Sunday, February 16, 2025

Choose The Word


The other day, I had a song stuck in my head.  It certainly wasn't one of my favorite songs.  It was just one of those songs I had heard repeatedly on the radio.  I have no idea why this song came to mind. I couldn't get it out of my thoughts.  It was so annoying. But I can say the exact opposite has occurred as well.  In moments of pain, loss, fear, or frustration, words of scripture or songs from Mass have come to mind, bringing me comfort and hope.  The words we choose to listen to matter. 

 These days, it is more common to memorize memes or TikToks than it is to memorize scripture.  But I've found that memorizing scripture has helped me hear God's voice amidst all the noise. It's not about memorization but about internalizing the words and letting them guide your thoughts and actions. The more familiar I become with scripture, the easier it is for me to hear God.  Like an old friend, God can place an image, a verse, or a story in my mind when I am searching for answers or consolations.  These moments of truth speak volumes.  In just a few minutes, my dear friend reminds me of His unfailing love; sometimes, His thoughts help me grow beyond my pain.

 God has been speaking to us for thousands of years.  Open His Book, open your ears, and let Him breathe Life into your thoughts.  Both your mind and your soul will thank you for it!





Sunday, February 9, 2025

Rest With Me


    I was home most of the day with my cute little dog. He generally likes to follow me around, so I made a point of just sitting next to him. I brought my laptop and reading materials next to his favorite spot by the window.  Unfortunately, he kept running to the treat cupboard in the kitchen, begging for another treat. Exasperated, I looked at him and said, "Honey, I can't just give you treats all day.  Isn't it enough just to be with me?" Suddenly, I was struck with a thought.  I wondered if God has ever felt that way with me?

  I spend plenty of time praying, and I know there is nothing wrong with asking God to bless and strengthen me.  I am confident He wants me to pray for those He has put in my life.  But is it possible that some days my prayer life is too busy? Do I spend enough time just being near Him?

  This week, I'm going to rest my thoughts. I will match the sound of my breathing to His. I will close my eyes to this world so that I may see Him looking at me. I will hold His hand and whisper, "Lord, You know what is in my heart. Let me rest with You while You show me what's in Your heart."

  What a treat this time will be for me.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

Are You Coming?


  Danny was sitting on his couch in front of the TV when his phone rang.  "Danny, what are you doing?" asked Pete.

 "Nothing much,"' Danny replied.

 "Hey, I'm watching these races at the stadium. You have to come to check it out."

 Danny looked at his watch as if he had somewhere to be, but he knew he had no plans. "Hmmm, I guess I could meet you there."

 "Great!" Pete replied. "Text me when you get here.  I"'ll meet you at the front gate."  Thirty minutes later, Pete ushered his old friend inside the stadium.  "I've got great seats."

 Danny looked down on the track.  Danny saw the runners lining up, but it made no sense. No one looked athletic.  "What kind of a race is this? Is that toddler seriously going to race against those adults?  How old is that woman on the end?"

 "Just watch, trust me, you will love this," Pete answered.  Without any fanfare, the people began moving forward.

 Danny was perplexed.  "Pete, what are they doing.  I only see one person moving fast.  That teenager was in the lead, and now he's just standing there.  I think he even took a few steps backward. That bald guy is moving sideways, and that other woman barely moves. How is this a race?"

 Pete started laughing.  "Isn't this great?  I come here every week just to cheer people on."

 Danny noticed the fast guy was close to lapping everyone.  "So how many times do they go around?  Obviously, that guy is going to win."

 "Oh, I think they are all going to win.  It's not about crossing the finish line first. It's just about finishing the race."  Pete looked down at the racers and screamed, "Come on, keep going. You can do this!"

 "What are they even trying to do?" Danny asked.

 Pete smiled at his good friend.  "Danny, they are each trying to obtain holiness.  Their paths all look different, and sometimes obstacles come out of nowhere.  It's amazing to see how they handle them.  It's really inspiring.  In fact, that's why I invited you down here today.  I'm tired of being a spectator.  I want to enter the race. I want us to enter the race.  I think we could do it!"

 "What? I don't know how to be holy."

 "We could learn together.  There are a lot of good coaches and trainers down there.  You study the playbook, and then you run your own race. We could figure this out together.  What do you say?"  Pete stood up and started walking toward the field.  "Are you coming?"

 Danny's head was spinning.  "You really think I could become holy?'

 Pete modded. "I do."

 Danny had never thought much about becoming holy before, but now that Pete suggested it, he wondered if it was possible.  "People are going to help me?"

 "Yep.  But not just people.  The Holy Spirit is the main coach.  Once you say "Yes," The Holy Spirit knows how to inspire you.  You just have to train yourself to hear His voice and rely on His knowledge."

 "What if I fail?" Danny asked.

 "What if you don't?" Pete replied.  "We've got everything to gain.  Are you coming?"

 Danny took one uneasy step forward and said, "Ya, I'm coming!"




Sunday, January 26, 2025

Is The Static Getting To You?


  My daughter came in from outside, plopped down on the couch, saying. "Mom, there is something wrong with the radio in my car.  It's all static.  I don't know what to do.  I really don't need to deal with another problem right now."  

 My advice was not very helpful:  "You'll have to have someone look at it and determine whether it can be fixed or if you need to have it replaced."

 "Do you know how annoying it is to just hear static?"

 My daughter's question lingered with me for a while.  Sometimes, the world's noise can get to us, especially when praying.  How do we tune into God amidst all the distractions around us? Just like turning a radio to a specific frequency, tuning into God means focusing our thoughts and prayers on Him, blocking out the 'static' of the world. Some days, this can be a real struggle. If the station you're tuned into has static, don't be afraid to try a new channel.  You don't always have to listen to the 'Oldies' station. Discover a saint you are unfamiliar with and see what prayer they like singing.  Tune into a meditation. Psalm, or Christian artist.

 Sometimes, finding a quiet spot to be with God can be helpful.  Rest your head on His shoulder and say nothing at all.  Let His love permeate and rejuvenate you.  Don't let your relationship with God go static; allow it to be dynamic. Spending Eternity with God isn't just for the future.  Eternity can begin right here, right now.  We just need to tune into God.



Sunday, January 19, 2025

Getting To The Heart Of The Story



  Helen entered the kitchen as a loud discussion ended between her daughter and fourteen-year-old granddaughter. Her daughter, red in the face, exclaimed, "As long as you live in my house, you are going." She quickly brushed past Helen.  Fourteen-year-old Brooke defiantly sulked in her chair.  She barely noticed Helen sitting down at the table.

 "Brooke, could you pass the sugar my way?"  Without speaking or even looking, Brooke slid the sugar to her grandma.  Helen took a spoonful of sugar and stirred it in her coffee.  She looked at her granddaughter and then said, "You know, there was a time I didn't want to go to church either,"

 "Did your mom make you go, too?"

 "Yes, she did. I even told her I wouldn't go once I moved out."

 Surprised, Brooke turned toward her grandma and said, "What did she say to that?"

 "Nothing, but I saw her eyes fill up with tears.  I knew I had hurt her.  I felt bad. Then, about a week later, she told me this story.  She said her mother gave her a beautiful glass heart when she was young. Her mother said it was priceless because she had poured all her love into it. A few months later, my grandma died.  At first, my mother just placed the heart on a shelf, and from time to time, she looked at it and thought of her mother.

 Then, one day, my mother became very sick, and the doctors thought she would die.  She felt so lost that she picked up the heart from the shelf and placed it in her pocket.  It wasn't until she carried that heart with her every day that she began to feel the waves of love throughout her whole being.  That love strengthened her, guided her, and comforted her.  She began viewing her circumstances differently.  She viewed others differently.  She carried that heart with her all her days."

 "Did she die?" Brooke asked.

 "No.  To everyone's surprise, my mother got better. She always claimed that love healed her."

 "Her mother's love healed her?" Brooke asked.

 "No.  My mother said her whole life changed one day at Mass. After receiving Holy Communion, she realized that if she could feel her mother's love from this crystal heart in her pocket, how much more love could there be in the host she had just consumed. She told me before that day she had faith, but it was just something nice to look at occasionally.  It wasn't until she opened her heart to Jesus in the Eucharist that she started living her faith.  As I said, her whole life changed.  Love healed her."

 "Wow, that's quite a story, Grandma," Brooke said.

 "Yes.  After my mother told me this story, she slid that crystal heart over to me.  I had tears in my eyes this time as I placed it in my pocket. The next time I went to Mass, I asked Jesus to let me feel his love, too.  My whole life changed."  Helen reached into her pocket and slid the heart over to Brooke. "Brooke, Love can heal you, too. I would love it if this was your story, too."

 With tears in her eyes, Brooke placed the heart in her pocket.  She kissed her grandma on the forehead and said. "I'm going to go get ready for church, Grandma.  Tell Mom to wait for me."



Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Song of Inspiration!


 Recently, my daughter shared a cute story with me. She told me that my 3-year-old granddaughter had made up a song about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. "For about five minutes, she was just walking around singing this song she had made up. It was amazing!" I can't even begin to describe how happy this made me. My heart was filled with joy. At three years old, my granddaughter is already responding to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit!

  Moments like this reinforce the incredible graces we receive at our Baptism.  We should never underestimate the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit.  Although most of us celebrate the day of our birth, I wonder if we shouldn't also celebrate the day of our Baptism. We should all celebrate becoming children of God!  We should continue to remind ourselves how blessed we are and the extraordinary generosity of our loving Father. Is once a year often enough? Let's start today by raising a glass and shouting from the rooftops, "The Holy Spirit dwells in me! Alleluia!" And then allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you to sing of His greatness, filling your heart with joy and faith!


Sunday, January 5, 2025

A Sweet Epiphany


  I have a brown chest next to baby Jesus in his manger at Christmas.  Inside the chest is a bottle of frankincense, a bottle of myrrh, and a smaller chest with gold coins. Scripture tells us these gifts were brought by the Magi to baby Jesus. My grandkids love to open these chests and view the gifts.  My granddaughter likes to tell me that frankincense doesn't smell good.  The box of gold coins, however, fascinates them.  I have seen them run around the house with them several times, passing out the coins to each other.

 The day after Christmas, I found some gold coins left behind on a bookshelf.  I picked them up to put them back in the small chest.  When I opened the chest, I started to laugh.  Mixed in with the gold coins were M&Ms.  Apparently, my grandchildren had found my hidden stash!

 Traditionally, M&M's were not among the gifts given to baby Jesus (probably because they did not exist yet). But I wondered if this might be a new tradition for my family. The M&Ms could represent how sweet Jesus makes our lives. Jesus, our anointed, high priest King, is my sweet Savior! I felt blessed and overjoyed to have my grandchildren unveil this Epiphany to me!
