Today on all Hallow's Eve, the neighborhoods will be filled with kids chanting "Trick or Treat" as their bags get heavier with candy. I have passed this fun tradition down to my children as well. But it got me thinking....instead of going trick-or-treating, what if I had taught my children to say, "Bless and guide" as we remembered as many saints as we could from 6-8pm? Would we be amazed at how generous the saints were to us? Would we sort out all our blessings and talk about our favorites? Would we trade and share their words of wisdom with each other? Would our lives be completely different? I hope you all enjoy the festivities of today, but more importantly, I hope you remember how much more important, celebrating the festivities of tomorrow will be. I hope you find attending mass on All Saints Day to be even sweeter than a bag of candy. God is gathering us all around the family table tomorrow, don't miss out on the big family reunion! See you there! -Susan
As I walked up the steps to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C., I could feel my excitement growing. I was so thrilled to be back again! Thirteen years ago I had walked up these same steps with my parents and husband and had consecrated my heart and life to Jesus, through Mary. At the time, I thought I was making a pilgrimage to this beautiful shrine as a sign of my love for Mary. What I have since realized, is that this act was just the beginningof my pilgrimagewithMary. A pilgrimage that has encountered challenges, pain, and suffering, as well as moments of joy, growth and love. I asked Mary to dwell in my heart; day by day, little lesson by little lesson, she has been teaching me how to draw closer to the heart of Jesus. If you have a chance to visit the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, you will not be disappointed. It is the largest shrine in the United States. There is a beautiful cathedral on the main floor and the basilica has over 80 little chapels as well. You could spend hours visiting the many different chapels filled with artwork dedicated to Mary and her loving influences upon the world throughout history. It would be difficult to leave this shrine without being touched by Mary's heart. I think a visit to the basilica could best be summed up by two little prayers from St. Teresa of Calcutta, "Lend me your heart, dear Mother" and "Keep me in your most pure heart." -Susan
I know it's hard to believe, but sometimes I think we all forget to simply tell God, "Thank you." We are often too focused on the past or worried about the future, and we forget to be happy in the present moment. God is always with us. That thought alone should completely make our day. Today, let's push away our own expectations of how God could make our lives better, and let's just sit and smile knowing that God is beside us and that He is on our side. Thank God for all the ways He has blessed you in your life, and then thank Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon you that you never recognized. God works in big and little ways in our life, and we should be generously shouting and whispering, "Thank you for loving me so much." -Susan
My dog and I were out taking our usual walk through the neighborhood when I noticed it. A large picture of Jesus laughing while He is holding the devil in a choke hold displayed on a neighbor's front porch. I have never seen anything like it. I couldn't help staring, it just drew me in. "I would love to know the story behind that picture," I thought to myself. Day after day, I would only pass by and wonder, until the day I saw a sign that said "Garage Sale." "Hello," I said as my daughter and I walked towards the garage. "Oh, we were just about to close up for the day," a very pleasant woman said. "But you can go ahead and look if you want." Briefly, we looked around before I asked, "I couldn't help but notice the large picture of Jesus on your front porch, could I ask you about it?" Just then a car pulled into the driveway. The woman smiled. "That's my husband pulling up. He's the one who painted it!" I ended up having a wonderful conversation with this couple. The husband told me that while he was out walking his two dogs, he was given this vision and he painted it himself. "Wow, that's amazing!" I said. "What does the picture mean to you?" The gentleman told me that it demonstrated that "Jesus has defeated the devil. We all need to remember that." His wife said, "Some people have told us they don't believe in the devil. And I tell them that's their choice not to believe, but that doesn't change the truth." We continued to talk for a good fifteen minutes about faith, and he revealed that he has been a minister for the past 30 years. I asked if I could take a picture of the painting for my blog and he smiled and said, "Go ahead." He told me that he gets a kick out of watching cars pull up in front of the house and take pictures. As I walked back home, I thought about how amazing God is and how He uniquely inspires each of us. We all need to share our stories and experiences of God. We need to add God to more of our conversations we have with each other. We need to remember that God is always in our midst--even when we are out walking our dogs. -Susan
Today we celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the miracle at Fatima! I would like to encourage everyone to find their own special way to celebrate the message of Fatima, because it is as important today as it was 100 years ago. If you are not familiar with the messages and miracle of Fatima, I would strongly encourage you to read this touching story of three young children devoted to their faith and our Holy Mother Mary. I hope it inspires you to pray the Rosary and consecrate your own heart to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Peace in this world is attainable if we give our hearts to Mary and allow her to lead us to her Holy Son, Jesus. Ave Maria! -Susan
One morning the angel Gabriel came to a small New England town. He had been asked to deliver three very special presents to three individuals. As he entered the large public building, he opened the second door on the right and stepped inside. He smiled at the three individuals gathered around a small conference table. "Good morning!" Gabriel began, "I want to thank you for meeting with me today." Ron was the first to speak, "Actually, we have no idea why we are here. Each of us received instructions stating it was imperative we arrive promptly for a 9:00 am meeting, but we were not told what this meeting was even about." Gabriel smiled and said, "Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Gabriel and I have brought a special present for each of you from God." The three exchanged a look of confusion and frustration. "I'm sure this if a funny joke to someone, but I am a very busy person and I don't have time for such nonsense," declared Ron. "Please," began Gabriel, "This is no joke. God has asked me to deliver these gifts. They are a gift of faith. They come with the instructions 'Trust me and believe. Love, God.'" Gabriel handed a box to each individual, and then vanished before their eyes. The three individuals were speechless as they tried to comprehend Gabriel's sudden disappearance. After a few minutes, Ron broke the silence as he looked at what appeared to be similar presents in front of each of them. "Well, I guess I'll be the first to unwrap this gift of faith." He cautiously unwrapped and then opened the small, flat box. Inside was a very plain, old-looking brown vest. Reluctantly, he put it on. It felt uncomfortable and it definitely was not his style. It seemed so out-dated. He was pretty sure most of his friends would laugh at him if he ever wore it. He shook his head and said, "This must be some kind of a joke. I really don't have time for such nonsense." Annoyed, he quickly took the vest off and set it on the table before leaving the room. Alicia was a little more timid as she began to open her package. She discovered the same brown vest in her present. She smiled at her present from God and then carefully began to wrap it up again. "Aren't you going to try it on?" asked Tony. "No, I don't think so. I want it to look perfect when I show it off to my friends." Alicia brought the vest home and placed it in a special display case. A few times a year she would bring it out and demonstrate it to her friends. She enjoyed the fact that she could impress her friends with it. Her special gift of faith was encased and untouched for the rest of her life. Alone, Tony unwrapped his gift of faith. He, too, received a brown vest. He repeated the instructions from God as he put the vest on. "Trust me and believe. Trust me and believe." Tony really didn't know what to think about his gift. He wrapped his arms across his chest and said, "God, thank you for this gift of faith. I'm not exactly sure what I am supposed to do with it, but I trust you will help me figure it out." Tony walked out of the room wearing the vest. He bought his first bible that day and began reading. As the days turned into weeks and years, Tony cherished his gift of faith. He discovered that it protected him during stormy times, and he stayed warm when others were cold. Surprisingly, he could share his gift of faith and wrap it around others who needed comfort, and yet it always seemed to fit him perfectly. Day after day, Tony thanked God for His special gift, and God and Tony became close friends. In time Tony realized that the special gift God had given him that day had nothing to do with the brown vest. It was Tony's trust in God's ways that allowed Tony's faith to penetrate every aspect of his life. On his last day, God came to Tony's side. He smiled as He looked at Tony's vest. God gave Tony a big hug and said, "Tony the amount of time, love, and trust you "in-vested" in your faith has brought me joy. Come on, I'm taking you home. I can't wait to show you what I have prepared for you!" -Susan
My love for the Rosary began in my late twenties after reading about the lives of different saints. Each of the saints had a deep devotion to Mary and the Rosary. They seemed to radiate with joy, because they were walking through life with Mary. Inside, I could feel my heart burning and changing as I read about their experiences. I wanted to have that same experience. I wanted to walk through life with Mary, too! The Rosary is a chain of beads. One Hail Mary connects us to the next, just as moments in our lives do the same. We meditate on the mysteries of our faith, and in a sense, the mysteries of our lives. We meditate on the painful and joyful moments Jesus and Mary experienced, so that we may begin to understand the pain and joy in our own lives. With each Hail Mary, we pray that we may remain faithful in fulfilling God's Will. We pray that we may have that same great love and trust in God that Mary had in her life. Step by step, bead by bead, Mary shows us how to give our hearts and lives to God. We pray the words "Hail Mary" and Mary responds with the words, "Love my Son," and bead by bead, she guides us. As we hold the Rosary beads in our hands, Mary places the beads that are dangling in her own hands, and then gently pulls us closer and closer to her Son. The Rosary is the path that leads to God's heart. -Susan
I found myself running a little ahead of schedule a few days ago, as I was driving into work from a different direction. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a beautiful statue of Mary. I quickly glanced at the time and then turned my car around. I just had to be with Mary. There she was waiting just for me in front of an empty church. I walked up to the statue and found a vacant bench welcoming my visit. Spending those few unplanned moments with Mary was such a treat. After a day of running around, I enjoyed just peacefully sitting with her. I was so grateful that Mary had caught my attention and called me closer. October is dedicated to Mary. I hope you hear the gentle, loving voice of Mary this month. I hope, minute by minute, your heart expands with joy, peace, and love. Let's be honest, couldn't you use a little more love in your life? Mom is really looking forward to a few heart-to-heart moments with you. Be sure not to miss her call this month, she has so much to share with you. -Susan
Dwelling With The Spirit is a down to earth, spiritual blog about discovering the powerful presence of God on a day to day basis. The blog started by a mother daughter tag team hopes to inspire you to find God's presence in your own life.