Saturday, April 29, 2017

Weekend Call

  Weekends come and go so quickly, and it seems we never get everything done.  Generally the "to do" list comes out Saturday mornings at my house.  But what if instead of doing the weekly chores, we made a list of great things to do for God.  Have you ever stopped to consider that God wants you to do great things for Him?  This weekend be courageous and ask God to give you a special mission.  Allow yourself time to pray and be inspired with God's thoughts.  We may not feel like we have great ideas, but God has millions of them and He's looking for us to embrace and share them with each other.  As God inspires each of us, we in turn inspire each other.  The power of the Holy Spirit is amazing when we call upon Him!  Honestly go ahead, He would love you to give Him a call!


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Making Time for Mary

  Today my thoughts are turned to Mary, our spiritual mother.  Like most moms, she allows herself to be in the background of her children's life.  She is always there protecting, nurturing, and guiding her children.  Her children just expect her to be there.  They often take for granted her love, her example, and her faith.  I worry when people are content to let Mary just be in the background of their lives.  Sometimes backgrounds can fade.  Don't let your love for Mary fade into the background of your life.  Instead, take her hand in yours and ask her to walk beside you each moment of your life.  Make time to talk with her-she gives amazing advice.  And. if you close your eyes and watch her pray, it is the most beautiful sight you will ever see.  Don't let to day go by without telling her how much you love her.  Nothing sounds sweeter to a mother than the words, "I love you, Mom!"


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

As Real As Possible

  Yesterday I received an email from my church asking if I would be willing to portray Mary to the people who are going through RCIA this year.  For some, it may be there first exposure to Mary.  They would like me to make Mary as real as possible.  I thought this would make a good meditation for all of us.  How real is Mary to you?  Does she laugh?  Does she cry?  How did her faith carry her through the many challenges of her life: an unexpected pregnancy which could have costed her marriage or divorce, experiencing labor for the first time without anyone to help her, traveling to a foreign land in order to protect the life of her son, not knowing whether her twelve year old son was safe or hurting while they were separated for three days,  the pain of being a widow, hearing the rumors that Jesus' life may be in danger while he was preaching, and then the utter agony of watching her son tortured, beaten and crucified for our sake.
  In the past I have asked you to sit with Mary and ask her about her son.  Today, I'm going to switch it up.  I would like you to sit with Jesus this weekend and ask Him to tell you about His Mom.  What does He love most about Mary and how could we learn from her example of discipleship?  I can see Jesus smiling already.....can you?  Enjoy your time together!


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Open the Floodgates

  I hope everyone enjoyed Divine Mercy Sunday and spent some extra time meditating on the mercy of God.  I keep thinking about the quote I shared on Sunday from St. Faustina's Diary, "On that day are opened all the divine floodgates through which graces flow."  I truly love that imagery.  The phrase 'open the floodgates' generally describes a situation which may have been previously difficult, but now has become easily attainable by many.  We are so fortunate to be living in an age where God wants to be so generous with us.
  I also thought about how floodgates are often opened after a storm, so the surrounding area doesn't experience erosion which could result from another upcoming storm.  Opening the floodgates helps prevent perceived danger.  We all experience different storms in our lives.   Sometimes a storm can take us completely by surprise and we may be unprepared.  Let us put our trust in God, so that no future storms will erode our faith.  Be sure to draw close to God and bathe in His mercy while the floodgates are open, and allow His love to strengthen and heal you.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Divine Mercy Sunday

   How beautiful it is to continue celebrating the Easter season with the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday.  Jesus told St. Faustina that the blood and water that flowed forth when His Sacred Heart are represented by a pale and red ray. "These two rays issued forth from the depths of My tender mercy when my agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross."  Jesus encourages us to "dwell in the shelter" of these two rays. I would like to suggest that everyone  have a Divine Mercy Image of Jesus in their homes so that we all may receive the abundant graces Jesus desires to grant us.
  I get excited whenever I think of the feast of Divine Mercy.  After Jesus conquers sin and death so that we may enjoy Eternal Life with Him, He continues to demonstrate His great love for each of us by showering us with His Mercy.  Listen to these beautiful words Jesus uses when talking with St. Faustina about The Feast of Divine Mercy:
   I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who
   approach the fount of My mercy.

   On that day are opened all the divine floodgates through
   which graces flow.

  My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or angel, 
  will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.

   Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the 
   Fount of My Mercy.

  I would like to encourage everyone to bask in God's amazing love.  Let His Divine Mercy fill your very being and then share this with the rest of the world.  Have a blessed day everyone!


(quotes were from the "Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul" by St. Faustina.)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Flying High

  A few weeks past we were at our family rosary party.  My niece told us that every time her one year old son saw a crucifix, he would fly it around the room like an airplane.  My daughter laughed and said, "I wouldn't worry about it, maybe he's just saying 'Jesus is my pilot!"
  I wonder if all of us could say the same?  Do we let Jesus be the one to decide the direction we should be going in life?  Or do we put Jesus more in the role of a flight attendant-someone we talk to when we need help or assistance?  I wonder why it is so difficult for us to trust what God has planned for us?  Or why we second guess His whole idea about loving one another?  If we all want to get to heaven wouldn't it make sense to follow the one person who has been to heaven and back?
  I think that one year old little boy was the smartest one in the room.  He didn't think twice about who should be steering the plane, he was just happy to be enjoying life. Perhaps that is why Jesus said,  â€œTruly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." 


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Absolutely Amazing!

  Harper stood at the start line with all the other kids.  She listened carefully as they explained the rules.  Each child could find three eggs, and inside each egg contained something special.  Harper looked at the other kids and got a little worried.  They looked bigger.  They were probably faster than her, too.  She wondered if there were even enough eggs for everyone to get three.
  "Okay is everybody ready?"  asked the lady in charge.  "On your mark, get set, go!"
  Suddenly Harper felt kids pushing past her.  Within minutes she could hear the other kids shout, "I got one!  I found another one!"
  Harper watched as everyone ran ahead of her.  She wondered if she should just start running, too, when all of a sudden she looked down and saw the most beautiful golden egg she had ever seen.  As she bent down to pick it up, she wondered how all the kids could have just ran past it and not even notice it?  Just holding the egg felt special to Harper.  Carefully, she opened the egg.  Inside were two tiny pieces of wood and a small note that read:  "My dear child, hold the piece of wood in your right hand that says 'LOVE'.  Take the other piece that says 'FORGIVENESS' and lay it across it to form a cross."
  When Harper did this the letters disappeared and then formed a new word: MERCY.  Harper smiled.  The mercy of God was incredible.  It was the most beautiful gift she had ever received!  She just stood there allowing the mercy of God to touch her.  She wasn't even sure how much time had passed when she suddenly realized all the other kids were back and talking about their eggs.  
  "I found three eggs filled with dollar bills!"
  "My eggs had pretty jewelry!"
  "My eggs were filled with my favorite candy!"
  Harper was excited, too, and said, "I only found one egg, but look what was inside-God's mercy!"
  "Let me see," said one boy.  "Oh, that just a cross."
  "No, look closer," said Harper.  "When God's love and forgiveness intersect, we find His Mercy.  Isn't it absolutely amazing!"
  Another boy looked and said, "I don't get it. What's so amazing about it?"
  Harper looked at the boy and said, "Come here.  I want you to feel how amazing God's mercy is."
  The boy shook his head, "No thanks.  I have to show my dad my money.  See ya."
  Harper couldn't believe that anyone would walk away from God's mercy.  It's so beautiful.  I wonder why they don't see it?  Harper was lost in thought when her mom walked up to her.
  "Hey, Harper did you enjoy the egg hunt?"
  "Oh, Mom, wait until I show you the treasure I found.  You're are going to love it!"


Sunday, April 16, 2017

He Is Risen!

  What a glorious day!  Have you heard?  Jesus has risen!  Tell everyone you know that your Lord and Savior has conquered death!  May the peace of Christ fill your heart today.  May Christ's peace fill our homes, our schools, our communities, our country, and our world!  Go ahead, get wrapped up in God's love!  Today is Easter and we are all so blessed to have our lives filled with the love of Christ!  Yes, God is amazing and we are truly blessed to be His children!

Happy Easter!
Susan & Theresa

Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday

 Today thoughts of 3 keep circling my mind. 
              Peter denied Jesus 3 times.  
                  Jesus fell three times while carrying His cross, 
           and three nails were pounded into Him 
                            to keep Him on the cross.  
   Three men, on three crosses were crucified that day. 
            And for three long hours Jesus suffered on the cross.  
                    Mystics say Jesus died at the age of 33. 
                             Jesus laid in His tomb for three days.
                                   Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
                        Draw me closer to all three of you today.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Are You Coming For Supper?

         Today is Holy Thursday and I hope to see all of you gathered around the Eucharistic table.  Today we celebrate the new and everlasting covenant.  I am amazed every time I think about this holy night.  God, our Father, wants to be intimately united with each of us, so that will be intimately united with Him.  Is there anything more beautiful than the Holy Eucharist?  Has anyone ever said, "I love you with all my heart" better than this?
  We are going to celebrate at Supper tonight.  Our Father has so much to share with us.  He needs to personally talk with each of us.  There is so much we don't understand.  Please don't ignore this dinner invitation, Dad really wants you to be there.  It's more important than you could ever imagine.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Venture A Little Further

  Don't think of this as just another "Holy Week".  True we have been on this journey before, but this year we should try to venture a little further into this mystery of God's all embracing love.  Don't just skim the surface, fill your lungs with the breath of God and dive into the deep waters.  Let each wave of prayer this week awaken your deep longing to be united with Jesus. Don't be afraid to just jump right in, salvation awaits you.


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Make This Week Holy


  As we begin Holy Week tomorrow,  I would like to suggest that we get wrapped up in God's boundless love.  Bring home the palms this Sunday and place them somewhere prominent in your house, so that your heart may shout Hosanna! today and every day.  Immerse yourself in the gospels and the beautiful liturgical celebrations this week.  Put aside the normal routines this week, and make this truly a holy week of prayer and reflection.  When the world asks you, "You are one of this man's disciples?"  Let your words and actions speak loudly, "Yes!  Jesus is my Lord and Savior!"  Be courageous, be true, do not deny you know and love Him.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Could You Use a Little More Faith?

  I was shopping the other day when I noticed something interesting.  There was a display rack of gift cards to purchase with matching envelopes, but what caught my eye was the gift card that had "Faith" written across it.  This got me thinking......  What if you could just hand a friend or a family member this card when they were going through a difficult time?  What would you even say?  "Hey I know things are really hard right know, but hang in there, I think you could use a little more faith."
  Faith is a gift--it is a gift from God.  It can't be purchased at the corner store or the corner church.  It is a gift planted in our hearts which definitely needs to be unwrapped, layer by beautiful layer.  Faith is transforming, but it's not magical.  Faith requires trust and dependence on God in order to grow.  At different times in our life, it can be strengthened, nourished, and tested---and sometimes this can surprisingly occur all at the same time.  I think to me, faith is an active deep, mysterious yearning inside me that craves to understand and love God and the life He has given me.  I want my faith to grow, and yet I wonder if I am the one who stands in the way of this growth.  I sometimes try to rely on my own intellect and ability to reason and love, instead of trusting and relying on God. Faith often requires us to just let go of what we think is possible, and allow God to reveal to us what He sees as possible.
  I definitely want to have more faith, that is why I pray over an over one of the most simplest and powerful of  prayers:
Jesus, I trust in you.  Jesus, I trust in you.  Jesus, I trust in you.


Monday, April 3, 2017

Signs of New Life

  As I looked around my yard this weekend I could see signs of new life coming from the garden.  Seeing these new budding plants made me smile, but as I got closer, I noticed some left over leaves from Fall were laying heavily on the new plants.  I decided to grab my rake and gently pull the leaves out of the garden, so these new plants would a chance to bathe in the sun and grow stronger.  This got me thinking.....
  Have you taken a close look at your heart since Lent has begun?  Have you seen any signs of new life growing within?  Lent has been calling us to change--to grow closer to Christ--to bathe in His Light.  Are there any new areas of growth in your faith life?  Now would be a good time to take a close look and notice if there are any old bad habits still hanging around and blocking this new growth from growing in the Son's Light.  Sometimes it's difficult to stop these bad habits from blowing back into your life and preventing further progress.  Gently remove these obstacles so as not to damage the new growth.  Let the roots of your faith grow deeper in prayer and generosity.  In these last days of Lent it would be a good idea to enrich our hearts with humility, patience, and a desire for holiness.  I wonder if when God was walking around this weekend He noticed our new signs of life, and it made Him smile? 
