Tessa took one last look at her closet. "Was there anything else she would need?" she thought to herself. For the past two months she had carefully planned exactly what outfits to pack. She had chosen outfits that were wrinkle free, could easily be dressed up or dressed down, and everything mixed and matched well. She could hardly believe her trip was finally here! It was a dream come true when she had heard her name declared as the winner of the month long trip to Paradise.
She closed her suitcase and announced to herself "I'm ready!" She carried the suitcase down the stairs and set it next to her equally prepared carry on bag. Within minutes the doorbell rang and Tessa's airport limo driver greeted her with a smile and grabbed her bags. The airport was a good forty-five minute ride which gave her more than enough time to say some last minute good-byes. It was difficult to contain her excitement as she spoke. She seemed to repeat herself with each conversation, "No, I still don't know where in Paradise I'm going....Yes I will call and let you know...of course I will take lots of pictures...don't worry I will post everything on Facebook.." Tessa said her last good-bye as they pulled into the airport.
Tessa was not familiar with this airport. She had never flown in a private jet. As the car pulled into a parking space she placed her hand on her stomach hoping to keep the butterflies down. Tessa stepped out of the car, looked around, and wondered if there were others traveling with her. She only saw one other man at the gate. She stood next to the car waiting for the driver to retrieve her bags. Oddly, he remained in the car. Awkwardly she waited wondering if she should say something. "Oh, he's probably waiting for me to tip him. Of course, what was I thinking?"
As Tessa looked for some singles in her wallet she did not notice the gentleman at the gate approach her. "Hello, you must be Tessa. We have been waiting for you. Are you ready for your trip to Paradise?"
"I am! Let me just tip the driver, grab my bags and I'm all yours."
"Oh, there's no need for that. There is no need for any luggage. We fly very lightly," the man said with a polite smile.
"Excuse me, I'm confused. Did you just say not to take my bags. Your kidding, right?" Tessa's stomach twisted in a knot. "Oh my gosh, is this some kind of a scam? I knew it was too good to be true." Nervously she reached into her purse for her cell phone.
"Tessa, I assure you this is no scam. You were promised a trip to Paradise, correct?"
"That is were I intend to take you. The Lord has been looking forward to your visit. He will take care of all your needs. The only thing required is your complete trust. Do you trust the Lord?"
Tessa felt her head spin as she tried to comprehend this man's words. "I'm going to The Paradise as in Heaven?"
"Yes, of course Paradise is in Heaven. Where did you think you were going?"
"I thought somewhere tropical or exotic...never did I think Heaven!" Tessa exclaimed trying not to sound frantic, but clearly failing at this attempt. Tessa turned to grab the handle of the car door when she heard another voice.
"Tessa, it is your choice to leave, but I was hoping you would come with me." Before Tessa even turned toward the voice, she knew who was speaking to her.
"Jesus!" was all she could say before she rushed into His arms. "I love you."
"I know. That is why I want to spend some time with you. I want to share something with you. Do you trust me enough to leave everything behind and follow me?"
Tessa nodded her head up and down and said "Yes, I trust you."
Jesus smiled and then gently held Tessa's hand in His and replied, "Good, then let's begin our adventure." Together they walked past a pile of luggage and then turned the corner.
