify him!"
  "NO!" screamed Gil.  "Stop!  What are you doing? Don't you know who he is? He-" Gil felt something hit him heard on the back of his head.  After that everything went black as he sunk to the ground.
  The men kicked Gil a few more times before they left.  Jesus had been handed over for crucifixion.  Gil no longer moved and the men presumed he was dead and they lost interest in him.

(to be continued...)


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Could He Be? (part 8)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18).

  As Gil laid down for the night, he smiled, he loved Passover!  The tradition, food, friends and relatives coming to celebrate God's covenant with the Israelites, all meant so much to Gil.  Tonight Passover seemed even more meaningful to him.  He wondered where Jesus was celebrating Passover tonight.  He knew Jesus was in the city, but Bartosz had kept Gil very busy with the Passover preparations, and he did not have the opportunity to seek Jesus out yet.  "Tomorrow, though, I will have time to find him," thought Gil.  "I'm sure he will be teaching in the Temple."  Exhausted with the days event, Gil fell sound asleep.
  Suddenly Gil was awoken by a loud noise.  Someone was pounding on the door.  Gil looked around.  The sun was barely up.  It had to be early morning.  Who would be pounding on the door like that?  Next Gil could hear voices.  It sounded like Bartosz voice, but he did not recognize the other one.  Then a chill ran through Gil's body.  What did he just hear?  Jesus arrested?  Gil jumped to his feet to find Bartosz speaking to someone at the front entrance.
  "Bartosz," Gil exclaimed, "What is going on?"
  Bartosz turned to his nephew, "Gil you remember my dear friend Nicodemus, I'm afraid he has some horrific news.  During the night, they arrested Jesus."
  "What?  How can this be?  This must be a mistake!" declared Gil.
  "Caiaphas had him arrested last night.  Apparently they brought Jesus in for questioning.  They tried to have people give testimony against him."  Nicodemus shook his head.  "I was not told of this.  Many of us were not told. It happened in the middle of the night.  Caiaphas told only those of like mind about the arrest.  They have brought him to Pilate.  He has been charged with blasphemy.  I fear Pilate will have him crucified!"
  "NO!" screamed Gil.
  "Bartosz, I'm trying to stop this.  Will you come with me?" asked Nicodemus.
  "Yes, of course," replied Bartosz.  Bartosz put his hand out to stop Gil.  "You must stay here."
  "Bartosz is right.  It is very dangerous for any followers of Jesus right now.   Bartosz, we must leave immediately."
  Gil watched Bartosz and Nicodemus quickly walk down the street.  Gil didn't know what to do.  He paced back and forth.  He prayed and prayed that Jesus would be set free.
  Time continued to pass and Bartosz had not returned.  Gil feared what might happen.  No longer able to contain himself to the house, Gil opened the door and ran into the streets.

(to be continued....)

Monday, March 26, 2018

Could He Be (part 7)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18).

  Passover was near and Gil traveled with his family towards Jerusalem. Jerusalem somehow seemed different this year. Although it has always been a busy city, a distinct uneasiness seem to linger in the air. After they found their accommodations, Gil began to help with the Passover preparations and Bartosz excused himself to go to the temple. 
  Bartosz was relieved Gil had stayed back.  Something was going on. He could feel it. Tension was everywhere. Bartosz  greeted some friends just outside the Temple. After the initial greetings, Bartosz suspicions were confirmed. There was an anger in the conversation that made Bartosz very uncomfortable. All the anger was pointed at one man-Jesus the Nazerene.
  "Something needs to be done about him!" sneered Alonzo.
"He is a danger to all of us!"
"The people are confused by his acts of magic," added Yoshiv.
  "He shows no respect to us!" uttered Leland.
  "His teachings are blasphemous ! Preaching forgiveness of sins! No one but God can forgive sins! He acts as if he is above the Law confusing others and performing works on the Sabbath. Did you see the crowd shouting his praises as he entered the city?" scoffed Alonzo.
  "And have you noticed the number of sinners entering our synagogues as if they were even worthy?" declared Leland.
"I know Caiaphas has had enough!"
  "Is he planning something?" asked Bartosz.
"Something....but I’m not sure what. He only said that a man who surrounds himself with sinners should be careful. Sinners are loyal only to themselves. They can be swayed," answered Leland.
  "What does that mean?" Bartosz questioned.
"I don’t know, but he said it with anger and confidence as if he had something in the works," explained Leland.
  Bartosz saw his friend Nicodemus silently step away from the conversation. Bartosz waited a few minutes and then looked for Nicodemus in the temple.
  "Nicodemus, my friend, it is good to see you again," expressed Bartosz. Nicodemus forced an uneasy smile and embraced Bartosz. "My friend, I sense you are as uncomfortable with all this talk as I am," said Bartosz.
  "Bartosz, I do not like what I am hearing. That conversation was more tempered than most that I have heard recently.  I am very worried," Nicodemus admitted.

  "My nephew has been following Jesus.  Should I be concerned for his safety?" asked Bartosz.

  "Jesus has made some enemies here.  It might be wise for your nephew to keep some distance for the time being.  Let us see if things can calm themselves down.  Hopefully Caiaphas will not do anything rash."

(to be continued....)


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Could He Be? (Part 6)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18.)

  For the next few weeks Gil put all his time and energy into the family business.  He desperately tried to forget about Jesus, but he couldn't.  Over and over he could hear Jesus' words in his mind.  Normally this brought Gil such joy.  Now he just felt so confused.  He felt completely lost now that he wasn't following Jesus anymore.  Gil had even avoided going to the synagogue lately.  He didn't want to hear anymore stories about Jesus.
  One afternoon Gil set out to visit a friend who lived a few miles away.  The afternoon sun was quickly heating up the road.  Gil felt his thirst build.  His mind replayed Jesus' words, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.....Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you."  Suddenly, a strong thought forced Gil to stand still.  
  Gil began to wrestle with his own thoughts:  I have not had life within me ever since I walked away that day. . .  how do I live without Jesus in my life?. . .  "My Lord I have been crying out to you for help, and all I keep hearing are the words of Jesus. .. . I have been praying and begging You for help. . . . and I just keep hearing Jesus in my thoughts. . . .  God, please answer my prayer!"
  Gil fell to his knees and began sobbing.  "I don't know what to 
do. . . I don't know what to do. . . My Lord, help me to draw closer to you."  For several minutes Gil remained on the side of the road sobbing releasing all his pain and confusion.  Exhausted and completely empty, Gil asked God one more time, "Please Lord, set me one the right path."  As he wiped the tears from his face, a wave of peace came over him.  
  Again Gil heard the words of Jesus in his mind, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you."  Every time he prayed, he heard the words of Jesus.  Suddenly, Gil's mind cleared and he had an epiphany.  
  "Am I so foolish that I cannot even recognize the answer to my own prayers?  Yes, I am that foolish.  I was so lost in my own reasoning, that I stopped recognizing God's voice.  I don't have to have it all figured out,  I just have to have enough faith to trust God.  Gil found himself reciting scripture, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
  "Lord, increase my trust in Your ways."  Gil looked at the road ahead of him.  This is not the path for me.  I must find the path that takes me back to Jesus.  Gil turned around and began running towards Jesus.  As he ran,  Gil felt more alive than ever!

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Could He Be? (Part 5)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18.)

  For the next couple of years Gil spent half his time following Jesus in the nearby towns and the other half dedicated to his family's business.  Whenever he returned home he would share what he had learned from Jesus with his family and with Bartosz.  Bartosz was still very skeptical of Jesus, but Gil could tell he was winning him over.  They often would spend hours discussing Jesus' teachings and his healings.
  Gil had introduced himself to Jesus and his chosen twelve, and had enjoyed numerous meals and  private conversations with the group.  Gil was absorbing and practicing Jesus' teachings.  Gil did his best to be more generous and loving with everyone he met. He had never known such happiness. And then, very unexpectedly, everything changed.
  Gil did not even understand what happened that day.  The crowds were gathered around Jesus.  Some were asking for more miracles, to be fed as Moses had fed the people with manna.  Then Jesus said, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I give is my flesh for the life of the world."
  Suddenly everyone was upset.  No one understood what Jesus was saying. " Jesus then said to them, 'Amen, amen I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.  Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day.  For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.  Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him."
  Gil stood there waiting for Jesus to explain his words.  Everyone was outraged with the thought of eating Jesus' flesh and drinking his blood.  This made no sense.  What was he talking about?  Gil waited for an explanation, while one by one, the crowd turned and walked away from Jesus.  Jesus didn't even try to stop anyone.  
  Gil felt his head spinning.  He desperately tried to understand, but he couldn't.  How could Jesus give his body for others to eat?  Slowly, Gil turned away from Jesus and walked away as well.  Maybe Bartosz had been right about Jesus after all.

(to be continued....)

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Could He Be (Part 4)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18).

  Gil traveled almost an entire day before he reached the town where Jesus was preaching.   Everyone was gathering on the hilly side of the mountain to hear Jesus preach. So many people had gathered there. Gil wondered if he would even be able to hear Jesus speak.  Surprisingly, once Jesus began preaching, Gil heard every word.  Jesus began describing the Kingdom of Heaven. He made it sound as if it were so close. The Kingdom wasn’t just for a few, but for all those who were willing to love.  Love God.  Love their neighbor. And not just their neighbors, but enemies as well.  Love your enemies? Who has ever desired to do this? Gil made a mental note to think about that later.  It made sense the way Jesus explained it, but. . . that would be very difficult to do.  
 Jesus spoke of God's great love for each and every person. Jesus said that each of us is blessed more than we realize.  God blesses us when we are mourning, when we are being persecuted, when we extend peace and mercy to others. As Gil listened as began to realize that God is continually calling each of us to draw close to Him.  As Jesus spoke, Gil felt as if he truly was in the Presence of God.  
 Jesus spoke of remaining humble and pure of heart.  Jesus didn’t just give a list of rules to follow, he spoke of change. Each person needs to change their hearts and minds to imitate how God loves.  In the kingdom, everyone will love as God loves.  
 Gil longed for this kingdom of which Jesus spoke.  He realized he could be doing so much more than what he was currently doing.  Gil spent hours and hours discerning how he could change.  Gil decided it was no longer enough for him to recite prayers, he had to become the prayer. No longer would he offer up words, he wanted to offer up his heart. This desire to draw closer to God burned fiercely within him.  Gil knew the secret to drawing close to God was Jesus.  Gil continued to wonder if Jesus could be the One. He felt a deep desire to  spend the rest of his life following him.  

(to be continued.....)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Could He Be? (Part 3)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18.)

  The next day Gil learned that Jesus had gone on to preach to other towns.  Gil began to make preparations to find him.  As Gil quickly opened the door to leave, he almost ran face first into Bartosz.
  "Bartosz, forgive me, I did not see you there," Gil admitted with embarrassment.  Most days Gil would welcome seeing Bartosz, but today he was in a hurry.  He feared this may lead to a confrontation.
  "It is obvious you have something else on your mind.  You look as if you preparing to go somewhere."
  "I am," admitted Gil.
  "Where are you off to?" questioned Bartosz.
  Gil let out a sigh.  "I'd rather not would not understand."
  Bartosz also let out a deep sigh.  "I see.... this obviously has something to do with Jesus then, am I correct?"
  Gil paused to consider his answer.  Lying would get him out the door faster, but he had too much respect for Bartosz to lie.  "Yes.  I know we do not agree, but I feel I must seek him.  I heard he is preaching nearby."
  "And what is it you hope to find, Gil?  Are you willing to give up your life here to follow him?"
  Gil uncomfortably looked down at the ground.  He didn't know what to say.  He had asked himself similar questions all night long.  "Bartosz, I honestly don't know the answers to your questions.  I just know that I have to hear him speak again."
  "There has been talk of his healings.  Are you drawn to his mysterious powers, his supposed miracles?"
  "I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in seeing a miracle, but there is something much more that draws me to him.  His words. They bring life to me.  It's like a part of me was dead, but I didn't know it.  He opened a door that I didn't even know existed, and I can't live with that door closed anymore.  It may sound absurd, but I need to find him.  Please try to understand."
  "I do not understand this desire Gil.  I ask that you give this serious consideration. Your soul should rest in God alone."
  "Trust me, my soul thirsts for God.  That is why I must learn more.  I have never heard someone speak with such intimate knowledge of the Lord.  I promise I will listen with a trained ear and report back to you all that I have learned."
  Bartosz was deeply concerned for Gil, but he realized he could not stop him. "I will not stand in your way Gil.  Promise me you will be very careful.  I worry for your safety and for the wisdom in your heart."
  "Thank you, Bartosz.  Please pray that my journey be a safe one." Gil affectionately hugged Bartosz good bye before heading into the street.  Step by step Gil smiled as he began his journey to find Jesus.

(to be continued...)


Friday, March 9, 2018

Could He Be? (Part 2)

(This fictional story based on the gospel narratives began on blog post 3-5-18.)

  Gil could hardly think of anything else since yesterday's encounter with Jesus.  He tried to remember as many of the previous day's teachings as he could.  Gil had seen his fair share of visiting rabbi's before, but never heard anyone speak as this Jesus did.  His thoughts continued to race as did his pace towards Bartosz house.  Gil was quite eager to speak to his uncle about Jesus, but he wondered how he should approach the subject.  Gil was confused as to why Bartosz had such disdain for Jesus.
  "Gil it is good to see you!" greeted Bartosz.  "Please join me for dinner."
  Gil was pleased that Bartosz was in such a good mood.  "I would very much enjoy that uncle," said Gil.  
  "I saw you at the synagogue yesterday," said Bartosz.  Silence.   "I was surprised to see you in the crowd around that Nazarene."
  Silence. "Uncle, I did not realize you were there as well.  Did you hear him preach?"
  "I listened for a bit.  I didn't care for his style.  Who's authority does he preach under?  I did not hear him quote any of the usual rabbi's."
  "You are right.  His style is different, but I found it inspiring!" admitted Gil.
  "Gil, you were not fooled by this man, were you?  I have spent too many years teaching you better."
  "Bartosz, I am always grateful for the wisdom you share with me.  You have always been generous and patient, and I value your opinion more than anyone.  I listened carefully to Jesus as you have taught me.  There was no error in his teachings.  Uncle, I felt something stir in me when he spoke.  His words cut right through my skepticism and awoken a longing for the Lord that I have never known."
  "Gil, you are young.  Your faith must be based on following the letter of the law and not on words that make you feel good."
  "Bartosz it is difficult for me to explain. What I felt was not an emotion, but rather an awareness of God. God was not beyond my reach.  God was beside me, encouraging me to come closer."
  "Gil did you see who else was in that crowd?" Silence.  "I did.  I saw sinners and those who never offer up sacrifices. I would be very wary of someone who surrounds himself with riffraff."
  "Jesus said he came for the lost sheep of Israel. Oddly, I did not feel like I was among riffraff, rather I felt a kinship with those who yearned for God.  Bartosz, did you see when Jesus healed that man of an unclean spirit?"
  "No.  I had already left.  I have heard the rumors though."
  "It is no rumor.  I was there.  I saw it with my own eyes!  It was astounding!  The unclean spirit called him "The Holy One of God".  Do you think He may be just that?"
  "No, I do not!  Let's stop talking about this foolishness before I lose my appetite."  Bartosz had difficulty hiding his annoyance with his nephew.  Gil had not heeded his warning and now he was confused.  This new teacher was making his job as a Pharisee much more challenging.  Bartosz was not interested in being challenged.
  Gil knew better than to continue the conversation about Jesus with Bartosz. . . . . for now anyways.  Although the conversation changed to new subjects, Gil did not change his mind about Jesus.  He knew he had to hear him speak again.

(to be continued...)

Monday, March 5, 2018

Could He Be?

(The following is a fictional story based on the gospel narratives.)

  Gil quickly made his way towards the synagogue.  As he approached the synagogue he notice a crowd of people just to his right.  Gil frowned.  He had a feeling this may have something to do with Jesus the Nazarene.  Gil had been warned by his uncle about him. Bartosz, Gil's uncle, was a well respected Pharisee and had always been an important figure in Gil's life.  Bartosz didn't think very highly of this new teacher who associated with sinners.  Gil couldn't help but be a little curious about this Jesus. What exactly was so special about him anyways?  Perhaps he would just stop for a minute to see why this man got everyone so excited.
  Gil wanted to dislike Jesus, as did his uncle, but he couldn't. Gil could find nothing wrong with Jesus' teachings.  In fact, as he listened to Jesus, Gil felt a deep desire to love God even more. Jesus spoke as if each one of them was truly loved and important to God.  Jesus went into the synagogue and the crowd followed, so Jesus continued to teach.  Gil managed to position himself much closer to Jesus as he taught.  As Jesus was teaching,  a man walked over.  His body began complusing as he began screaming, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who you are--The Holy One of God."
  What happened next absolutely stunned Gil.  Jesus commanded this unclean spirit to come out of the man--and it did!  The man stopped convulsing and became completely at peace.  He then sat down and listened to Jesus teach.  Gil kept looking at the man and then at Jesus.  Was this the trickery Bartosz warned Gil about?  It certainly didn't seem like a trick, the man appeared completely different--healed.  What did the voice scream......I know you are the Holy One of God?  Could this be true?  Could he be....the One?  Could the Messiah actually be in their midst?  Gil felt goosebumps on his arms and on the back of his neck.  Gil continued to stare at Jesus as one thought kept crossing his mind.  Who are you Jesus?